Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1933, p. 19

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tlxrty, Prof.. Harry D. Gideonse -of the Universty of Chicago, outstanding economjst in the international field, and Prof. WVilliam Fielding Ogburn, also ()f the University of Chicago, an au- thority on sociological pr oblems, direc- tor of the Social 'Trenids re port, and NýRA adviser on the constimers' couil- cil. Mr Thomas will dsusthe -politc phases of the NRA, Professor Gideotjse wilI discuss, its eccinomic effect and, Proiessor Ogburn w Il. telli of its so-1 ciological effect. ForUxn Councîl Plans Lectures Th"îe series of, lectures at the- North Shore CongregatioW lsrael is tobe you% at your best, a we -gladly assume. EUGENE. L. RAY Studi . 1Pho0togra persý il Stdio 606 Chicago Ave., Evanston Il ~Our'Pho:ogr-aphs are as loti as,$.Q .1r/u-Gr*anqlii of RWilictle, Pidaàist and touacher, lias joined thre givrin uner the auspices ofthie Iorum Wil'ietka sttudios ,of -t .e - CoJlmbia council of the church, which, is coin- 1Scho9I of AI isic, and zîill 1w assO- po ftevaju rai.zations in: ciated *wtiKtle -ir zwho lias i the church, including the SIisterhood,- brenl and stili is flise1 princi pal o'f the the M',%en's club and1 the Temple board, IViinnetia studios. AlIr. Granquist oî trustees..lhas traieied a qretî ninber of pro- In each succeedîng mnonth, continuing fcssÇioaIlsaund entlusiastic amateurs tlirough, March, lectures will be given r <id a.sý a tcadwr, îs said to coIn- on subects of vital current interest by' bille iithori v with tact. A-dded to men Who are authorities ini their par- / liis ,atulai gfts and acquired i icular -fields.. . abilit v as a muisician, li, possesIses Tickets for ýthe lecture course may be O ynahtcpersopiilitv ,thlai per-_ ob,,taitied,-1w phoning the. temple office, ils is e best possible undersiaîîd- (Glencoe 725, or Mrs. Bartnett Frarop: il, ia tee teacîser and puspil. cliairman, 741 Prospect, ave nue, Win- netka (Winnetka 609). BAHA'! LECTURE EXPERT RIFLEMEN "is Humnan Brotherhood Possible 1" BHSmythe of 43 Kenilworth avenue,' This is; the suhject of the lecture. to Kenilworth,. and Arthur R. West, 723, he given 1wI Dr. Ali Kuli Khan of. Ashland avenue, Wihnette, were among Persia at Founda'tion hall. Baha'i Flouse seveil boys in Chicago and vicinity to' of WToôrship, on. ide venue and qualif v, as expert riflenien ini the jun- Sheridan~ road, Wiirnette, Suindav! ior division of. the National Rifle àsso- afiernoon, October 1, at 3 :30 o'clock.,» ciation, accordling to information f rom lieadquarters of the association Mi Î n Vr.HletTon,9 Wa~hngtn. . . . Te o~lv rad lîdian Hill road, entertained a .group highier tha expert is distinguished rifle-. man, of friends from Geneva, Ili., at lunch- inan.eon Sunday. The Thornes spent fivel SUNDY TA weeks in Geneva this summer. air. na iirs.J-xurge., BensoII,210 Mifelrpse avenue, Kenilworth, ené;ter- tained at tea Suinday at InianHl club in honor of. Mr. and Mrs. Speri- cer Lan-ehart of Palm Beach, FIa., who are visiting Mrs. Lanehar' s niother in La Grange. I .ITALIAN Instruction gir.ien by MRS. NUNZIO RIJSSO IN123 ý-.UNI. 2238 dozea NOW III II Ti.omorr.ow u'oPen,,our new. FRIGIDAIRE SALESROOM AT SHERMAN.AVENUE CH'4"ICAGO SUBURBAN QUALITY GROUP Phone Centrail 3355 1016 Willoughby Tower, Chicago AGENERAL MOTORS VALUEI Thne craftsmnen in Our workrooms know that. every lens we griudMilst_ pa s ýethe ighe . t.test of precisio 1n4 Aimer Coe &~Cmnpany W PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS 1645 ORRINGTON AVE., EVANSTON CHICAGO STORES: 105 N. WABASH4 AVE. *18 S. LA ,SALLE ST. . 70 E.JACKSON BLVD. 'j'beL _______________________________ i 21, Il [L -,

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