Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 45

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IIas jîSa ulM-- -. In recent years the Ne.w Trier li- brarY bas been operating on a snîall. budget, and after books needed for use ini connection witb. school Nvork had been purchased there -,as littie money on hand to buy other volumes. it is the plan of the. Girls' club to place on the Iibrary shel1ves books'of literary value that the lîigh school students can read and etnjoy at their leisure. To car «ry out this project tlhe girls will seli "bot dogs" and will 'engage in other money-Making scheiles. The girls are much enthused' about thé library project, Mliss \Vriglit states. In past years residents, of the New Trier villages* havé supported 'gei- erously the work, undertakein bly thie Girls' club, and this vear the Club ,nembes believe thèv wvill re-ceive the sarnet-response., Every year the club p.1rovidce-4 col- lege stholar.ships for cleserviug girls who would otherwise. lt unable to, continue their éducation, T he scholar- %hip project will be continuied. In launching its new project, that of buying books for. the school Il- brary, the Girls' club lias asked .for suggestions froîn resident of the New Trier conununities. '*lf vont kniow of, a good book that. shotild be on tlhe school library, shelves. tell 'us :ab)Ott it" Miss* Wright, the club sponsor, says. Thief Robs Cash Till.i at Western Union Here Xednesday eveniîig uf last week a well dressed mian walkecl into the office o f the Western Union Telegraph coni- pany at 1137 G reenle-af avenue, passed through the . switiging gate .which separates the office frorn the recept ion rooffi, and met. Mî'iss Marjorie Thorrnp- son, 629, Park ,avenue, wtho wàs. just entering the office f r'om a lrear . roo.rn with the'rcinark, "This is a stiikup."9 Witbi a .threat to 'frighten M.%iss 1'homipsotn,-'the man pioteeded. t6 re-1 Move the cash f roim the nioncy drawer, .tmiotititiig to $36. He then leisurely walked out and entered a waitiilg auto- mobile, with an acconiplice at the wheel. and the pair drov.%e away-. Of the hostess Of the German-Amer- ican building, which is located at the forth end of Nortberly Island. 1The cbess demonstrations are .being given by two Wilmette residents, H. 14. Beach and Richard -Wrigbtson- Louis d'Autremont Of Duluth, Minn., the> originator ýof four-dimension chess and angel, chess, offered, Mr. Beach. and, Mr. Wrigbtson a f ree gift. of. one of bis angel cbess sets, boards-and bookiet Of rulesexplaining this new game if theywould continue the free demonstrations of angkel chess. This they agreed to do. 'Many out-of-town visitors, te the fair have inquired about the free chessdeosatos North shore residents, bave been invited to register for a free booklet of iules on the various types of chess gamaes. Mrs. David R, Kabele to Address Mission Meeting Mrs. David R. Kabele' of wilmette' 'is attending the *Illinois. SynoicatI convention of the Women's Mis- sionary society. of the United Luth- eran church. iii America,, mihich is l)eing held this week in Springfield. ,Mrs. Kabele is to, address the wom en on the. work of the youüng', women in the Missionary socèty' She will also preside -over the First Illinois Congress for young womnents., which wilî be held over the week- end. She bas been president of the young wonien's organization for the past two years and with ber comimit- tee bas planned the prograni for this frst congress. .More than fifty' girls representative of the Chicago churches ini attendance upon this congress. There will be an exhibit of models of mission buildings and curios froni home and :foreign fields that wil bringk information f romn ah of the mis-ý sion stations. R. G. Roucliffe, ixhose -borne is ntar, the Black His. Of South Dakota, ex- pects te arrive this week for a visit %vith bis sister, and fan'ily, the Carl f Krlunds at 1634 Forest. avenue, and honor of the new oticers of the club. Guild days will be held the first Wcnesday of each month this year, while business ,meetings and special programs wi-il be given on the thîrd vVeunesdlay of each month Tne Guiid uay programs wiii start at 1U and'thle .jusiness meetings will start at 2. Special days planned for.the year are a party lor empioyed women :iiesnb)ers I.'ovember 9,.the fifteenith annuai bail and card, party in Yebru-' kry a card party at tme john bmyth r urniture company March 13, May jreaklast and etection of ofibcers on may 2, and the annual convention ot 4.ne.Chicago and !North Western Rail- way bysttem clubs. May 15 and 16.. Tfhe officers of the club this year, .n addition to Mrs.-Vernon, are: Mrs. j. :Batz, vice-presidelit of . mutual .ervice, Chicago; Mrs. W. E. Loco,. vice-presîcient- of ways and. means, jo P'orest avenue, Livansto1î; Mrs.. rvred B. Hayes, recording secretary, Chicago; Mrs W. F. .White, cor- fesponding secretary, Glen Ellyn; Mrs. O. j. Schwartz, treasurer, Chi- cago, and Mrs. F. J. Weniter, pro- d'ram chairmani, 1204 Asbland avenue, WV iimette. Irish ànd Swedish-Te"ams to Compete ir- Horse Show Two fainous mahitary jumping teanis, representing the Swecish and Irish Free State armies, will compete in the World's Fair "Horse show to be held, it the \Iammoth 124th Fieldi Artillery Armory ini Chiicago froni October 21 _o the 29th. Acceptance f rom tbe Swed'sh and Free State governments in the Inter- national Military Jumping classes,'- is annouinced by Porter. Fox, president ýof. the World's Fair Horse Show asso- ciation. "These events," says ýMr. Fox, "\ViIl prove the miost thrilling, on. the afternoon and. evenifig. daily- prograni s." Septemfber '23 has, beeii set as the dcosing date for entries in ahi classes. Some of the' best known show ring exhibitors in the country will bc reprei- Mr. Gardiner was elected to the Village board in 1906. He was consid- ered one. of the more progressive menibers of the board, and was active in the establishment of a fire limits area and in laying. the, foundations for tlhe present police, departinent., He advocated the building of a new village, hall to replace: the. framne structure in ,wbicb the governing9 bocly of the village met in those day$. The, -Gardiner, family lived in Wil- mette for eighteen years.. Their resi- dence was at 720 Lake avenue., In. Kenfilworth Mr. Gardiner was active in the. affairs of the Kenilworth Union :churcb. He was formerly presi- dent of the board of trustees of the church and was a, member of the board at'the tume of bis death. 11 Mr. Gardiner was in the insurance lhusiness. He was a member of t he, Union Leaigue club and of. the' Skokie, Country cdb. Surviving him arehis widow, MrS.ý Maude Gardiner, one daughter, Mrs. Ktâtryn Gardiner Côte of High'land Park; two grandchildren, Barbara and Joanne Côte; a brother, John Gard- iner of Chicago, and tbree sistera, May and Graceý Gardiner of Chi- caigo , and Mrs. Isabelý Wilcox' of Brooklyn, N. Y. The funeral services were held Sat- urday afternoon at bis late residence.' 250 Oxford road, Kenilwortb. witb Dr. Herbert L. Xilett of tbe Kenil- worth Union church officiating. Mrs. Maybelle Rehfeld. wife- of- William H4. Rebfeld, dièd at berbhome Wedniesda-v, September 13,. of acute dilation of the beart. Sbe' became il' two days- prior to ber deatb. Mrs. Rehfètd wasa member of the Wornan's Club.of Wilmette, tbe Wil- mette League. of Women. Voters and 'the, Wilmette, ' Parisb Metbodist -hurch. Dr. Horace G. Smith, former- pastor of this church and now presi- dent of Garrett Biblical institute, of- Keehn, The 'Wendelin P. Sengs have re- of Dayton, 'Ohio, were recent g utsts Clark Dc'rman., wbo lbas been spend- Henry C. 'Hall, . 500 Central avenue turned to their homne at 401 Lake of the Pierre Bontecues of 836 Cbest- ing the sumnier at Cape Cod, the' *hoiniajored in cframatÉs -at Sullins avenue froni a sumnier spent at the nut avenue. guest of bis brother, Bob, and aun t, CeIlegç -in Virginia, bas started ini the May-B Fanms, their place at Land' --- Mrs. C. A. Bryan, bas returned home Goodman theater school of dratuatics. ' Lakes Wris. ' Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Stickney Of to reenter the Howard school. -- --Clinton, Iowa, and. Mr. and Mrs.-o Mrs, Leonard E._,-Rowe of Long Mrs. Max Katz of St. Louis.,an- Kenneth Green of Conrad, Iowa, Llewellyrt Jones, 15à8 Forest ave- Beach. Cal, arrived Wednesday to rived Thunsday.of last week to visit were guests hast ,Week of Dr. and nue,' will enter bis senior year at the visit ber parents,, the Richard Mul- ber daugbter and family the David Mrs. C. G. Smith, 1325 -Grenwoodl Nortbwestern Scbool. of Commerce ve.ys of 800 Oakwood avenue, for an Balbans of .632 Fonest avnue avenue, on the McKinlock campus this faiL indefinite stay. -

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