Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 3

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£au1uiig servies in the vv imette 1 18L. ~lIUdf ~rp!iig )Iomnan's club building for the past "otice was given that certain warrants! tWo years, will occupy the partially were call.ed for paymént, holders thereof conipleted new church edifice at seein to be so flush that they have flot Ninith street and Greenleaf avenuei presented them for redeniption. The Sunday miorning, Séptemnber 17. warrants 'in question are ntimhers 137 - At a meeting of the officiai. boards to 21,2 of' the 1930 issue, constituting, of the church a few.months agowith i tbe last, of that 'issue, and warrants up. the Rev. James T. V7enekasen-, min- .,to E-6837 and to, B-6156 of the .1931, ister, it was decided -to> launch a issue. After legal notice for redeniptioin vîgorous effort to put the church ýedi- i s given such warrants cease' to earn fice in condition for occupanicy.- t additional, interest.* was. decided also to. proceed on ,a This week' the 'New Trier High1 strictlv cash basis.. Ibisprogràm wals' scihool bIoarld of education is hroàdcast- .promptly ratified by the congregation, ing a letter, trying to find the :ownersofý and the business ofugot a large. the warrants and to entice them to col- assembly hall, for diversified' church lect -their money. This dilemma, occurs, use vas as promùptly' put in: motion. because the teachers to w %hom warrants Men and boys in, the congregation aegvni amn o aaisfe have - worked-during the week and on quentl ar usven thaent in orking prchs es Saturdays through the summer as-frm echnsoinpygtern. sisin inth tsk f ettngth The secondary holders fail, to file their structure ready for 'use this faîl. Tite wornn ad grlsalsohav ben bsy ddresses eitber with the treasurer or contributing their share ote 1oi the school office ýor are negligent in mon task. answering the. call tô 'come and get Dèp7ression Stops Work WVork on the building, started H-olders of the warrants, should pre- about tv ears ago following de- sent them to F. A. Anidrew, township, strtiction of the formner edifice byj sch(ool treasurer, Rooni 203, Wilmette fire. was stopped after the structure q tate Banik building,. Wilmette. wvas Lunder -roof because of the pre- carions financial situation. Twùo New Teachers A novel pr-ocedure in ccQjnniction with thie "spot cash" idea of carrying oin School Staff thronigh the building program has -Miss .Ruth Bodenhani will teach the beeîi thé pledge of each niember 'of fifth grade at the Central schiool this the church and congregation to de- year, repiacing Miss Marie Fox, who fray the-xcost of a chair for. every was married during the summer, it nienîber of the family' The response was announced, at the 'school office to this appeal was inimediate. The this week. chairs; have been orderéd and thiere Miss Bodenham conipleted. the, is cash on hand to discount the bill. work for her master's degree at the Plan lmp>osing Structure .1 University of Chicago last year. -She \\'<licn completed the First Pres- formerly was a critic teacher in thea byterian churchi will be one of the eîementary school of the Iowa State nlost ilflposing structures of its kind 'reachers' college at Waterloo. She in the Chicago area. sp.ecialized in the study of geography R D nceClsse .under Edith Parker, the author of thed Re-open ac.Ca es* « geography texçtbook now being- used t SpOnsored, by t he: P. T. A. in the Wilmette ýschool 'systeni. MissAlic Stde anouces hat Announcement:was made this week shie will reopen the dancing classes also that Mrs., Geene Gibson basM sponsoreçi by the Loganý-Howard becn engaged to take over some ýof f Parent-Teach'er association TuesdIy,, the departmental work in the fifthd September 19. and sixth grades at the H-oward Tite classes will be held in the gym- scýhool and . to .help LowelI F. Ïodd, Gieorge F.Nixon, a member of the Coýok .ollHiitv3 board of appeals 011 ta.atioit, wiIIaddress a met- ing of north shore .Ihome ouners ai th e B.yron. Stolp scliool auditoriulp lu .WII ette Monde y eveng, Sép- feinber 18, at 8 o'clock on the su>b- ject, "The Inside Story of 100,000- 7i.'.Com iplainits." The meeting is spoilsored b3' the Wilmnette Home Owncýeiirs associa.tion and ij characý-ý ti'ri.zed as the openiny gun ini:the fighî' est ate bo obtain reduetion of real taxes, M. hie north ,shore Four. hundred and twenty-five pupils are enrolled at the joseph Sears school in 1(enilworth, a checkup madle Tues- Iay of this week showed. The school opened for the 1933-1934'term on Mon- rlay. This year's enrolîment is prac- tically the same as that Of last year. At the end of Septemnber, last' year 440 pupils, were enrolled. A few Kenil- wiorth famulies have nôt yet returned' rom their vacations, and several chul- dren will be entering scbool late. [nation of George R. Harbaugh, 1219 FoPrest avenue, Wilniette, as township assessor. SThis action. was taken at, a special meeting of the board held at the town- ship offices at the Winnetka Village hall MXoiiday ev ening on recommenda- tion of the New Tri.er.Citizens',league,, m ade at the reqluest of the board. Ta Announce Plana S-oSon M .Harbaugh was elected to the office of township assessor last, spriflg. for a term of four years. Mr. Marshall was appointed to fI h nepi.ed term, and will make announeMent later - as to office beadquariters. and other plans., Mr. Marshiall has had wide ex- perience in real estateappraising, valua- tion an d management, as weIl as in en- gineer ing c onstruction in both municipal and. railway fields. The, factor moÔtiv- ting the Citizens' league in re commend- ing bis appointment. was his long and impressive record, wbicb is briefed as follows: W-eli Known Engineer Graduated as engineer, 1907. Member Western Society of Engineers. Eligible but not a member of the American In- stitute of Appraisers of the National Real Estate board. Engaged in construction engineering work, both municipal and railway, 1907- 1911. Appraisal of real estate, 1911- Lr, 19.16. mîs--sioner, on board of appraisals and act ual cost, investment 'and manage- ment of properties for tax and other purposes, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railway systeni, 1918-1932. Chairman, rail1way presidents' land valuation committee and member of executive committee, 1922-1932. At present Mr. Harbaugh is engaged in> federal and local ta.x practice and valuations ini association with M. _D. few work shirts, and shirts with col- Trhe Rev. lars attached. Shoes are always in pso - demand and the call for trousers iS church of M constant.. We shall be SQ bappy if night for nor any of these articles are sent in. one. of the pi -Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, chairman. retreat meetir Note: Econoiny 8110P iW ondueted by thé Womnan's Club of WIlmette. . presbytery., E mette, today, (1 Cal! Wilmette 4300 cipai speak '>s at' a of tbe Winnebago lwill return téo Wil- :risday). :hat a at a in 1933 tax anticipation warrants. It tobe retained. for use. in, cases of ernergency. to the Illinois

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