I±VIIY ply is built with Supertwist, running from bead to bead--the surest BLOWOUT PROTECTION yomi can find. And there't% neai saving in Goodyear prices. Thev're tl Iow. They may go hidher. See us NOW. MORE PEOF*LEiDEON OODYEA TIRES THIAN ON., AMY. OTH E*R KIND WILMETTE BATTERY & LCR.IC SERVIC 740 Twvelfth ýSt. Sh*wme Serve.Gamge sis 4dm St, WiI. 1M Phone Wil mette: Lyman Service Station 41S Ridge Ave, .WiL 5426 803 Mmin St.,. WiL 5347 PGA T MF 1NIEAR'. ý"lb. Ouolity Tii.WI, teRm Of Ail,#,#wlth S 193 I.Prveau,,19 $6000$7.00' 4.50-21'i30x3!4z $6.30 $5.151eý& i fm md I I E FUEL FOR- YOUR FIREP LACE *On snappy Autumn evenings you can take the chili. out'of the air with a cheerful, crackling blaze in your 'fireplace. - Telephone us when you want the beet in fireplace fuel- Seasoned White Bircb and Maple Logs eut to fit, high grade' Gannel Cotiland sawed sl*ibs for kindling. Ask for prices in any quantity you ýmay require. GUARANTEED COAL FUEL OIL SOLVAY COKEJ @sumers @npaIw WILMETTE 1300 IWINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE 75 D.E-L IV ERY Y ARKDS A.IL OE R, TH E. N R SHMRýE DIST RAIC T TKEU#E289 Evansion Bvaumd Uiv.uity 77» 2738 W. Railr.ad Av. The time to paint that porch is now, before decay sets ini and while the. weather is sultable. 1 à t y kuw I 1 A..