Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 6

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For PERMANEUNT WAVUS Thet are LovIyndLs g Plion.WIm.tt. 4582- for Appoent LOVBLIN 98 MADR LOVELIER Steak Diamer A tender, delicious, juicy steak with. Freénch f riedý Greai! potato.B, salad and good coffee. Served at ail hours LMETTE CAFE E. C. Cazel Pros. SNIDER-CAZEL. DRUG CO. Willm.ft. Central Aves. hkTel. Wilrntet also were given to boys, andi girls who showed their dogs best. jerry Bovne Shannon helped. his' young master. George C. McCarthy, Jr., win third place in this evènt. Huerter Leigion -Auxiliary Sponsors D!ance Sept. 28 The Peter J. Hluerter L.egionaux- iliary w-iIl sponsor its first. fal dance at the Veterans' bospital. North Ch i- cago, Thursday evening, September 28. Dancing will. start promptly at _7 :30 o'clock, and a cordial invitation ris extended to ail persons interested, is Wannounced. The Peter J. Hiterter Legion pogt and, auxiliary will sponsor a- dance ýat Hoffman hall at 9 o'clock Saturday night, September .30. A nomiînal ad- mission fee is to be charged. VICE-CONSUL Douglas Flood, Jr., who has beeti ii Washington and is no,& with bis family. Mr. and Mrs. S. Douglas Flood, Iii Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, will ]eave for Buenos Aires on September 30, where lie hias been appointed vice- consul for twoyears. BERENICE VIOLE Teacher and Piaa'ist Studio: 114 Third St. Phone Wilmette 1705 Seylet RIDGE AVIENUE, PHARIMACY Ridge Rd. & Lak. Av*. STel. WiImfe 4 CO. *The store'of the Renneckar Drug conipany at 1138 Central avenue is now being rémodeled anfd altered to permit a. more effective display of merchandise and g reater facilitiesfor tbe flliiîg of prescriptions;, wbich ýco n- stitutes a considerable part of the business., Partitions are being re- moved to tbrow.the entire. floor space into one room, and -an* 8-foot prescrip- tion case is being substituted for the srnaller one now in use. Several show cases are being replaced witb others of more modern design as an aid to a more attractive display of, stocks., Wben completed àa more ec >onomical use of the space will be possible. and a much more inipres sive store.appear- ance 'Ill be acbieved. .Want Obstructing Shrubs 1 Cut Back at Intersection s -iR. E. McIlraith, traffic engineer and head of the Wilmette Traffic and Safety commission, suggested to the Village board that a ,lttter be sent to aIl owners of property, having shrubbery that tends to obscure view at street intersections, that not. is the proper time to trim or reset such plantings. Hie sougbt a ruling as to wbether such letter. should be signed by bis. commission or by Village1 authôrities. The problern w~as re-1 ferreci to a trustee for action. for tuel 011 to ne useci in heating the waterworks building and. the storm seiver pumping station to Petroleuni Heat and Power company, the price quoted by that concern being the lowest but orne of, many receiyed. Tbe -bigher pr ice was paid because theý lowest bidder would flot accept tax anticipation: warrants in payment, which the successf.il bidder agreed to dIo, it was said. EN<GAGEDf tbis week by t 1he Rev. Richard C. Talbot. J.. rector of St. Elisabeth's church, Glencoe. where the celebra- tion will take place. Dr. Edwards will be the central figutre of an anniversary. service at 4 o' clock, at the Glencoe' churchý Sat-. urday afternopon. A ýreception, and -tea, sponisored by 'the women-.of the nortb shore, will follow intbe, parish bouse., Bisbop 'George -Craig Stewarl, will, speak ýat the service-. 0f unsualsignificanice in Dr. fid- wards' case is the fact that bis entire ministry bas been spent intbe Dio- cese of Chicago. Today be is presi-. dent of the, standing (executive). commnittee of the1 diocese, dean of the Cbicago North Deanery and rcc- tor. emeritus of fashiénable..Cburch of the Holy Spirit, Lake- Forest. where be served as rector for ten years. Wbiie in Lake Forest be was Pa stor of Many of Cbicago's Mnost prominent families and officiated at miany sociely weddings. Dr. Edwards graduated f romi the University of Mý%ichigan in 1878 and enter-ed General1 Theological scnî - narv, New York, to study for holy orders. fie was. graduated, there *in 1882 and ordered deacon the saine year. fie was priested in 1.883 by th~e. late Bishop McLaren in Chicago. Parishes wbich Dr. Edwards has held include: St. Paul's church, D)e- Kalh; Clîurcb of the Hioly Coin- munion, Maywood; Christ churci', Ottawa; Church of Our Sav.iotir, Chicago, where he served f romn 1895 to 1912, and Cburcb of the Holy Spir- Since bis retirement from atv parishi duty, Dr. Edwards bas,,fre- quently served the Giencoe -cburch and it was for this reason thattieý parisil asked the privilege of holding the anniversary, service there. The Rev. Mr. 'Tabot is 1inî charge of ar- rangements, assisted by C. C. Cl dreîî, J., C. Aspley, Johin D. AIl'leii. B. G. Glass, G. G. Grant, and 0. 'D." M losser. The tea and reception are in chrv -r autjs*rized puoiwuede Fine Arts Web. 2738 'TE WIL 1160 Iwflo is visitîig in Wilmette. -o- Mrs. Irwin Hall, from Long Beach, Cal., arrived last Saturday to visit ber brother and- farnily, the Frank C. Na- r sons of 733 Ctimmisngs avenue, Kenil- Worth., - TEM ?uuUC là(UIJMLT *ITU> tO ATIW4D TUB oeUMMs uvIoeAmS VIr TH*S ESABENObMU

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