Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 5

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in readiness at 'the Masonic temple for the musical comedy, "The Land cof the Honieymoon," which will be presented there Frilay and Sattirday niglits (if this week under the aus~- pices of Bethel 44 of job's Laugh- ters. A carefully selected cast of 1Priincil)als, and a chorus cf forty girlsý and boys have beenii bard at: work, daily for the past two weeks ini an. effort te pro(luce ail entertainnment above the average. Special scenery, costunmes, and lightilig effects. will be otie of Ille features of 'land cf the Honcymooti," w,%hiclb is a Frederick B. Ingranui lro(luction with ,Robert A.Burns in charge cf direction. Musical Ronmnce "jo o'Bainatchet, V îvia.n Kerr, Kath- ryn Kerr, Jean Campbell, Pauline Jones, Eugenia Holmdàle, Ellen Holmdale, Vida Woley, Beatrice Larson, Betty Witt,. Mary Mordofi, Mlarjorie Kresge, ýMildred, Farmer, HàIrriett Newton, Cecile 'Hi.lîs, Mar- ion Cramer,, Muriel Callow, Vivian Cramer, Virginia Green,.Maxine Kela- !ing, Norma Hendrichs, Helen Shane.- Chinese boys are Harold Beckwith, Bd Galvin, Joe Mockler, Ray> War- ren, with Eugene Wallenius as soo- ist in. the, Chinese number. Mrs. A. J. Kuelzowý and Mrs. R. H. Hopkins comprise -the committee in ~Tlî* Lad cfthe oncyoon"is eULai heshow and tickets, may Lan ofthe I-onenioh."'sbe secured f romn themn, from mnembers described as; a musical romancé ic h atadchrs ra h ii two acts witlî an interesting plot, pro- odter-CaeladucuoaWiner viding lauglis, singing. and dancing. e-al.Du copn,"ibr .lt is a 'stor' cf jasper Bud. played Pliarmiacy'p and Ridge Avenue phar- byCakeF aiwîoiyert macy. i here will-be a special miati- factor%. froini is unicle.' Jasper is nee for gramimar school chiîdren Sat- givng gade paty t itslioieurda3' afternoon at 2 o'clock. ýwhîcîî le receives the news that lie is lIis 11ncle's heir. At the party is Mrs. IN "'UNCLE TOM'S- CABIN' Harvey Brown, wbio is verv jealous Miss Margaret Fitch cf 41.6 Cumnor of, ber .hutsband and coniseqnietlv] road. Keilworth, lias the rele cf Liza niîakes bislife mniserable « T'le. r'les in *Uncle Toms Cabin," which is, play- ofý Mlr. and. Mrs. Harvey Brown are ing ini Chicago noie, and which is pro- ilay(1 by A. M. Ln n vni duced by Harry Minturn, formerly cf Lee' Morgan. Terry. 'Iticker, an' the north shor. r.Minturni is alsoi insraîcesaesmntakn )yArt rte. cast as Simon I.egree. DeWolf Katzel, arrives just before Miss Ma- Hopper is Uncle Tom and Enid Mar- thiilial> oolittle andbe'r niece MNary,, kev cf. screen fame is Topsy. The play Mn4iite stsappear on i evthofteorgnle*nl scelle. M iss oolit tle is played 1111i s a eian fte rgnl 'n julia \Vild and Mary, one cofbth mseabn Icading juvenile 'leads, is taken bv Mildred Mfuilen. Jessie Robinîson, a's IN AUTO ACCIDENT M isty the nxaid,, supplies a coînedy Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ross f. Bar- role. M\iss Nlobipson hias eartied rington, who were in the E vanston hos- lauirels for lierself i n many Wilmnettc pitai ' as a result cf an auto accident productions. Egbert, a messenger Saturday, Septenîber 9, are now at boy In love wvtihXMisty, is -piaved by hom)ne. Mrs. Ross, the former Ceunie l>oi Renlds.Hannah c f Kenilworth, spent several A great Cliiniese 'mid reader bias d.ays recently with her mother, Mrs. beenii ivited to appear at the. party Alexc Hannal i c San. Gabriel, Cal., and lier advice causes Jasper to tak1e wilîo is staying at the Brevoort house ever.Yl),i(ly east wvth inimwliere. lie i n Chicago and. visitihg the fair. Mrs. incets b, is unclc's ward, ShirleY. Hannah's son, David, .was* an overnight played hy I)orotlîy C.'Shaw. . Anm, a guest this week cf bis uncle and aunt, stenographier, played by janet Lange, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Newton, 306 W\ood- and Gardiuer, a gentleman cof color, stock avenue, Kenilwortli. played by Lester Witt, onie meets __________ \vhen the party. arrives ini Budding- ton, Pa. What happens thiere inakes Mr. and Mrs. William Plumer and tentatively arranged for Tuesday af- ternoon of next week, though not' definitely set. In the meantime con- strtiction work on the water plant is going forward without interruption. Laurel School. Branàch Library Remains Closed The branch library ýat th e Laurel school which was closed during thé summer months is né t to be reope ned to the public, Miss Anne L. Whit- miack li brarian at the 'Wilmette Public 'library, announced this wveek. However, the branch library wrill be open Tuesday afternoons f rom. 2 eto 5 o'clock for the use of chuîdren fromü the first to the ifth grades inclusive, Miss Whitmack said. SKOKIE THROUCH STREET At> us regular, meeting Tuesday. evening the Village board passed an ordinnc~e establishing Sicocie high-. way as a through street within the village limits, and authorizing the e rection of stop signs at ail in tersect- iflg streets. A copy of the ordinance. will be sent to the State Highway de-. partment with a request that the cost cf the traffic signs be defrayed froxu state funds. JOBS DAUGHTERS Bethel No. 44 >resent the Fredarick B. Ingram production> "The Land of the Honcymoon" à: sparkling musical comedy romance. Fri, Sat. Sept. 22-23, 8:15 P. M Masonic Temple Auditorium Caut of 75 Local Favorites Buwite'i'Assirted J7. ntamS.ic c,. Cmsh.ssl.Ce Everything for A ut£ *gaNt, TEL WILMETTE 3612 Fali Term Now Open Miss Chinlund;, Mon., Wed., Set. Miss H.Jglin; Tue.., Thurs, Fri. Cqr.eutral-Wilmtt. Avenu«s Poo:Wfnt.2- 's - 1 1 'Phones: Wilmette 28-»"

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