gram wil e presented by Miss Kiather- fre Ellils, soprano. The minister's sermon topie for the Il o'clocit service of worship next Sun- day will be, . *'The HIgh Comnmand." Threre will be music by Mrs. Beulah 'Casier Fdwards*and Paul Nettinga., Primary, Junior, Intermnedigte,. and Higli sehool departments of the Çiiurch achool convene at 9:30 Sunda.y morn- lng., The. Beginners, department meets at 10:45 and laste through the church hour., The next meeting of the Xorth End circle will be held Monday, September 25, at the home of Mrs. H. B. Muiford, 835 Elmwood avenue. This will- be an ail day meeting, wlth ,luncheon at 123.Miss Florence Butz and Mrs. R., R. Lippinco6tt are . the ýasshstlng host- esses. Rtehearsais for the Boys' and Girls' choira and for the Senior choir ha-Ve beien resukned., The Girls' choir re- hearses at 3 :30 on Thursday and. 10:30 on Saturday, the Boys' choir at 4:00 on Thuraday and il1 on Saturday.. The Senior Choir rehearses Trhursday eve- ning-at 7:15. Misès Roberts will ýbe glad to. meet new applieiants at any of these rehearsal periods. Two Boy Scout troops wil 1 meet in the church as usual this year. Troop No. 2, Haroldi Spinney, Scoutmaster, will meet on Tuesday evening at,7 :30. Troop NO. 1, under the direction of Art Pearson, meets on Thursday evenlng at 7:30. Cub Park No. 6à, under the direction of Howard Hlndley, cubmà-aster, will meet on the church recreation field Saturday morning at 9 :30. Boys 9, 10,1 and il years of age are eligible for this *pre-Scout organization. A postponed meeting of th~e. North- west cirele wilie held Priday, Septeni- ber 29, at the home of Mrs. Robert H-. Freeman, 1756 Higland avenue. Mrs. Albert Tucker andi Mrs. L. G. Haines *.wil ho the assieting hostesses,' The East Endi circle wlll meet at the home of Mrs. L. F. Owen, 725 Green- 'wood avenue, Monday, September 25. Mrs. Garrett Jolinston and Mrs. H. A. Whitman will, be assisting hostesses. MethodistChurch 11ev. Oscar Thos.,Oison, D.,. minister The îi niste,' wiil be in. the pulpit next, Sunday morning. NlIE sermon theme willI be "The Vanisiiing Chiurch.." The music for the Il o'clock worship service next Sunday monlng will be as The Church Sehool board wiil meet Wednesday evening, September 27, at 8 o 'dock. Th e Philatliea ciass will hold*a bak- ery sale Saturday moùrning, S9eptem ber 23, at Van Deusénýs. store.. The church achool meets each Sun- 4ay morning at 9 :30., There are <lasses for al ages. The, Roýk nRle Annual Conference will meet ln the, Ottawa, Street' c4urch, Jou1et, October 3.1 Al members and friendas of the churoh are asked to, reserve the evenlng of October e7, for the aninual harveait homne dinner. The FriendlY* circle will have. its: Septeanber social meeting 1ruesday eve- ning, September 26j at 8 o'cloick.* This is to be' "Past Presidenta' NMight.". EngishLutheran GCzreenlýeaf at Seventh Street wilmette "'A Uouse of Worship" Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor. SUNJIAY SERVICEs Sunday school .9:45 a. nm. Morning worshlp .la i The Woman's Society wHIl meet this afternoon <Th'Ursday) at tic home of Mms. J. H. Jlopp. 1616 Lake avenue. This will be the Septeniber work meeting at which . tme linens will be mnono- granîed for the church. Choir rehleairsal Friday evening it 7:30 o'clock. We are, enlisting new nimers for our choir. If you hav'e a singing volce and Wish to use it in the 14ortd's work, we Invite you to meet withl our cholrMaster on F'rlday evening ai 7 o'clock. Our choir la linder the di - rection of Prof. Theodore Scheerer. We invite you.t h be wlth us at our FaIlý Congregational Fellowship dinner Thu.rsday, September 28, at 6:30 P. M. This wll be a fine opportunîty for you to felloWship with our memibers. As; this will be another. one of. Our free- willo ,ffering dinners, with no ticket.4 being sold, we ask that you inake reser- vatlons by calling, the Parsonage, Wil- mette 4279. The Confirmation class is stiIl open -for enrolîment and those wishing to enter this class are asked to meet wlth the clasai this comlng Sunilay at 9 :45 a. m. s"oýPtn of Christ Jesus, the avxor. Next SUifday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock an Olrlcers' institute will be conducted at Trinity Lutheran chrurch, Glencoe. There are many new officera in~ the- Youn~g Peopils societies. to Whou, this institute should be very felpfui, and many Young People of. the Walther league are exPected to attend. A nÙnîber of new. scholars, were ýen- rolled in our Sunda y .achool, and Bible classes last 'SundaY rnorning and this, together- with an attendance of 230 at the mzorningý service ýmade t he day 1a very insplrinig one for our people. Mission, Sundày wIll be celé our church Sunday, October 22. These services are held annually. and are deslgned -to Inform the hearers on, the Status ôf ou r missions as weill>as !to engender a deeper Interest In and a more readygupport of mission. The 11ev. Mr. Paul Méyer, pastor of Ini- manuel Lutheran churéh, Glenview, wilI *be one of the speakers. The choir it3 singIng the anthena: -The Lord redeemneth the Soul of HiNs Serant,"by matthews, next Sunday morningt. IL is probable tha.t' the cho Ir wiIl sing l3ach'-s Reformiation cantata:. -A' Stroigh6ld :snu-é. laour God"' on Sun- day norning Otober 29, at the service voininemorating teReformiation. The Apion (ircle ofounr Ladies'"Aid and Missionaryv society announces a Geti acquainted. Dinner for mnembere of St.1 John's and their friends to he given nt St. Johni'.- Suxiday achool ,ro oms onI 'rhursday evening, September 28, at 6 :30 o'clock. Alil that expeet to corne are re- quested to make rewservations' by calling Mrs. V. H. Subi-, 722 l2th St., phone.i Ba-,btist Clzurch i Wilihette andi Forest 'avenues. 1e.George D. Allison, paqtor. "A Churchi that Cares" Rally Day of the Church school fis held Sunday at 9:310 a. mi. There wili be an interesting programinii charge of superintendent Zeldon A. Parkhurst with a good orchestra to leati the song Service. Al, newconeirs who have inot lIocated ln Sunday achool .are iînvited,-to ëonsider. Joining Wlth us. There Is a, Weil, planned, currnculumn of courses ln Bi.ble and In r ight livingamd. a. place for every age group. At the morning worship service, the will be insplring organ nueic and a. ehnnni,, ,,in t Apt pl 1- da..2 - vited and urged to visit and become tkeguIar menibers. The Women's Guild will hold Its firait meeting of thé season Monday, October 2. Luncheon wlll be served. Ninth street at Greeneàa venue. James T. Venekiasen, minister. Our' worshilp serviue is held at' il We'loék iii the Asmsernbly hall 0f-our new ëhurch building. The pastor will preach .On the>thenie, -.My Faith inî MyChurch,"1 which is designled «to propose policles. foi- new eieti%'itieý.16 and serv'ices in our Jiew fteld.Every memberi- s urgeti to bt. pre-sent. -W>e eordially invite vstr ànd, strang'-rm to worqhijiwith. us. The nîu.,ical program: for the service w~ill he ilz"follows: Prelude. "On 1The llolv Mounit." '1h orak -,Anthemn, -Be Stili, Be Stili,". Scott. Offertory Uthem, -Lord. of Ho.--ts." Burney; Postiude. "'Grand Choeur," Fau .lkes. Miss.- Erma B<itiiçlsidrector. Vie, andavschool w'll imniet in ites varlous departiîets nti i classes atS9 30, <)cIock., S'uriday is theê annual Promio- tioni Day.Mobe screens have been 4-imstructed tb divide. the space Ini the .A~enîIvhall for the depaitments, The ctombiniet Adult Bibl e classes will mleet at 9 :45 for Bible study. The lesson in the serie-, "The- PrIncIplesofJsu. wIil i hé 'On "e P hurch."? The 'hristian Endeavo,' sodie ty wili holti its first meeting of the faîl. at thé chur<'h t 6 :30 ock.l This meeting wili 1w for organization: Al teyon 1'l'he Spolie,.of t'he Woîa n'asSociety wili meet as follows: No. 4 with Mrs.ý Bronle.173X fighlanê--avenue. oi Tus av.t 1 p. ini. Na. S with .Mrs. itaîpli Mfo><. 12.15 Ashianti avenue, on Tu5 ý <r 1 o'clock luncheon;, Mr.. ('i.npelaskt!n-g hostess. No. 10 with l'S. Qual, 1 rescent placeTtuesda% 1t I n loi'k. The liraYel' meeting,- will be reàurned Wedtiesday; evening' at 8 o'c.lock at the <'hurg'h. We will study the FPorty-slxth Psalm for oui-nmeditation. We invite you -t) juin us in this .midweek retreat The choir will rehearfse Friday ýeve- ning at 7 u'clock at. the church. Mernberships in Howeli i .eighborhood Hou!ýe Auxiliary .may be secureti during September froni Mrs. H*arold McCor- niick. A capacity audience . was present at. the openlng service in the Assernbly Thé. new officers for the Woman's Aid sbclety, who were recently in- etalled, are as follows: president, Mrs.i Frank W. Burpee; first vice-president,î Mrs. Harry C. Kinne; second vice-t Ig We slncerely hope that our churchI peo will continue to have as maàny visitorsI pro at Its services as it bas had the past few Chr inonths. While the attraction that drawa I for ecommupity teoies U pruvide I A tC eservice of Wor- I Septel Ilowlng men of the, congrgation bas 'hosts at the Episcepal exhihit at the, Hall of Religion, ury of Progresa nexýt week: er 124, R. C. Jennlngs; Sep-