s hip, religious éducation 'and social fel- lowshlp. It weIèomes the co-operation .of ail people 'of good *111 who wish to promiote the weifare of the neighbor. hood, t he realization of effective meth- ode. of philanthropy, and the extension of the Gospel into ail the' world.. The Women's guild will hold its firsi meeting Monday, October 2. Luncheon. will.be served for 50 cents. The hours of meeting are fromn 10 to. 4 o'ciock. the women are asked to corne In for es much time as- possible. The invitation le n o t,,only for members of the gulld and7 congregation but for any one in the village who may be interested. The Sunday school wili 'meet as us- ual at .9:45 . o'clock. Ail children - be- * tween the ages of three and the, high sechool are. cordially ,ivited to visit. and to. become regular members. First Con.9gr,.egational John G. Hindley, minister At the Il -oek service -of wor4i i p next Sunday the members 0f our Church school faculty will be commis- sioned. Mr. Hindley will preach on "The Price of the Best." The service will conclude with participation in the, Sacrament. The members of the church are asked to make this a ful assembly and a tirne of re-dedication.* Members of the- congregation wfio do not desire to share ln the communion *observance wili be given an opportu- nity te withdraw. The muste for next Sunday ivili be:. Prélude: "Pastoral Chioral". Reinherger Anthem: "Sanctus ............ Gounod Offertory: , "Communion" ........Torres Quartet: "Frayer" ...........Chadmick Postlude : "Chorale in A Minor- Cesar Franck Next Sunday is Raliy. day. In the Church sehool. Ail pupils shouid be registered and in attendance bY then, as the new courses will be outiined or begun. Our new acting director, Fran- cis W. Hayes, wil be introduced and wiil assume his responsibilities. Pri-. mary, Junior, Intermediate, and Higb Sehool departments will meet at 9:30 a. m. The Beginners Department. for clidkren. three,. four, and five years of age, will meet at 10 :45. An ail-day meeting of the Cozy Cor- ner circle will be held Thursday, Octo- ber 5, at the home of Mrs. Frank C. Huffmnan. 1311 Maple avenue. Mr£. t: joius. e The Christian Endeavor soeiety began -its meetings last Sunday, and will con- - tinue through the year. The following a oflicers.were elected: Hugh Boyd, presi- Ddent; Mary Allice Hayes, vice-president;* Marguerite Curli, secretary;, Dick -Tor- *rey,- treasurer. Plans were. discussedi ýfor the work of the year, and there is promise of splendid interest; and ad- vance. The meeting Sunday wlll be at t5.:30, o'clock. Tea wIll be servedl at . 6 :30 :o'clock. Ail yoôung peopl e of, Hlgh s ,echool age and over are invited to *join us. i The Boy Scouts. wlll meet Monday 1 evening at 7:30. o'clûek-7a-t- the church. The session wiil meet Monday evening ait- 8 'clock at the church. *Our, prayer meeting. wili be held iWednesday. evening at 8, o'clock at the 1chureh.* This meeting Is to. be a meet- ing of intercession, côooperatlng,,in aý Day of, Prayer caiied by the Christiar. Business Men's commission. of Chic;%go. ,Weinv(ite ail of those who are earnest th calling, upon our- God. for heip l this crisls to join us.' The meeting will be informai and helpful. The choir will rehearse on Friday eve- ning at 7 o'clock at the church. WNork atthe church by the men and boys Nwill be resumed on. Monday eve- ning. Several things are unfinished, and :the help of as many as can cone> wil be appreciated. Englisk Lutheran C(,ruenieaf at Seventh street Wilrnette -A House of Worshlp" Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday. schoo . ....... A:5 a,, m. Communion service ... la. m. This evening, Thursday, at 6 :30 o'ciock we are having our Fait Congre- gational .Fellowship dinner, for the members and friends. *Choir ýrehearsal Friday evening' at Junior Luther league will meet Sun- day evening at *5:30 ocok Fred Dreibus wili present the topic. "The Master's. Method of 'W7nning Men." During the morith of October tfie theme of our topies will be "Winnlng O>thers." The- East circle. of the Women's guild, willl meet, tomnorrow;. (Friday) with Mrs. Royal Smith, 706 Eimwood, avenue. at Il o'clock for a business meeting. The South circie wiili meet also tomorrow with Mrs. Ralph Jennings, Gregory and. Broadwa.y, for, luncheon at 1 o'clock foliowed by a business4 meeting. The ÀNorieast circle meets tomorrow with Mrs. George H. Weaver. 1020 Ashland avenue, with lunc.heon ati Ernest Bersch *111 act as host -at the Hàll o! Religions at-A Century o! Pro- gress on Saturday, .Septemiber 30. The ]Ladies of the Guiid are having a Rummage Sale at the Parish ýhouse Thursday and Frlday, Octotier 5 and 6. Some one wili be at.the" Parish bouse on Wednesday, October 4, te receive articles, and ail donations wili be most gratefuliy accepýted. 'It, la to be hoped that each and every member of the congregation wili makté an extra effort te contribute toward this sale. and te se ~that al. elothes are in good erder. Thia s Iflot only for the benetit of the, poor of the Village but for our own Guiid treasury. Mrs. George H. Bird. 1010 Chestnut avenue, is chairman. St. John's Lutheran Wihnette and Park avenues, Wiimette Herman W. Meyer, M. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396, - Church telephone 5379 SERVICEJS Slxteenth Sunday after Trlnity 9. a. mu. Con! essional service for communicants. 9 :15 a. m. First service and Holy Communion...! 9:30 a. m,. Sunday school an~d Bible classes. il a. m. Second service and sermon.1 Sermon: "The Strength of the Chris- MEETINGSý Monday at 8: Ctoir rehearsai. Tuesday at 8* hch.cui. Thursday, October 5, at 1- Ladies' Aid Luncheon. F'riday, 'Registration for '110Y 'Comn.- munion. Knowiedgç la power, said a great mind. But the knowiedge and the pow- er we think of when thoes. word re 1. g' *The pastor willI continue his, brief exiplanation of the.various parts of the Lutheran order of the morning service or the communion next Sunday moirf- ing. n the reguiar service.1 Classes for the Christian education of chiidren ,willl. be resumed in the month .of October, the date and time to. beý decl.ded later. Hioweveir, the p astor will be very giad In -the mieantime te have such parents as are enrolling their children this year confer with' hlm. Classes for grown people. who are con- templatlng unilig wit4 ourý church wilI also soon be opened. A çinner is being given.this even.ing at 6 to which the members of 'St. John'ii and their, friends are especlalty. asked. The Apron Circle of the Ladies' .Aid and Missionary society ýwill -be in charge. Metkodist Churc h ARev. Oscar_ Tios. Oison, D. D., minister The minister. wiîi bc in the pulpit next Sunday morning. His sermon theme wii be "Our First Concern.' The choruEa choir wlll give the service a. musical set1tng. Music for the il o'!ciock, worhip servie next Sunday wiii 'be as foiiows: Organ 'Prelude: ::Allgo.............Rogers "Adagio" frruEMinor Sonata) The Introit: "Sanctus".......;ul Anthem by the choir: '"O Thou That Hearest Frayer" ...... *........Day les Organ Fostlude: ."Fugue1..-Rogers The Service of Hoiy Communion will be heid on Sunday evening at 5 o'clock. Thie Hlgh School Epworth league wil meet at 5 :30 p. m. at the'ehurch, wlth Dr. Oison as the speaker, using the subject "The Will of God." Foster Ol-. gis, President, wil preside.. Ail young peoPie of high schooi age are cordiaily iivlted to attend. The Church school meets each Suw- day morning at nine-thirty. Teeare classes for ail ages. Tfhe Rock River Annuai confe rence wili nieet in, the Ottawa Street church, Joliet, October 3. The Woman's Aid society, will mneet Thursday, October 5. Luncheon .wiii be served at noon by the first division. The business meeting anid program willi be held st 130. erezetnftà - f" Tomorrow, Seýpterber 29, a t. -I The annual Harvest Home dinner willI be heid October 27., Reserve the date.. The Hlgh School league wIll hold an .0ut-of.doors,,Treasure ,Runt, .on -thé comX