Gentaine Swiuigý LAM OrGea s lb. 1O4C peuni Pry. dné.qenality butter. M i 1Id Ainerican, I>eIIvu ret'd b us trelia mellow, miIdt Wîs- l.2 Made, l .17cG Roled Rib RoaLst Tencder, Do Bon", no, Waçte, N. -Y. 1erkimer, extra fancy, tangy, nippy, lb. 9 1'ii i i ii Frut lb. i Sming POT R@.ASt *%b.0 CI ' F'tftflI 1'VNt.TE NVE E *F 1pv'-Je1ul Shmppm t'uof nestj Sirloin jR ound 1 Short and Michigan J o n a - 61/2 T Bon. thans special lb. ~ ~ ~ b 18 b 6el 91/2e 5 X 7ç (ALIFOILNIA JI('E OR1ANGES 'Fli -kitim-lmeek fialilof 2 dn., Mweet Ca lit. sed es Genuine Springr AVACADOS jLeg of Fancy Foia ag 21b5.1C fausi i O USPROUTS 1 .MEbLONS Freshly packed, t / O Ali ripe, sugar sweet special, melon;, I quart box each Win. Swlus Ch.mhee>SOkI Il SPECIAL DA«CD HAM Extra rich in butterfatý i Virginia style, the nation: "I amn particularlv happy that the time Of nmv retUrn from the Jamboree permitted mie to revise the October issue (of Boys' Life), just before go- ing to press. and include a feature article on that great event. 1 hope that y-ou cati gather fromf it a.por- tion of the trenfiendous impression it made- upon-me, and I amn sure uipon thousands of others w~ho were privi- leged to*wittes.s this great manifesta- tion of the WVorld.B rot herhood of Scouting. "The jamboree is c overed not, Onlv, by this 'special article but Green Bar leti Cs a t theG Un i ver Si t y -f Iln has sent the following letter to the North Shore area council giving fuit details - "The Athletic association of the UJniversity of Illinois takes pleaý,tre in, inviting ý11ïé Boy Scouts of the State of Illinois and near-by Indian .a to attend the Drake-Universitv- of Illinois football gamüe, September 30, at 2:30, p. mn. in the stadiumn. as the guests of the association:. *'The following instructions niîîti wbe Bil, wno also went to Ciôooîî, nas Instructions Are listed .devoted Ihis page th is mnth to his -l. General admis sion to the gaine impressions,. from the, viel;wpoint of is free for ail Boy Scout 1ingol the yotnng scout leader. standing: scot.masters, a ssi s ta nt ,'lni addition to thlese two 'scouting scoutinasters, other scouters. and features, the national scout 'COMMIS- drivers of cars bringing scouts iti the fiie as prepared a special article game. Scouts must have tIliir cr- in response to inany requests. Louie r'ent registràtiofi cards to->e adnlitte(l. Scouts and farm boys' particularly Tickets for scouters and drivers. vill. will. enjoy Dan Beard's .'A Confab, is1d)oscu at- a tearn Wit 'urRural Scouts.", orv'be fore the game. "f hope thlat youi will use' th.c Bigg9S-I "2. As ailt'Scouts and troops will be' ~IPoofer Ietter. Thits is the first of a 'o~n parade' bef&re the spectaýtor> on series of what ive believe %vill be a thns BoNy Scouit day, boflh universit\: most instructive and -entertaining and s.-cottofficiaIs are verv ainxious-ý featuire. Instructions are included as, that special emphasis be Placed on. to how this letter inay be uised as thé correct wvearing of scout,*Uni- anl entertainling project at 'a troop forms and badges. iThe' wearing of Meeting. It lias been tried in a num ný- the uiniforni is flot compul.sory . but, ber of troops and the h)o,3s 'ave en - \-e urge ail scouts atid leaders wvho tered inost enthuisiasticaly- into- the hav11e official uniformis to wvear theti. gam. hpe ha yu ~llcaIit to I. To Reward Honor Troops the attention or youir scoIutrna.ster.. "3. Alpha Phi Omnega. national -'scoiiting fraternitv, w'Ill 'preésCet anl Boy Scouts Wi1l Usher, loo ro'srae ovr re at N. U. Football Games aI whin h e m ne of.saiacrv ape11w l'le North Shore Area cotuncil will ista'diurn. This is based on iimiforms. again cooperate' witli the Evanston leadership, etc. Boy Scouit cotincil Ili furnishing Boy "4. Ail troops muitsth sbe e~~s< Scout tushers for thle five homne games with adequate leadership. Troop)s of Northivestern uiniversity at Dyche shouild register at the'.arniorv iimmecti- sta(litm. 'The North Shore Area couin- atel a fter arrivaI. Eýachi troop shouild cil wilI provide eighty scouts. Already.1h ring its troop and Anmer icani fla-gs.. a nurnber of scouts 'bas signed llp in . -icout bands and drum corps are in- couincil'headquiarters.' Vite<l to plat in the parade to the Anv \ýothers 'wishiing to tîsher are ini- stadium. struicted to Isign utp imimediatelv. 'fie - 5- Scout tr.oops desiring, to corne .first home game is'October 21 ; then Friùlav nighit and stav over may caimp there are four ini Novemlber. 'Scouts; In the arrnorv or on the parade ' participating must be active registered; grolin<s. Thle samne arrangement is scouits in good standing and miust als- pos-sible for Satiirdav. night. have complete and official Boy Scout Scoîats anud troops spending thle inight'> utnifortns. ' here nmaîsi nrovide theo il s enin One Week "e" ill travel by auto, and, it, is hoped many leaders will go who trip to Camp could not get up to camp this sum- been postponed mer while it was in operation. Any of the trip are men interested in going are urgéd Io Ly and' Sunday, caîl scout headquarters. Highland October 1. The Park 629. Spoci ais for iare j ~.ppOSite MBaIIàII Fi8010 MAY. FRIDAY - SATURDAYI