Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1933, p. 13

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H'ugh S Johnson,, national admiinis- trator of the NRA, local organliza- * tions of the recovery prograni in tbe New Trier villages will create NRA Comipliance boards, the duty of whicb wil'l. be to recei've and adjudicate, if possible, charges o-f noncompliance witb the spirit and letter of 'tbe measure. The, Compliance boards'are. to be appointed by the generals ini charge, of local -administration, Henry G. .Watson,. Glencoe; -joseph,' M. Lechner,. Wilmete, and Howard A. Gray,, Winnetka. Wbile tbe -instructions caîl for a board of seven merubers, local boards will require but four members, it is stated, owing to the fact that there are nîo large industrial Ïinterests on the north shore. The make up of the local boards as, plannèd willPbe: Represent 3 Groupe One representative of employées, to be, chosen for - his .leadership, in- telligence and standing ini the coin- munity and among bis fellows. One representative. of employers., to be selected for leadership, îintelIligence and' standing inhi bs ealling. One representative of consumners, preferably a womnan, with no d*irect * inter.ests or connection with. trade -or industry other than thoe of a.coni-. sumer. * ne légal repr esentative, a lawyer, in gôod standing with the State 'Bar association and ini the comnunity-, selected .for leadership ini bis profes- sion. This nienmber ývil act as. a .iudge sitting in judgnient on ail cases brought before the board. H1e will also'act as çhairinan pro temn, calling the board into its first session, and *presiding until a' permanen.t chair- main is chosen. Chairmanship Import-,nt The importance of great care in se- * Iecting the permianent chairman is *Stressed.,by,,thie national administra- tor.- "This rnaiî," he states, "mnust hav adinistrative and orgiig ability, and mature judgmenlt. 11He should enjoy the respect, of the entire community and must be free fromiany connection - political, financial or ôtherwise-which would cast' any * doubt on the inipartiality of. bhis de- cisions. It is suggested tlat retired leaders of commercial or professional' life' be considered for this 'no Mina- that the jiresideflt's reenîployment agree- sra yeino swmestJI mient Pq not a statute to be enforced b., Richmond road, Kenilworth, the past iaw but a voluntary individual covenlant. three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F~. J, H-owever, It should be explained further Maginn and son, jack of St, Louis, that a refusai to answer a questionwIlav asobe vitigheWhes be considered -contra ry to' the spirit of t .he agreemnent if the answer to, the Mrs. Maginn is, a sistèr of Mirs. question would deterniine whether or White. flot the employer ie complying. Such a1 refuiqai should, be noted by the boardOLETPOEIOA in miaking Its report to NAYART ,/CHOOIL No Enforcement Power ,Z4 14 AlER ICA It is expressly empïhasized thgtte Compliance board shall' bave no POIN ACCOIPI /NNENT ers Of eniforcemenit ýexcept upon ex-, CHARACTER press directions from Washington.PETQ And the poinit is also stressed that bearings before, the, board are design-, ed to give the; employer everv op portunity to make-a voluntaryP state-. ment of bis side of the case so that SCIM Ib LS "(a) Any misunderstandrni m A. REAL UNIVERSITY 0F ART be cleared -up. or THREE UNITS IN ONE "(b) If, after .everv attemint .at COMMERCIAL ART.UCHOOL, oe. conciliation the employer pers ists in voeu. UICHOOL OYFFIASHION AmrT RAY OUCHOOL 0'F ADVERTIOINU0 nhon-compliance,. a report of bis case A ,buseîms-âke, pmracde Institution upecalwang la May be forwarded to Wash maiçtno the Professio,,ml requiements. Comemazdai An, Brn witbi a recommtrendation that bis Bltie Design and Styling, Advert1slng, Photopraphy, lte-i Eagle be remioved by 13ederal auti)r- ýIû totba P « Uaof"lô, niat .At Incorporate Design mand other ubjectu petmlulg t. ity7 Art and Advertlsing Aln Judumtrp. The personnel of local NRA Coin- ' pliance boards will be presented as Entfrance Dates -Oe teo b e r 12.16-23 sooif as they are, created. The a.p- Chleago's Outstan41ng Sebool 26 Tests ln Saine Ideal Loeatils pointment is ýfor foirtv,-fle davrs. 16-Enlraument Umsurpassed 16So. Michilgan 1Hv., Chicago. Depi. S Phyllis Dulbsky. 6 27 Ahhotsford road. t.akoview IIdg. Opposite Art Insfitue Kenilworth., left on Tuesdav1 to enter WU.UiAu F. RAT, P..,-. RUTH WAM R i*, *,*.. lie r f reshIimqin vear at Bryn Mawr. North Shore Montessori School 761 CHERRY ST., WINNETKA For children from 3 to 7 Years Of age. will' begin its i 8tb year on Monday the 2nd of i October, 1933. MISS DOROTHY SEARS TELEPHONE WINNETKA 2896 FeIe 1642 C "The conductý of the board ioward an employer is summed up as follows:. AI- tliough the employer may be represènted by counsel, if lie sode&ires, there lis no necessiy for' this. The employer may flot be' forced to answer questions. In resum.a bunday, We wiliIb,. gIad t. show ourý for winfer occupancy. w 1 5th, in the Ballroorn tfes, and kifcheno ttes et speciui rates W. M. DEWEY, Managing Director E~arStvminc. -64 OltRRINCIplm AVINOmt tg a --rsa I Flexible bracelet Berry damier set in antique gold 1.00 oaci, T ----------

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