Saturday, but decided to take a chance on holding their last home race of the season, scheduled for 3 o'clock. Their decision proved ex- cellent as the skies, clearçd and a brisk West wind sprangupdriie Comimodore Max Hayford's Twinkle Ditto around the course' to take first place for the race, and first place on total points for the season of 1933. Twelve stars sailed the triangular courseý off Wilmette- harbor,. and con- cuering the extre.mely trickv and gusty west wind, inished i'iite fol- lowing order: lot- Twinkle Ditto .aIftrd TOM waage. 2nd, Smack --Chre «1aj-.u-W. B. Ellis-Myron. 3rd. Gemini, .8. C. Il>lre, Jr.-L. 1M. Pirie-Quinîi Ellis. 4th'. Fram. Frank Mi ego oId-Wt.-.:ey Bowman-Dkk Manegold. StSilvei- Spray- Bob Kendig-flolly Kendig-Dick Sueàss. 6th. Glider.-W lla,îNolbt-Noriiiat Norse-Helen Noble. 7th, Caroi -S n(Uý È:1u,{lE- Udt)t-A. Teckie-yer. th, Bee - Charles lùa-r. tjertrude Gallovay. 9th, Ali Baba -Charles n.h-a nard Cook. lth, WVaIrus - W. T. qtîlvkto>n-R. C. Stockton-H1elen Johnson. Ilth, Hermnes - Johi iHktlsted-C. Boyle-W. ýH. Eastmnai. Itunimeé Il (Earl DeM.%oe-Al Brittain- Jack Denis-on) whlch finished 2nd was. dlsqualifled for fnuling Geiiilai. Mrs. Maria J. Taggart Dies at Residence Here Mrs. Maria J. Taggart, RO years Old, a resident of Wilnette for the past twenty years, died Iast Friday at 'lier home, 1310 Isabella stt-eet. N s Taggart ivas the wvidow of John Tag- gat, contractor. ,Sile lived iii Cli-i cago sixty years before nioving to Wilmette. comimg to Chicago front Pitt.sburgh when sh: was a girl1. Surviving ber arc two daughtcrs. Mrs. George H. Harrison of Berke- ley, Calif., and Mrs. A.' H. Casçily of ,Evanston, and itwo sons, Frank E.: Taggart of Chicago and John A. Taggart of Wilmette. The funeral services were held at * C erlM ls, Sack54; 2nd, TJwlnkl Dto51; 3rd, Proam 50. The 1933 season's point totals for the above. twelve races fol0ws: l8t, Twlnkle -Ditto. 142; 2nd, Smnack 137; 3rd, Carol 124; 4th, Framn 113; 5th, Walrus 108 ; -6th -and 7th . Gemiini 91: 6th and 7th. Hurnmer 11 97 ;- $th, Bée 96; 9th and 1th, Glider 65; .9th and ]Qth. Ail Baba 85- ilth, Silver".Spray 93. I2th, Fanny 6i; I3th, Herrnés '44. 14th. Omar Il; iSth, Cora K S. Prizes for, the .flrst three places in each seriés an d for the ýfirst three places 'for. the sason's. totals wilI be. pr .esented at Sheridan Shore's' annual w inter party in January. Next Saturdayi, the last scheduled race- of the year, Sheridan. Shore's star'fleet Will compete in the Chicago' Yacht club annual Autumn Regatta, to be held off Belmont harborl. 1 UTALIAN lInstruction, given by MRS. NIJNZIO Ru9SO Who ha« r.centlyr,rn.umd from an absence of 14 months abroàd. Affer a short, visif tg Paris and Rome Mrs. Russo, saffl.d in Flor-, onc., mii.look a special stUdy ln iii. University in >Iliaf ,City. ai is now iwady to give lessons ln- Itaien, sither Conversation. Diction or Liferatur. Classas for* end Advancml pupils now fonning. GLIENCOE 1670, at l13 Ashland avenue Wednesdày of lait week to enter.ber senior year at the University of Wisconsin. 0o- The Clarence Drayers, 1034 Elm- wood avenue, have as their guests this week Mr. and ,Mrs. Orrin Hogan of ICenton, Ohio, who came to1 do the fair. stewy Piiaýkin for sport Mocha for afternoon' Bengalîne, for dres 1.00 which is your type? ..ou rets toque* brin, sftew4,e, peaked crownP our complote collection offers you the most popular cf. the new fashions in a variety of chic adapta.- tdons, Bt interesting prices.. bi a off-the-face hat mith high. qui ll'N b antelope beret with pom-pozu l'A -Iwo)