Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 30

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By L. M. C. A dinner' and entertailiment wi Il be ,given on the evening- of October 5, for. the benefit -of the Woman's Club o f MVinette under tbe auspices. of the ways and means omnmittee, of wbich Mr%. Cif iton L. . Darlink, is chairrnan. After'the dinier hour a deligbtfül ain d va ied' program ' will be presented by Mr. and Mrs. George Allen 7arn Mns. Rex Elton Fair, ail artists of rare ability and- wel known, on the north shore. Mr%. . H. Otto von, der. Hoff has ch arge of thé tickets' and table reser- vations niay be made with Mns. George D. Conlee. Mis. Carl J. >Ny- lund is dinner chairman'i and other momen assisting Mrs. Darling witli bier - rrangements, are: Mrs. Albert G. Ackenznan, Mrs. George B. Kniep- per, Mrs.. Wijllaia H. Hayt, Mrs. J. ;Melville Brown, Mrs. Stanley D. VcPherr~on, Mrs. Arthiur H. Howard, Mrs. J. A. Pancoast, Mrs. Fred L. Rice, Mrs. Robert H. Bacon, Mrs. R.. F. Eccles, Mrs. David P. Mforeton, Mirs. Raymiond Rapp, Mrs. Albert N. Page, Mrs. Richard J. Mulvey, Mrs. Harry E. Robrer, Mrs. A. J. Kuel- zow. Miss -Laura A, Davy, Mrs. A..V. Gruhn, Mrs. Charles H. Kraft, Mrs. Johin Bartholemnew, Mrs. Bertrami M. Colvin, and Mrs. Edward Lilienfield. A cordial invitation is given to ail4 negardless of whether they are inem- bers or not, and~ the conmittee in charge promises bôth a fine dînner and a splendid entertainnient. The date is October 5, and the dinner hour is 6 :30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. George Allen wilI be assisted b3y Agiies Bodhôîdt Conover, accompanist. They promise a "*very different" program. Mrs. Allen (Ada Tille3,) teaches singing at Northwest-. ern university and is a memben 'of the staff of the Cosmnopolitan School of Music ini Chicago. She lihas don!e a great deal of concert and church work and bas given numnerous piàno recitals. Known at the age of 12 as a *cliild prodigy," she, hierself, gave a r Da.vid MoH, yoU»9i concert vio- lin ist., and /'rotegé of ischa Mfischako f, concert'i.ster .of flhé director of thle Mischakoif S r quarlet. wéill jdaya-i .the li»u,' Caiholli- Club of J"letefridlav afferniooii. Sq'tender 22, ot -' o'clock, çhIar-ii,(lth i proram zowile Alberti) Salvzi. caelbratedcd ,'cc g 'r( this meeting, the first of theliw year, and Recipnocity day, chlb nmn- bers have the privilege of invitilig guests. Past presidents of the chlb wilî act as hostesses ditiring the social haîf hour. andiimenibers of the board of directors .will he lil the ncceiving liue. Invite Public to Exhibit of Quiîts and Antiques Ali exhibition of qutlîts and an- tiqIues is to be..given, by the North Shore group, Chapten A. P. E. O.. at the home of Mirs., 0. C. Conuis. 1121 ,Chestniut avenue, Wiflmette. F'iday, Septenihen 29, froni 2 until 5. Aftennoon tea will be served. Thet evelit, givenl as a bentefit to carry oi the work of the P. E. O., is open to the public. H-oste.sses for the occasion are -Mns witii an opïenng reception at 2:3 Tuesclay. October 10, at the Win- neta oman's club. . Mrs.. Sidney F. Becchi, who ,now heads the organi- zation, ivill give the president's greet- ing, and selections will be sung by tbf Munidelein Colhege Glee club. Mfiss Valborg Sinkier of Chicago. lyrie soprano, is to give a group of. dranmatic edig.Presiding at the two. te.a tables %vili be four hostesses: M1rs. F1.rancis Bonnier and iMrs. Wil- liani F. Brown of Hubbard Woods: Mrs. John A. Verhoeven of Win- inetka; *an(l Nfrs. Frederick, E. Clarke of Glencoe_ TlIie ýsocial service coifinittee is mneeting at. 2 o'clock Thursday afte r- noon tltiis w%%eek at, Mrs. !3eech's home in.(lne to discuss plans, for the ruminiage sale the league wiIl give late in, Octoher to aid its philanthro- pic- work., Besides belpinig needy, families ani war veterans during the 1932-33 club year, the league also contributed to the work of the fol- lowing: Sister MI. Veronica's "Braille \\'rlJ.; thie Park Ridge Schô6I for Girls; St. *Josepb's Homie for the Friendless; Mary Bartelme (suit- cases); Indiani welfare; Illinois Soci- ety for the, Prevention of. Blindniess. Philanthiropg Sewilg. Resumes at Club Sept. 29, Tbe philanthropy departiment of the WVoman's Club of Wilnmettetts out upon -a year of niew activity Fi- 1 ýlay, Septeniber 29, tvith its first sew-t ing day, to which aIl womien of Wil-1 mette are invited, whether or not1 thev are club miembers. The open- ing hour is 10 ini the morniing. Lunch- eon is serv.ed at ilooni, and work con-a tiques on inito the afternioon. Thed Research andl Eduication hospital. State Public, Welfare department is i the first beneficiary this season. Mrs . O. F. Kanîpmen is ch airman, with Mrs. X. -P.. Çolwell, Mrs. J, H. Keil. Mrs. H. C.-'Toeppen ' Mrs. C. P. Evans, and Mrs. G. E. Walk the niemibers of lier comimittee. Mrs.b I)avid J. Davis is luncheôn chairnian. The Womnan's club ivill hiave its Patrons and patronesses for the Indian Operatic pageant, the first :eer presented, at Hawthorne Farms on Milwaukee aveniue thrce, miles, soutb of Libertyville, Sunday, Sep- tember1 24,> at 4 in the afternoon, arc announiced this week by the- sponsors of the pageant which stars. Princess Ts ianinia. interniationally.. fanious I n- diati* m*ezzo-soprano, and a cast of tI irtv American I.ndianis. Under auspices of the North Shore auxil- iary. the pageant dealing with the history. of the Amferican Iiidian,- his past. present, andÂfuture, will benefit the Chicago Maternity meiter. Th patr4on-'patràness list is Nire.. and Mrs.-Graham Aldis, Xir. an(l Mrs. Arthur Andersen, Mr.am Mrs. Albert 1. Appleton, Mr. an(l Mrs. Erniest S. Ballard. Mr. ani Mrs. Homer W. Bang,- Mr. and 'Mrs. E- mer S., Bersbach, Dr. and Mrs. Ar- thur 1). B-lack, Ji.dge and Mrs. \Val- ter Brewer, Charles Wakefield Cad- man., Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carpeniter., Dr. and> Mrs. fludd C. Corbus, r and Mrs Mark IV. Cresap. Dr. i- liain' C. ,TDan forth, General and Mr.. Charles, G.-iDawes. .Mr. and 'Mrs. Rufus C. Iae~ D>ean and Mrs. Ralph B. Dennis, D)r.' ýjosephi B. De Lee, Mr. anid Mrs. CaesS. Dewey, Mr. anmIMrsý. Robert Elliott, M.r. and M-\rs. Kellogg Fairba.nk, Mr. and M.\rs. Calvin Fen- tress, Mni. and Mrs. Irving Florslhcim, Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. ala. Dean andl Mrs. Ralpph E. Heimilat. Deaii and Mrs. Addison Hibbard. 1 Nrs. William Goli Hibbard. Nir. am( irs. 'j. L. Houghteling, Prtesi- (lent anid Mrs.' Robent Mavnard H-utchins, Dean and «.\rs. James Al- ton Jamies,, Miss Cornelia Lunt, en cral aii!Nd rs., Nathan ,iWilliam M\ac- Chesnev. .Mr.: .and 'M1rs. James E. Mfacmurnray, Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank M!cClure. Mr. and" Mns. Geor 1ge A. \fcKinlock . Mn. and Mrs. 'Arne 01<1- )eng, .Mn. and Mns. Carey Orr, D)r,.and' NI rs. \V1illi R. Pankes, Mn. and Mfrs. Langdon Pearse, Mr. nd-Ir, play produq VaLitlib ui tit: dldor Des Moines East Uigh scbool and is de a rnember of Otuega Epsilon, profes- Ra sional dramatic sorority at the Uni- ter versitv of Nebraska.- [en club met 5, at the' resi, h 'Starr, 321 h, Mrs. Wal- a pape.r on pageant. Mrs. Philip H. Smith is ticket cliairman. Tickets may be. obtained from any member of the auxiliary or at the American - Indian shop, 111, East Ohio street, Chicago.-- spe;mcmg *

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