Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 5

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"T'le Lanîd of the 1-oieyniiooni," a Frederick B. Ingrani production wvitli Robert A. Buirns as, director, is de- scribed as a charming musical coin-. edv with fascinating inusic ani clever chortus numibers. It is a storv of a voun ig mîan who inherits a factorv f ohis uncle and the conditions under which lie mnust live for tlîirty (lays, ýthe appearance oif a great Chin- esc lmind-reader at his. partyi and fin- alIy hotN he takes a partyv to Budd& iingtonî, Pa., and'the events ýthat hall- pen there. l'xceptionallv :fille talent in XViI- mette bas been choseuî for the cast. it is stated, and the. chortis nunîbers are- made up of, one hundred gi rls and boys who will-be attired in the latest musical comedy ,f ashIliont. . N I is s E.-ther Morgan. will be. featured iin Onie of the dance ensembles.: The comedv roles- are taken bv A. 1 ', Long., %1rs. Evangielee Morgan. Don Reynolds and M.Iarion Baldwin. 1 ilie lea(ling juvenile parts have been assigned to Mildreci Mullen anld Clarke Mair, and other roles to Iris G;arrett, Juilia Wild, janet.Lange, and -\Art Katzel. The comPlete cast will lie announnced lter.' .nespecially interesting.. eature %wilI be inîipersoniations of proninent iliove stars. Tickets for the perfo)rmiiances- are: 011 sale* at the Snider - Cazel Drug conipany, Winberg drug store, and the Ridge avenue pharmacy. Mem- bers 0'f lobs Dauighters,. Bethel. 44, \vill take part in the cast and chorus. CUB PACK MEETS Cab )Pâck No. 63, which.. meets in the First Congregational church, \Vil- mette and Lake avenuies. will reslitne lts Satuirday mnorning n.eetings this week at 9:30. Boys 9,. 10,. and 11 vears, of age are eligible for thispre- Scout organization. A,,,liiinited niium-l lier (if necw boys will be adinitted thîs faîl. S early applicat1ins areý ad- visable. The Cubmnaster is Hoiwardý A. Hinidley of Northwestern uniii- Bill Grant of 1421 Forest avenue' leaves Saturday for Ripon college, Ripon, Wis.. where, lhe will Study en- MVildred Jiullen, ilao -luis beeil assýicd ne. iof 'thi leadinq jven i' parte in "The Land of the If onevkmioon n u st.ri:lconiedv to hi' reseted riday anjd ard, Septe#itbi,22 a;ld 23. at the .MIa- snetemiple ii Wi inette. 1(11lertheý aupcsOf Jofi's lýi)aughtears. Reft- e! 44. C. of C. Plans to Back Bowling League Here The Xilmette Chamber of Corn- nercle is contemplating the organiz- ing of a bowling' league among the business men of the village. At the -egular meeting of the Chamber Mon- day noon President A. S. VanDeusen, Jr., asked the members inteiested ini teformation of such a league to dis- eus$ the plan with C. E. Cifton, Jr., secretary of the Chamiber. Details- %vil] be annotznced later. TO RESIDE :IN WASHINGTON Stuart Fitzhugbi, son, of M\rs. Perry Fýitzliuigl of 212 Sixteenilti street, XViI- mette, left Monday for NWVshington, D. C., -to miake his home with, bis, great aunt,Mr. William \Vanna- maker, who will. eduËate hil. Stu- art lias ýbeen. attending Ne\wýTrier for the past twoo yea rs. Mýr. and Mi\rs. Robert Olnmsted of Omiaha, left 'Monday after a three MARRIED SEPTEMBER 2 Lucille Beringer Slocum, daughiter of Mir. and Mrs. Charles Beringer, 225 Catalpa place,. vas married Sat- urday, September 2, to Paul Samipson of Rogers Park. The bride and bride- groom have returned' fromn their. honeymoon to..Stoney Lake-, Mich., adwill mnake.their home in Rogers Park. jaânet Ruth McNulty, 7M Ashland avenue, left Wedniesday for New Loni- don, Conn.,, where she will. begin ber f reshmian studies at Connecticut' col- lege.-Her.sister,.Mary Elizabeth, leaves Sunday to1 begin lier senior. year at the same:college. BERIENICE jUVIOLE Teacher and Pianist Studio: 114 Third St. Phione Wi1loete 1705 IChaire dé TablesI FOR RENTI Central- WiI.~ett. Avu~au#a home growun 5 LIMA BEANS, s4ehd boxl, 2 boxe.s......Zy CELERY HEARTS, lO PEARS, exira faney basket....23 PEACHES, Colorado. Yery best,. basket ... ORANGES, special, a Fr~ict or Vegetible, wO bave l Phones- WiL 28-29 The Bibie and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all othis, Christian Science Literature may b. rend, borrowed or the Reading'Roorn. THE ]PUBLIC 19ODSDIALLY IVffl TO ATTRND THE CHURGH saVIoES AND VISIT THB ERADING 10DM * = i i Kleenex $s1 Lavoris .. . . . . . . . 50c Hair Geroom .............. 6iC 25e Golden 9 37c ........: 31 C Does yvour mouth = = ------------ i

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