Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 28

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afternoon, September 7, in the AIl Saints Episcopai church, Beverly His. Following the ceremnony, whicl was performed by the Rev. Williamx Fleetwood. 'at 4 o'dlock, a reception was held at the home of the bride»t brother, Clair Benton Bit unsou, .of Bel-Afir, for ornly ..theinîmiediate families and the weNtdding pgrty. Thebride, who was given ni> unar- nag b be ,boter, wore a powder blue crepe dinner dress with -a short jacket.> She wore a turban and slip- pers -of matcbing blue. Her I)ridal bouquetconsisted of brown orcliid,. gardeniasand bouvardia. The niatron of1 honor; Mrs. Roger Johnson of, Whittier, Cal:, wore rust colored crpa brown velvet turban and brown veivet gloves., She carried ii sheatb of yelloW, dahlias. The bridéN other attendant, Mrs. Ralph. Pace ýof -Los Angeles, was, gowned 'in old goldl crepe.and she wore a similar* brown' velvet turban and the brown V'eivet gloves. Her bouquet was of rust colored. dahlias. The chjtrch was dec-. orated with ferns and a profusion of dahlias in autumu' shades. William Marks, Jr., of Hollywood,, a nephew--of the bride, served Mr, BroughioQ as best man, and the ushers were Dr. Ralph Pace and Herbert Fielding of Beverly His. The bride and bridegroom arec mnaking their home temporarilly with the latter's parents in Wiliînette Until they ind an apartment on the north shore. Cecdlia Higgins Weds Edward B. Crash Today 111 Gary, Ind., this morning (Thurs- day), the wedding of Miss Cecilia Higgins to Edward Blake Criush, son of M Nrs. Hanna K. Crush of 710 I .aturel avenue, iImette,. Nvas, soIeint- nized. The ceremonv, took place at 1;0 o'clo ck in.the Holy" Angèls chtircli, w'vth a' wedding breakfast served im- inediately, afterwards ini the hoine of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Hig- ginls. The bridegrooni's sister, Miss Mary Crush. was maid of honor anud the i'Iio)to by Catrtos 1Ihss 2llargaret Lvititise oer'ing f4 il ileutte j: opte of forty YVOu ny Io tmen 0 hom fie speciai mces- senger o f 'His Mv.ýsteriouis Majes- ty ' the Veiled Pro4het,' sent recen;t invC-itationis supponiing themt to bc ,naids of lion or (ifth.ie apinual Veied Pro phet's bal hi takc place. in thre Loiise'u> in St. Louis J'd- nesday night, Octobere4. WitIî about one-hundred inatrons, ai- so especially invited, the inaids of Ionor wiii fornthe Court of. Love and l3eauty surrounding the thronie the Veiled' Prophet occupies. Fronut the firty na-aids of hoiior the pr'ophet %vill choose the 1933 Qu2een îand lier four special mnaids of hionor. The qucen wi.II he seated at the riglht of the Prophet duritng the hall and, %vith her special mnaids of hiouxr, wvil he feted at the annual Queeni's suliper at the Jeffersoni hotel inmmediatel1y after the hall. 'Éli Veile&. Prophiet's bail is the outsýtanii4ng, ociety event o-f the year. Mr. aind M \Valter C. Doering w~i11 attend< the baIl. Chairman Gives Luncheon for Social Committee treasurer; ibet!' ,rt R inann, %work cbairmnan. Oflicer., of the live giiilds art- as Chase gii - Xlr.s. Cornelia A. Keith, presi(ICft NI ..e 5e Truînp. vice-p)residlent :M rs. Kirk TaylIor. sccretarv and treasurer.; M rs. f aines Carrtier, wok elairinan. Ncare.i-guild - Nrs. W. H. vic-pesden :NIrs.-W\. :R. I)unn. secretarv and trea'.urer: Mrs. \ViI- han ' i : \\*Itt 1er, ý%ork chairinan. \Xfiutelouise guiil( - Nirs. A,-. G. Iiîiîps. rsiInt;Mrs. C. S. Tay, vice-presl(lcnt.: rs Roy ja.rrett, isec- rùtarv1 aiîid treasurer; M rs. R. B., Nlathlieson, %%Ork chairnian. Stevart guilà -NI rs. I.E itn I)resident, 'Irs. H. E Tideia.n, vice- président , Mrs. W. V. W. Ba.er, secre- ta rv and treasurer; \,rs.. R. K. ýBeIt. j r.. wvork chairnuan. Anderson guild-M1rs. W.0. Beit, president ; Mrs. Walter N. Gillett, vice-j;tiesitfrnt ' Mrs: fH.A. I)irr, sec- retary and treasurer; Mrs. H. Lun- dahi, work chairmnan. T1he first faîl meeting wl be M-oni- dav' October 2. Plans Business Session On Tuesday, September 20. the North Shore branch, Friends of Chi- cago junior schooi, wili hold its quar~- terly business meeting at the home of Mrs. E. jeweli Dkèk, 1206 Tower road, Winnetka. The meeting is called for 2 o'cIock. At the tea fol- Iowing the business session, rienu- ')ers of the executive counmittee wc be Mrs. DicCs' assisting hostesses. 1- Engaged noon of, this week at the home of NIrs. Henrv Hall, 500 Central avenue, is nowv announced. Miss Katherinie PEllis of Wimette will be soloist. A gracluate of Carleton college, shie IS taking wvork in the 'N orthwestern uni- versitv 'School. of , Music. Miss M ii-. dlred Waugh will be ber accompaniist. Miss EÎffie James, another \Vilmettc girl, wil.doû vhistling numbers aïc- compl atied by her nuother, and Mliss Jean -Hall- will. compiete the programn with a reading. Both Miss James and Miss Hall were graduated frointSu~l Iinis college. Th'le hour for the., re ception ani prog ranui s 3 o'clockP following imi- înediatéîy after the meeting of the Ioard of directors. Officcrs of the:,guild, for this v-ear are: Mrs. William A. 'Richardson. Ilrs. J. Nye Macalister, Mrs. J. P. I3allmain, Mrs. L. L Perry, Mrs. David, Anderson, Mrs. Enoch.Ste'en. Mre. Herwig Toeppen., Comnîttçe. chairmien are Mrs. W. T. Fifer, IrS., ,Ray Warren, Mrs. James. Crossleyý. Econong Shop Partyg to Start Fail Social E vent s (Contributed) There is still time to arrange a ta- ble for the Economiy Shop card party to be held at the Woman's club of Wilmette, at 2 o'clock on Wýeduues- day, September 27. Titis is a pleasant-way to ineet the friends that have been scattered dur- ing the summner and to start th.e so- cial activities of the fail by. giv ing a heîping hand to a most interesting and helpful project. It is unneces- sary to again enumerate the man% ways i n whikh Economy shop h a-'s been of service to the , community. This card party is an, aniuai affa 1ir and is arranged, so that ail may take part; any preferred game rnay bc pflayed and the price_ is itinthe~ reach of aIl. There wilI be a prize for each ta-' ble, refreshments wiil be served andl- an enjoyabie afternoon is a çertainty. Tickets miay be had at Economy-ý sex road, Keniiworth. Plans GUILD RESUMING cussed for the fali ben Trhe Woman's. guild of the Kenil- young women who are ni( worth Union church will resume its the center were busy ke activities on Monday, October 2, with their wvork at the Seward a lutacheon in thé giid room. tion during the',sumimer. The Mers. JI. J. Kt s of avenulile, Wdiii up tended Mundel sta- Kelli&g' Wabas z'estern un iver 1 gn of M630 For-st e. Miss Lcary i' - i llq and M1r. colUege aitd . t- Thle Chicago branch of the' Southern *Womnen's Educational alliance wiil hold ts animal meeting and election of of.- ficers Monday, September 25, at, 2 o'clock, at the Georgian hotel, Evans- ton.MrsHervey Knight of Evanstoît ir, re.sident of the organization.

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