warmu approval of a large number of visit their pri' people who constantly use the hi- 25 cents is ch. brary and are familiar with its space - limitations. So widespread has been .the reac- tion f rom readers at théï library to th sgestiion that Wilmette avail itefof the advantages offered by,. the federal public works program tio secure a- new p ublic library that it -Seersltoîgether likely that favorable sentiment will soon be crystalized in,-E to definite action under the direction of. local, organizations. Interest in the project Mis stimu- latedhy the direct or tentative ap- îroval of such -leaders ini civic, and . e(lucational affairs' as C. P. Dubbs, president of the 'Village board: George H. Redding, president of the Civic league; Mrs. George H. Beau- din, president', Catholic Womnen's club; Hetiry. E. Cutler, president,. Wilmette board of education; -Mrs. .john D. Kinnear, presidènt, Logan-ý crest Paj-ent-.Teaclier association; the Rev. John G. Hindley, president, Wil- mfiette Minister's union; Mrs., Lowell D, -Snorf, president, Central-Laurel Parent-Teacher association:- A. S. Van, Deusen, president, Wilmette Chamber of Commerce1, and Mrs. \Marshall V. Kearney, president, Catholic Parent-Teacher association. Orville J. Moyer Is rirA1 , CL bcot ana coiIpaUIy, %vas rown- ed on Septeniber* 21 at Blufftoni, Ohio, Ilwhere he had gone, on a vacation to attend bis family reunion. A group of college s tudents on a botany tour found bis.body in a swimming pool wvhich.. had been closed for the sea- son. Bruises, on his head and face indicated that he had struck a rock vwhile diving. Mr. Moyer was a widower and with his only child, Virginia, 19, hadre.., i Mr. Lin -e lin the'l rBrothers ire unable to former ts. A fee of 1327 Cu Idren are ad-I week. iy ox rKenilwortn, h imnor road, Kenilw, 1 tJ 725 r a il The World's Largest, Fastest, Rooii fEconomical and Beautiul Low-rie IS NOW IN. WINNETKA "est., Most 'V- 8.Car J Xnno uncing he Oening of a, new and authorized Fo rci SALES. AND, SERVI.CE STATION. 714- ELM STREET, WINNETKA (Adjoining Abel Bàttery and Ignition Service) The Sales De>artment will be Un-. der the. management of Mr.. Geéorg Keough, who will be assisted by Mr. Chester McA voy. You Are Cordially Inwited to InspectI 1the Latest V-8 Models on Dis play TELEPIJONE WINNETKA 158 COUINny.