Lure ui iro iie i, lj s'nme uuiiî the family, and of the days wbej daguerreotypes, the "Ihired girl," th, horse and buggy, and sleigh were ii vogue. Those were stern days, toc when ùarriage,,the home, and societ, were take'n very seriÎously. The, novel is a gigantic piece o work- in spit >e of tbhe, fact that thg story becomes tedous at times,, an( that there -are ' places you want t( "'skip." There is nio definite plot tl hold .your -interest, 'but there are lit« erally hundreds of characters whict~ unfold themselves as the story pro gresse.s. Character after charactex urls, eachwith his or, ber own in- diviuaY until the reader finds bim- s.elf in. a maze of per sonalities. Yet there. is no confusion, for somehow each person stands out so. vividly that once described' be is neyer for- gotten. There, is first the Colonel and bis wife,. Susan, ithen. their five 'iildren and aIl their children's -cl- dren and then aIl] their children- tlxrte ge#ierations in al] match across MIr. Bromfleld's pageant of early, .American life. When the Colonel and h is wife tlnally settled in- their modest cabin the surrounding land of which "stood on the very watersbed, w'hence the waters flowed on one sÏde into the, Ohio and on the other into Lake Erie;," tbey set about clearing the land and founding the great home- 'stead, wbich was later to be known to ail their descendants as "Thej Fam"Every Sunday the cbildren jtumn, 'and winter were very import- -int experienices in their lives' Asidefrom Sunday there was Christmas Dav and New Year's, and above, al the grea.t faiiv reunions,, whicb ýwere celebrated from time ýto time. One reunion in liarticular was field iii celebration of. Greataunt Sappbira's bundredth birtbday, and to this all the descendants of Jorge ,and Elvira van Essen %vere invited. Rests isly- Utos MiaSK'a 85l;Qten Me hic p'asantu narra- EDV~RS b~* I tive of a rich and colorful life, as ANTHONY liERE b er- it is here preseiîted by Col; A. A. vey Allen, (Farrar and Rinehart) Anderson, noted Amnerican artist. leads in this category. This t1i0fu- Just as casually as he happened to mental record of huinan courage ani brush clbows witb the grèat and near weakness is now the best seller ingreat of America ani Europe, the lnanY sections of, the cou ntry. -it is a bis storv. best'seller ' in, Evanston stores and is But, alth.ough Col. A 1nders,,on1s pet iconstantly ilà demnand -at rental i 1i uch of *bis time in bis stuiii braiies. ýsocial activities of two continents, ALLMENAREENEIES ~,in exhibiting, the reader'quickly per- Richard Aldingtoni, (Do u bIe day. ceives that one ofhis most énduring Doran). may not be ýon the «favored loves was that of the, out-ofa-doors. list -of ultr .a-conseiva tists, but beau- Beaine ini Wyoning tifUlly i t offers a great romfanc- Ris -book,» in fact, begins. with a and for the reader. wh ose, îiterary chapter on early days ýin Vyomî ng, aplomb isflot too rigidly high masted when the colonel staked claimns to ati seraphic this book should end a .160 acres ofý land.: This was the sit searclh. of Palette ranch, towhicli the writer returns again and again. A. picture A ýWORLD THAT, CANNOT BE of the ranch as .well as a -score of SHAKEX, by Dr. Fremont other reproductions. of. the' attor',s Tittie, (Harper) reaffirms the faitb work is included in the book. of our fathers, and presents evidence .Hjs book is, more. tharn the, auto- for its. great need in the world of biography -of an artist.. It is a tale toa.The eloquence of Dr. Tittie. of travel and adventure, who se num-1 pastor of the Pirst Methodist Epis- erous amusing .incidenits arc fully.,*, coPal chmh$ of Evanstotn, agàin is iatched by keeni observation and found in this, bis latte book. It is wise philosoplhizinig. lotie of the monthiy series of popu- In antiintroduction the Hon.' Ed- larly priced sermons publishedb ward R. Fincli, presiding justice of H-arpers. the appellate divisioni of the Supre DEATH IN THE WQOD'S, hy court of Xew York, wrote:, "Out of Sherwood Anderson, (Li veright,.-Inc.) awealth, of experience, Colonel Ani- ian excellent collection of sht derson' bas evolved a phiiosophy-of stores.Hisfirt str ,fr s wor ilife and a.practical. know ledge, Which he hook takes its liame, is probably makes himi a never-endifig source of one of thie hest that Mfr.* Anderson basdeihflasctonom.Hee tritten. and there in the following pages his practical philosophy of life creeps in THE FIRST WORLD WAR, by most interestingly, as . To -nake if e 1awrence Stallings, (Simni andi endurable it is necessary to have a Schuster) is an impressive collection workable pIilosopby . or a sublime if ~ ~ cl unotoranhy .,.... (nuhitary and civilian.) of the World war. Here is direct appeal through the eye. A more powerful collection of lens' work in book form probably is not available. Inspired captions by Mr. Stallings gives it a biting. sharp and sometimes edge, even, as. does. the !",in the hook's FALL BOOKS si Oi'ganized Paris Artisa Much of the autlîor's efforts anxd tille 'hile in Paris. were directed to the organ 1 ation of the Amierican Art associatin, whi'cb Jrovecl a vali- able aid, to Americari art. Foir five yéars Col. Anderson <'ave ail bis time and some of bis monc11y.tot> tlé association. When l is affairs .made it necessary for hlm to close bis ýstudio in Paris and return to America, lie was elected to. the honorarv presi- dency of the association .for life. R "Wonider Herc S J. B. Priestley,a Companions," "A "Faraway," is ai & Brothers for tember 5tb.ý f on, l r 000ks of the year. But- it. isj "Surnmer People," an unusuai love. obfl whether. his second volume mtr beaddwt lsey ilb wvill achieve similar Popularity, and published this month by Dodd, Mead. tisnot at al.beyond certainty that In this new novel, Fanny Heaslip 'Stranger 9S Return" is not one. of the Lea, one of the highest paid serial thirteen manuscripts Mr. Stong was writers in Atuerica, has surpassed her credited With baving destroyed be- -earlier 'successes, "Good-Bye Sum- fore venturing publication,. mer" anid "Hlaif Angel." Calrds Statlonory the Eookso Tou Buy the Booksu Ton laent SoeInIi Sta.tlnery ana Party ad 1724 Oretlgton Av..* Gre. 0227 Orrington Hôtel: ld *, Evé'nsfoni VANESSA. HUlGH WALPOLE The. Fourth and Last Volume in, l'h.Chronie éof th. HERRIES FAMILY $2-50 CEANDLIERS Founfain Square Eva nsfon LmI L