its needs. Thé neVillage hll fias been tàken." - càilt -tp ai- enlarged because of increasing demands for public service. Only the library AddM nyC nvnene has lagged behind the parade of prog- ""fY c ve ene res *s that bas marked the years since at Reforestation Cami it was buiît. Population bas grown Inadto toteeerclgbi from 2,00 to 16,000, and the demfands of the teddstion t he Ske eorelgjti uponthe library have 'also grown. In tion camp, it 1 lopooe its cramped quarters,- witb lîmited illumnt tîm pabli prking r facilities and .antiquated equliment, it inate nothofe pulcampPatkis a now represents that 'whicb was modern jnunc. ot -ftecmi sa and sufficient tbirty years ago.Th ongbustaeon hr "I arn wbole-heartedly in favor of da The boingbs. ta.l1 ge onuThu the project and think it should be un- from the nieîghboring sectiosa dertaken nôw while governiment finan" - Ihé parking lighits on those evening cial aid is available. It will be a help ji is. fel will be appreciated., The' thenemloydofurvllae. ndare also lighits in the récreation tei sible to 'build now to advantage." w eerlgos services ,are co, Mrs. Joseph Reagan, 713 'Locust durte1 Friday evenings, 1. road. president of, Highcrest, Parent- plhied aretin faiiis,-i Teacher association, stated lier ap- l)and r einig enjoyed at 110 e* proval in these words: 1* .do i not' favor. est rgvenet iiga as a uisual thing, any increase 1ini taxs tures were obtainéd hy officers a or cst o untl ~' etsfigried tO dutv there. and the cia back to normal conditions. But I or tue sbig paid for_ fra: favor a ,new lihbrary building on the profits fromi the camp. canteen termns offered by the public works di- copn store. vision of the federal governirrent. The heeeneo mtinpcr lon terni bonds and low interest rate s w twvice a week is also meti makeý it advisable to take advantage of tesnemneTecmavso the. opportunity. And we certainlv do. carnes a varied line, inicluding ni nced a new library ýbuilding." ,nfl%, soft dJrinks of aIl kinds. but shb, laces. razor blades. and wbat .hai Favors Immédiate Actionecmpsb The Rev. John G. Hindley 1035 you. and is onle Of th ap' ü Lak aenu, reidet f WlY, t spots. ' Lae aenu, pesientof ilmtte Tentative plans are b eing formi Ministers' union and pastor of the First, lated, it is announiced, to condui Congregational church, gave his im- study coursesfrteYugmnw pressions in bis usual brief and force-desfrteyugmn l fuI manner as follows: "Myself and dsire to enroîl during the wint( family- are* constant. patrons 'of the moîiths. library, and it is not difficuit to se r.AnsEwyadMs a that the present building was designed Arstrongnof Ela Pan , MisMi for a day long gome by. When we Arestrongt ee of Athea Wiam we first came to Xîlnmette I was impressed Ruets arst wee of th3 ae Wille.iam * b the fact that the lIbrary buildingRihrsnof13Laevnu.i did flot barmonize witb other public Elway is an aunt of Mrs. Richardso edifices or the general high; character a-id Miss "Armstrong is secretary of ti of the vilg.Largerquarters and Y. W. C A. at Altoona. -Other. guesi more modern arrangement and. equip- kf th 1îhrsn weeRv. dM nient are ,certainly .needed, ,and 1 :am Hiarry Babcock, Reed and Jane,.c wbolly ini accord with the proposition, Bloomsbury, Pa. to procced at once to secure a new building." Mrs. Ellen Anibuhl, 934 Oakwoo * FaoriProjoctavenue, retùmned Wednesday of la! n *.,..,71 week froni a spent wvith li building would suffice for some time. I do flot favor added taxes' at this tine, and think that the proposition should be stated hi definite ternis of, .cost and upkeep."0 .Mrs. Marshall, V. Kearnmey, 905 .wi VVit ........... .......... urtis Blue Bell$e.................... Curtis Barbara Barrett Etude ..................... Strealbog Avalanche......... ....--.....Houler Rosemary lWcDanieia The Desert Caravan. .........: Watson Gypsy Dance ...... ......rett Doris Trego The Bell$ ........ .......... Curtis LuUaby... .......... ......Crs Windmili .. ... ...... Curtis Barbara Barrett Busy Fingers............ ... Brett Andantino, .... ..... Diabelli Splnning, Song ......Ellmenréeh, Rosemnary McDanieis1 Harp and Orgapn............ Xrett. Siumber Song ...... ......... Ourlitt A. Curlous Story *..............HRelier Doris Trego, Mr. Lew B. Brown of St. Petersburg, Fia., were din ner -guests Monday of Mrs. Albert, Weber a nd ber daugbter, Mary-Clarke, Weber of 826 Chestnut avenue. Mr. -Brown. is owner of the Independent, the paper1 whicb is distributed free in St..Peters- burg whenever the sun fails to shine. Mrs. Weber and ber daughter have* taken an apartment in the Georgian. hotel i Evanston for the winter and spring and are movign etm ber 23. igi ~tr- trating on football and. have not'had much time to think about hilces or other Scout and Cub activities. How- ever, the date already bas been set for thc first Cub, hike of the year. It's to -be Friday, October 6. Great interest is beang 'shown in, the Cub, prograrn, flot only by the, boys them- selves but by many of their fathie rs. Mr. Townley . says. A nuinber of fathers inquired as to- when the first.- bike would be htld., Repair Seuic mM aia. L WU.u.Sne "PartsPerla amipiree is ___.__ __ __ __ _ __ __ __- __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ à NATIONAL SPORTS WUAR, SEPTEMBER la O23 THE SPORTS..SHOP HUB BARD WOODS 976 Lindes Avnu. Daniel Cans Hair Shop, W09 MAIN ST., EVANSTON OpposIe ahir. Hot.l UNI.