auctour, announces a change of man, agemnent and also a new location foi this year's concerts. The seasor l933-l934 'will be tander the directîor of Harold Marshman and wiil include a series of six programs to be played iný the Gold Ruoom of the Conigres hotel, commenéin g November 12 anc continuing on thç second Suinday of each-of the five>ensuing months. Mir. Marshman,- formerly artistic director. of , Lyon &- Healy, bas bad considerable* promotional and pub- icity expérience. and is well acquain t- ed with the activities of tbe. orches- tra, having been assis tant for ,tbe, past year to Donna Parker, retiring manager. The Sunlday 5 o'clock concerts met witb sucb success wben the orchestra tried the experiment at the Dàk hotel last;season that tbey are a gain to be adopted. Tea, wil be served in the rýeception- roo ms adjoining the Goid Room with the Board of Di- rectors. headed -by the popular érsi 'dent, Helen Abbott 1Ryfield. officiat- ing as hostess. The Woman's Svinphony orchestra, now augmented to one bundred players, bas come to be recoignized, as second in importance, oîoly to* thel Chicago Symphony orchestra, and this in oniy eigbt short years. The subscript ion sale of tickets opens on Mfonday from the orchestra's office in tbe Congress. IMiss Sundstrom and ber unique organization' - the only sympbony orchestra composed eu- tirely of womèn,, giving a reiulr Heifetz, Crooks in COming Concert Series The LeMay-Vermett Concert serv- ice of Chicago. announce a Sunday afternoon series of :concerts at Or- chestra 'hall. A weillhalanced, serie, of outstanding artistic, value' and so reasonably priced as to be of great- est interest to ail devotees of good music. ir at the Wiinnetka Community HAou ,,se OH ýVednesd;ay evenings throughout the year. The first prac.. tice .was beld last Wednesday. It iý annlouliceci that ail wbo are interested ini choral sIfging are invited to at- teild., "le Glee club, consisting of ail 'thé,nmen of :the 'orga.niza'tiol, meets at 7 :30. and the chorus. re- hear'sal begins. at 18 o'clock, Old ,neînbers* and new' are urged to niake, a, good' start- bv attefiding rebearsals f rom.Itle. opcing of ýthe season. aft 1-1 IWili Be Associated Wth WnetaStudios Arthur . ;rnquist,. the well known pianist anid teacher, basý joined the WVinnetka studios of the Columbia Scbool of-,Màsic, and wiII be asso- ciated witb Kathleen Air, wbo bas ibeeën anxlr stili is the principal of the Winnetka, studios.* Mr. Garanquist; bas PhQto y olof traiiied a. great num-ber of -profes- F10o, Litule Bart/et of W,ýijjjetka, sionals and entbusiastic amateurs and (Mn:. Sidney F. Bartlett) lias been as a teacher, is said to combine autb- Invited to fgi:'e a ha/f ho,,,- progqramj ority witb tact. Added to bis natural ;wxtt MonIda y for- Illiotois day at A gifts and acquired ability as a musi- &D&ktry of Progress, zwhich wzîill be cian, he possesses' a sympatbetic per- gî'effs over to those -rho have sonality that permits the best possible ereated rnusic iin Illinoi. understanding between teacher ýand pupil. .The programs will be hefld in the Karleton Hackett, the exacting re - ditorium of the Host Houise tlroughi- viewer, who spoke,-of Mr. Granquist ut the dav. Mrs. Bartîett, %%ho will as a Bach player, said of hini, "The on11 betwcen .3 and 4 o'clock in the Bach-Liszt prelude and fugue was Iternoon, will be àssisted Iw Norma clear-cut. the voices ditit nd x..-l tCocktord and At-ora. %vil l contribute proýgrams. At 4:30 a reception wil l e lie.d for the guests. Edward Collins, pianiist, Nvil play some of bis, compositions ; Ami Oberndorfer will sPeal- oô "The Growtbof Music_ini Illinois:' and Ruth ]Braun will si ng -Hisoia Miniatures" by Mrs. Bartlett, wbo will. accompany bher ini this group. The prograins are openu to the publicwith- out' charge, but guests to the. reception,- 1- The,,inetka Music club is celé- brating its tenth anniversary of Artist Recitals this year, and tbe club may swell be proud of the success of these concerts through the years. They are a joy to young and old, and an educa- tion for the young people, for only3 artjsts who bave achieveéd %world-wide, recognition are, prese ,nted.ý It is a rare, opportunity to hear suchsplendi.d artists at so littie cost in time and moneY. The cost of one subscription for the five, concerts is *less* than the cost of carfare and tic- kets to any two similar concerts in Chicago,-and the saving in t ime, it is .pointed 'oût, is. eveni greater. Those. who attend the recitals are home- be- fore hiaif past, tep. There, is a real iieed for the> Artist Recitals ýon the north shore, and the popularit'y of the, series f rom one ye ar. to the next have- proved that people are conscious of the. need, and' the tremendous im:, l)ortaflce.of the concerts. SThe first artist in this year's series is Frederick Jagel, metropolitan and Ravnia tenor, Wlaose program wilI. he given Monday evening, October 30. The second one is to be Nathan 'MiIstein,, popular. young Russiari ,violinist. Later 'there will be.,Bait- lett aiff Robertson, duo-pianists; lE1isa-e beth Rethberg, so prano, and, Lawr- ence .Tibett, who needs nio introduc- New Cad man Piece Wins, *-- U13LIILL aau wAii- -j.iai-i 1tlulIm r and praised irni for a zww composition b-v Chartes Wake- toie ifs vared color,, field Cadm an, had its Hollywood 1lst ith hc heBw hearing in California, on Au- gust 8, and was accepted whole- ----- i eartedly. "As richly orchestrated as anvthing Gereshuin ever does,'" was Ithe ôpfinion of the Los Angeles nPageant Tiies. "The wrk mnade skillful use jof deveilopiment from a single theme.. Siuigejiiouslv tre ate d to stimulate folk-ý song 'characteristics. It was distin(c - ly # iin. effect both in the inid- Section ýand the 5yncopation of thç opening and closing sections," -ac- cording to the Hollywood Citizeni News. . . ullversit, gve a Jjintre- nated ro Chicago a citai this sunimer' in the miusic room of Music a series at the R. D. Musser homie. Tbey to be given by ti played numbers for piano and orgati clua;rtet in Octoher a-id each played piano solos as* well. wil b e on, Be( -%mie. Goedecke bas now opened the Franck. Debussy, fait. term at ber piano studio.. Hindesmith. Dven, I5eal ch oetl-berg i 1r ilîîl5 (eil $11ar 4 o'1.ock, ts being s$Poxsopred bi* the ' North S'hore au-riia.rl of. hie Chica go. Materiity' Cen-ten. It is the firsi tinte that .akythanq of liais>nat ure Ilas even bee,,n seîtd Application blanks for memnbership rnay be had at the office of the Ci-ic Music association of Chicago * 637 Fine Arts building. Cards will be sent Iby mail if self addressed envelope is enclosed;, Examinations will he held in the near future.ý -1 ý