ionaries ot' yesterday is the expi-esseci people use tne lhorary, and-ti ly. are belief of those. forward-loo1ing citi- entitled to modern facilities. i cer- ïens wbo are now discussing, the pos- tainly f avor the plan ta provide them.Y sibilities of replacing the antiquated PIedges Support and outgrown 'Wilmette public library. Henry E. Cutier, 407 Central ave- building with a n reu and imposing ' nue, president of' Wilmette board of structure, that will be in. keeping with education,, pledged bis support in these, present-day requirements. %vords: "You can say for me that 1 Built in 1904, the aid building, say, am for this project, 100 percent,, and those who favor the erection of anew 1that anything, 1 cani do ta pramote it one,, undoubtedly met, the needs of that, will be gladly, d ne. 1 am aware of day. and' compared with !the néeds, of the (Public in the way of other public buildings. But'times have! lihrary accommodations and *will joini changed, they assert, and 'what was lMost heartily in any efforts to pro- suitabie then may bie enitirely. obsolete cure thern. Wlien my assistance is. re- nlow. l'le consensus appears to hbe quired. just 'say the word. There are containied in the une wvord. otrw. was ini which. I may lie especially belp- The point stressed is that wvhen the: fuI, and -I would be happy to renider presenit building was erected the vil-' such service ta tbe village." lage, had a population of about 2.000,1 In expÉressing1 her views on, the sub- Nvhile todav it snmberssri160, ject Mrs. John D. Kinnear, 224U Chest- and thatt in ail past thirty vears nut avenue, president of the Logan-> no space has heeni added .to accom- Howard Parent-Teacher association, re- modatc an ever-increasing patronage vealed a broad knowledge of library and a cunsta .rt ly enlarging tuiimber of needs asmwell as past imprQvements in hoonks .that sucb patron)iage required. the village. She said: The r s tlt ,ay bsrers. that the osr Failed to Keep Pace facilitieês of th1e librarv 'are sa restricted "The library building is~ the onby that its officiaIs are unable to rtnder public structure that has not kept. pace the f ulli measure of service ta whichi with the growth of the village. Our the conimunity is entitled and which schools have been added ta or new ontes tbev are more than anxious ta give. (Coiutinued on Page 37) anLweadiers Comment *. L"T r ia Gru lnua effort to secure anl accurate T r ia ru . cross-section of the views of citîzens F sia active in the civic life of 'the village, Plans Fal etv l NVILNIET'rE Lie during the past week, On hehaîf of the "L" Terminal interviewed the leaders of . several or- Bsns soito ie ih ganizations, aird for the information oli an d Mrs.' Esther R. Stonxe appeared its readers presents the foliowing sym- before the Village board Tuesday posium vhich contains specific andf - definite reasons wiy' in tîieir op insnighit and requestèd permissionfr theproosd pojct,'soul b ~Ier that aggressive organization to stage. theproose prjec, soul beundr-,a fall festival' on the evenings of taken at once: 1 o V1 \ednesdav, Thursday, Friday and George' H. Redding., 1510 Elmuw o Saturday, October 4, 5, 6 and 7. The avenue, president of W,,ilmette Civic sci of the mierrymaking is ta bie league, said: "Wheni this. matter.: was. laid et the corner of Linden avenue 'first, brought ta My atteniir 1 thpughit .and. Fifth street,. a large plot of' that here' is ,a..,rtal proposition 'i*ýthat vàcat ' property ta be used as' the should engage the' immediate attenltion -stage.- The frolic 'is ta begin at. 7 of Wilmette citizens.. I heartilv favor'o'clàck and continue. until l1 o'clock a>inew library building, and efforts in or thereàbojits. Permission was also that direction will have my full sup-. sought. to close Lindén avene be- port. WVe aIl know that the present ItWeen Fourth and Fifth streets on building is entirely inadequate and thatth 'as'to nits Tebar larger quarters are badly needed. It granted the desired permissions sub- iîs a spleiidid idea. and should be pushed ictt avseios oictions that tional convention, te be héld in Chi- cago October 2 te '5, ar-e already 1ak- en, WVilme.tte post has started ta list roomis which this village, has avail- able for, Legionaires wbo.have flot vet made their réservations.- Local rooms will be listed at the information, bootb which Wilmette post will conduct f rom September .28 to Octoher 5 on the site of the Mira- laiL!o in No Man's Land.. The booth will also provide factsabout the con- Legionnaires desiring advance reg- istra.t*is ,obtainaàble at'a.nominal fee are instructed to telephone Wiltnette 3753. Urge"Kenilworth Peo pieSign NRAI While, the business .cancertis of Kenilworth have:,s'gned -the NRA codes and are operatinig under the prescribed regulations, na steps have as yet been taken ta secure consum .er pledges of compliance. This is due to the 'fact that the village has no chamber of commerce or other com- mercial organization ta take the ini- tiative in the creation of an adminis- trative organization, it is explained. In this. situation Postinaster Doug- las S. Crooks makes the suggestion that residents of Kenilworth caîl at the postoffice and sign the cards, upan which action he will issue .the Blue Eagle insignia., This voluntar~y action. will, 'Mr. Crooks points out, preclude the necessity of a hanse-to- bouse canvass ta secure signatuires. He now bas the cards and stickers i readiness, and urges ail regidents ta sign without delay, MOVIE STAR HERE jýanet Gaynor of. Hollywood, 'popu- lar motion picture star, wvas -the house' gluest last. ,week-elidof the Frank, J. Rothings,, 711 Linden avenue, Wil- mette. Miss Gavnor is a cousin of .Mrs. Rotbing. able winter nousingoaithe aone 'mou- sand mnen engaged in the Skokae drainage and improvement project wes't of the" north shore villages. Forty-eight of the buildings will be erected at the Skakie boulevard and Willow road camp ta acconimodate the eight hundred. men employed there, and twelve will hause the two companies in the Wilmette avenue and Hanms roa camp. the build- ings will be. substantial, designed to pratect the workers. against severe winter weather. They will be beated with bot air furnaces. TL@usaud Mo»e Comig In cannection witb the annaunce- me nt made Monday:by Major T. R. McCarron, the camp commander alsa eçxplained that he bas been instructed ta locate.a canvenient camp site for five. additional companies, or ane thausand mare men, who. are ta 6e placed in the Skokie praject' at an early date. As soon as he determines upon a, site, Major 'M<Carôn wil!eter- manent winter quarters, the buildings ta be the same in number and design as those which have just been auth- orized for the existing camps. Army of2,000 'This will then make a total of 21000 men engaged in the Skakie reclama-, tion praject, in addition ta large con- signments af machinery which it is announced will be placed into' the work fromn time ta time as required. --xyi a u it, iL lblli'.ltd4 in information received this week from the Sixth Corps Area War department headquarters, in. Chi- cago. that an additional 120 reserve. officers fromi the states of Illinois, Michigan,, and Wisconsin have been ordered- to -active duty with the Ci'vil- (Continued. on Page' 9) Hearing on Autornatic Gates Cornes October 1.0 work for local laDor. Hy ail go ahead now if more rooni is ni 'Mrs. George H. Beaudin, 72é wood avenue, president of the C .Women's club, struck a note of isni in giving the project ber 'a; "There is abetter feeling existi i Elm- t<ake, north aofi-ayward, W ,atholic had unusual success, sendii optim- a shipment of pike ta the n ,praval. and bringing home, them number oai bass. home hbors, ASI F( numuer ai students attending Nev Trier bas increased at the rate af gp proximately one hnndred a year. Thi in&érease this year is a normal one.*