of The Howard 7B pupils had their first lass meeting September 15. * The last year's.president took charge of the meetin.g tilt the new president, * vice-president. and secretary were voted for, Thée new officers are: president. Connie Husting; vice-president, John, Hale;. corresponding secretary, elsie Johnson; recording secretary, .Hele n Sparksý; ,program chairman, :Tom. Zaremba; assistant chairman, Ade- laide Koenen;, housekeeper, Eugeniia Church; errands, BilIy Davis and Jacqueline Willis; washing boards, Billy Bartlett and Anna Grace Jor- jorian; librarian, Billy Drucker; dis- misser, Marjorie Pearson; JuNIOR LiPE reporter, Natalie Triplett. Blue, and white were chosen as room colors. - Marciaý Anderson. Howard 7B. Marvin Harms Chosen President of Howard 7A Howard 7A elected new oficers for the room on Tuesday. The offlcer$ are as follows: president, Marvin Harms; vice-president, Betty 'Craw- ford; secretary, Melvin Nylund;. treasurer. Rosemary -- McKeighan;-, sergeant at arms, Bob* DeVinney;. counicilors, Donald Hutchins and Betty Haley; JUNIOR LuPE editor, Ed- ward johnston, and program. chair- mani, Charles Spinner.-Betty Haley. Howard 7A. SItl*pCitizenship Group Eleets Holmes -President This year wve elected our citizen- ship officers bv secret ballot. It was the most interèsting election our room ever had. The ofic ers elected were: Bill Holmes,, prei'dent.- Har- line Ward, vice-president - jean Stark, secretary: Charles 'von Tes- mar, treasurer; Eleanor Altman and * John Miller, council members. They weeal ls elections.-Dick Mag- lA vvi W V7V 48 in Football Gaine, 13-0 The irst football game C-2 played was a "wow." C-2 of Howard bat- tled C-2 of Stolp. Bert Symons, cap- tain, Dick Hull, Dick Pen.berthy, Bob Lyons, William Cloud, Bill Drucker and a few others played on our team.1 C-2 of Howard had a touchdown as- the, whistle blew at the haif.- We tried -for. point and got it.. We1 made another touchdownl in, the second ,haîf but missed the poin. The finâal score was 13 to i.in HoW- adsfavor.--B.ill Drucker. How- ard 7B. 'Deseribe World's Pair by Means of Plictures Miss Donnelly is the art teacher. She tells us toô do different things, and we dolthem., The first week of school w'e had ber. After a few daàys she knew us better, so she gave us an assignmnent. The assigriment was to draw an interesting picture of what we saw at the world's fair. We did so. After we had finished the pictures she collected'themn and showed them to the class. They are wonderful pictures that our 7B c lass drew. They were praetically ail fine pictures.-Carol Specht. Howard 7B. Science Students Learn How to Use Microscope, Miss Stevens, our general science teacher, bas started us in using the microscope. Our first observatibn; was the antenna of a wasp. After each observation 'e write something about it on a page ini our notebook. In observing the antenna, it was- en- *agd100 times. Five àegments wvere visible on the field.-Tom Huck. Howard ýA. Girls :Who Play Kilckball Get 'Points Toward' 6W"9 School has starl kickball games They started last on for some time and so have di after schi ek andl will k, jur /I3emu&y, (&-u Tuesday, September 19, the Stolp assembly club held the nominations of the offilcers for the 1933-34 tenu. For president there were nominated: Bud Drake, Marjorie von- Franen-. berg and Madeine Clark; for, vice- president, Willi'am Holmes,: Robert Scheibel and Marion Witt; for secre- tary, Jarvis Linigle, Nancy, Robb and David.Geppert; for treasurer, john, Miller,, Pat Penick- and Jane Kemp- nich. The election ivas scheduled for, Tuesday, September' 26.-Lois Whitehead, Stolp 2A. Seventh Graders Realize They WiIl Have to Work This year in seventh grade 'ie will have to work hard and always try to keep up with what is gtyven us. M rs. Vernon 'teaches social science and it is quite interesting. It' is a. mixture of history, geograp.hy and civics in one big story,. Miss Perring teaches, grammar, and the other dày we gave oral themes on our vacations. Re- *,cntIy we had a citizenship club meeting and we elected a president, vice-president and other officers.- Robert Mizener, Stolp. Howard Sports Program Bristies With Brisk Fun -At Howard sc.bool we are startiîig1 to get sports, including kickball and! basebali, wbile thle boys are getting football. Just by luck the 7B girls' gym started Wednesday, Septemxber 20. Also the. girls' cooking class started on Tuesday, September 19. and it is going to keep on for at Ieast' haîf of the yiear,, .he cooking teacher said.-Louise ýGraham. Howard 7B. PLENTY 0F HOMEWORK We have a lot of homework to. remember. for teachers this year in 7A. 'WVe are doing homework each night for these teachers: social sci- ence and spelling, Mrs. Groves; orammar for Miss1 jfadsn -n. tm Ubservatory Ulve Camper a ThrilI This surrmrer -I stayed at a camp on Lake Geneva,' in Wisconsin. Everv Wednesday we *went to Yerkes observatory. Climnbing a long. stair- way.. we reached the upper floor where we saw the largest refracting telescope 'in the world. On one end was, the 40-inch lens which too k from ten to twelve years to, niake,. On the other end'was an appaýratus which received the ravs from' Arcturus to light the wýorld's fair. This telescope i5sso perfectly balanced that you can raise, it *with one hand, yet. it- weigbs a few tons. The dome of the observatory moves around on littie wheels and the floor moves up and ýdown., While we wereý there the astronoinier' told us many things. about- the stars.- Marcia Bernidt, Howard 7A. Kahn Heads Citizenship Club of 5B at Howard The boys and girls in our roomi havea citizenship club. The follow- ing officers have been elected: presi- dent, Dick Kahn. vice-president. Bobbie Doddls; secretarv, Jean L'inci- strom; treasurer, Peggy Kirchner; program director, Betty H-uck. With, thèse officers we are quite sure our. club will be a successful one.-Billy White, Howard SB. Children L ove School, SThisRererraI Wletesi SeThis eportal e Decaresi schools started. The children were ntsorry, for I arn sure they al love school. I amn in the seventh grade and love it. Our teachers are -very nice. We have a teacher for almost, every class. We have very interesting studies suich' as cooking. sewing, art, dramatics, grammar, music and arithmetic.-Mary W.ood- bury, Howard 7B. thevm very ii Stolp 2A. is class' The gi ry Florence May. in and Irene Vedg -giveri in the Hc Jane Burbpttý, r were Koller tea was brar.-- dom trade Bu! morZwaire ach. *My1 n Horne. tic 'and :>ward 5B. annette L 4;h ward BA.