Corduroy Palamras In ailé ehnew bright côiorings. 3.95 SIS fr.edom to the body. Nev e r slides up - and, ohnIy $2.50 $450 You >WiIIfind this quality priced much khigker else*here. Women's Atl'ena WooIles 10% wool wifth a rayon 'stripe, wafie weavel snug fitingi. Vests and Pants Eoch 75, Made in sMali, medium and large sizes, also misses' sizes 12, 14. l6. Get yours f now while we have the se- J lection. New Perfect HOSE Pouf f V IA %r li.g or sisave- lots w itfh lx. length. munslng Suit., $125 Men s Plaini black silk or fancy rayon and lisi. ot anatt rac-. fève price. PAIR 35c 'Mens Fail Neckwear 75c Boys' Tweed uroy -Knickers Boys' Tom Sawy.r Shirts Thes. are soft asa w % kid glove, but they Dpt. Store__, wIlI Wear far be.tton%,Stor- CulScout Headquarters. *0 p