thr esn pnn côe ,i er audition vas hcld 011 Noniay of --twek-Sh w--ngge1tatt an Opera eoPak , Or tthethe smer third seasonopening Octôer 5, ie.. bat teru'ooui, tRvinia Copak , or ttheColon opera -1and her program: work started -n Tuesda. This is apeoea eod o tR ui- cludes six newcomers to Chicago it isvr are that an* art- ainoenlrcrd o Buenos Aires, during the early Smhn parn.Treo hs s sengaged so soon aft-. autinnn with the San Francisco and are. pianist-an Arnerican from Den- er an audition. He or she Los Angeles opera, and during the ver, a Dane from Copenhagen and- a has to %wait several %weeks . ffor oncers t ageoacttoi w hFed seventeen-year-old girl from Vienna; least, hefore. a decision '1s frcnetado'rtrowr, r the two guest conductors,- SirHam-. mde erick Jagel has: made, and -maintained Weingartner, venerable. conductorte program wjith Doctors- tiful singing and enviable miusiciahsbhp. are making their first appearances Shernian.and Pratt.atnd also Tis younig and successffï4 Arerican here. rhe onlvy vocalist .1st'e- As wuh. Rx.aupini'and.his Ac l, tenor who -appears atth Ne Trr Grete ýStueckgo.ld, Mtrplia ea of the Air, the only fif teen- High. school auditoriumMnayee star,a soprano, who comnes to tfhis piece orches t ra broadcasting ning, October 30, in the first of the country from Germany, though she on aftrno prrmsoeAts-Rcaîsissosre by the was bon n L nd n.Chicago> stations. Ms Stew- W innetka M usic cu a a 0f the'remainder.cif the list, four-1 art will hbe the soloist with sitadrmatccre.Born i teen, are. artists who have made f romj the orchestra. The progMamin 1897kbynie wok en es one to'eleven appearances wut-iih the sponsored by the Saf eWýay flot rememer the tim hen bW did orchestra:. Ossip Gabrilowitschlas Bus companJ. :of which Paul .ntwn esn.A orh tde the ist with eleven appearancs snce I0. Dittmhar of E'aso music with his f ather, a cuc r 1901; Mischa Elman has.plaved ten fresident. omgama cho ndtenwn ti1meschE 09fRuf lhGazanne Oi ctbr l s.Stw gnst. Growing up, he %vas graduated since 1903. Vladimir Horowitz, art will be on the musical on. to high school. Fie left before 19uh.28, ýèig ô hsconr program of. the" opening ýfalI .. graduating to enter business in order in 12, bas' made nine Visits here. i meeting of the Friends of nenuh oe àt cultivate Gui ma. ov es B azli n anse American IVriters te he held hs Voc which- ev'eryone agreed, was makes her. third appearance; Ma« th hcg tI.tccu .4.inuuual. Fate iTterfered in the, shape and -Patison their sixth ; Egon Petri; September 10 sbeappeared ort o f a .%ealthy silk mnerchant who heard bis third and Artur Schnabel, wh&ý the musical program of the the young man singing solos in a has been too busy abroad to come to meeting of the Pen and Pencil ~ church, was enormnoüslv impressed with Arnerica often, makes bis Secoud club held at the Kniçkerbocke'r his vocal gifts, and immediatelv of- tour. Gregor Piatîgorsky Russ ion~ hotel. She has been a student rered to finance his career'. cellist has made six appearances, cf. John Sample, noted opera In-u New York City Frederick Jagel. Saidenberg of the orchestra, five. ~tgrand. teacher and 'before lier marniage she was %vuth the Ëssatia% Filmn was egaged to sing at the Capitol -Milstein comes for his fourth, ,vhile r-nmpatlv -of Chicago, appearing in s-veraI cf theïr pctures. In private life Mis'a_\î l hatr.Thtws 92 Szigeti will make bis fifth engage- Stewart is the %vife of Rov _'. Kir1land. The Kirtlands. who. resid (e at 420' Soo)n after he sail'ed for Europe to ment.- Miscba Mischakoif, concert- \ahnt> avenue, have !Ïved in Wilniette f or abo-ut six vears and have a ý'ursuie his studies further., Finally, in master of the orchestra lias played dauighter, I.or.inie, Il years old. Auguist. 1924, he mnade bis ýdebut at seven times since he joîned the or- - - .ivornio, birthplace of 'Mascagni, sing- ches ra n 19 0. ng the rm ie of R~o in "I3ohem e." Frederick Stock, conductor for the oG4iuvein ,Letue e jis Fa i tatirt pas ll w yaonseesu past twerity-eigbt years of the Chi- Director of MuGicingLecue Recistal . tha fit appearanced ya los g sucesl cago Symphony orchestra is back ___________________ Jan Chiapusso will give another of engagements in Turin, Spezia, frozn Europe where he ha.s spent the 133,s fbs ouarlcur eitl 1oogna. Romne, Ravenna, and then- latter part of the sum m er in searcb e i s o i op l r l c ucIro g o t t e m j r i i s o ol n of new musical* be I in Gl.encoe this fali. The - hrst nrie a.nd Spain.l hreya' hodthe plaed during tbe conling season. . vull be held Wednesday mojrniig, teinor gave 194 performances of such".1 Upon the return of the veteran . October 11, at the home ,cof Nrs.i operas as "Aida,"1 "Manon." "'Cavai- conductor, Orchestral bail will as- Hamilton Allport. M1r. Chiapusso b~as leria." "Faust.'ý "Lohiengrin,","Gi. sume.its role of center of tbings inn- .benCggeoyth nîedîv~ ' ca' etc sical i 'h ben, egage by he UUivésit o nda. ". .Mefisýtofele." ."Tura ndot,"ý s i c a e i n t h e c it y T h e p e r o n n e o fC h i c a g o t e g i v e t h ir t y ~- s ix l e c t u r e r e - the orchestra> at this tîme net en, citaIs in which be will present the*Al :the time, bowever, that 'the young tirely decided upon, wilI assemble for cmlt ok e etoe.The AmIerican vas making a European prel Iminary meetings. The first re- cus ilb iendrn aurrepuitation for himself, he had one idea h e a sal w i l b h e d n t e s c o d c .F e b ru a ry ,, a n d Nf a rch . i n th e ac-k f h is ea d - N e w Y o rle Chaobes r trda nteCi During the coming year Nfr. Chia- ad the MNetropolitan Opera company. Change are g aduaI ra the Cbi-1 us0 hbs been engaged for a great Finally h s da y cam e. Fe w s sn i g age y mplbonymae ithes urchesytratj many concerts %vhich, will take him. at tle Dal Vernie theater in 'Milan m~ny wel tehade oatth orchstra i j oser the ~Middle West, the Suh,'hn iulia Gatti-Casazza heard him persorrneî for the comung season. At iand the ;East of the United tates. Fie and immediately signed him iup for the this time most of the men retauua thej tauglit for ten years at the Bush season cf 1927-2&. ,same Positions as tbey beld last sta- Conservatory wher.e be was head of lin:'ndDise aichakoffi ist u punt departmentý. In 1911 he ti'on iSan Carl o -Oberas pa elh i s Bnd Da iel of ene1 Is punthe m uical prize, n ,Paris against E d paele els. ~ o hese artistsare thirty-six piansts includingsoe hi for Tihis Week.E d sc~uld for '$oloist appearances lare today farntm u sin~ He Frdv"oegi" i Gru 4 d g t e.e s nborn of thtch parents on the Island wt1Sa oy . rn fi Ge m n . The, orchestra managemnt ara- 9f O E ,d aupolua Ruaitn. tlè ee nri ofJava--in the Dutch East Inues. Cu . Ma',K aieNatale eQri, flotices tlhat the ticket sale for Fri- l Dir1iigý the Chicago, Civic. opera days Sti.1ft daY's and >.uesdays is -very satisfac ,. gt 4db~iy ny tOS l tirday afkrnoon . bl t, wt lie ý,.,a engaed tat cûiath toryThurda,,nigh's sill ae ii giw proramsin th iand -Ceb4nt4ny to eea- $chalke, $elee, -Valle, need of great seaon ticket subscrib . lo yto Sntho 19 1a el so our.Él, etrti- Rtie;0u-an alt e r s . It s a Is o , * n o u n c e d t jh a t f r £ u m ol t z 'u, 1 "i i w k a 0 1 - n g ty le a n d l ia s a e n s e o ft h u r t o - S a tu r d ay u ig ht - "A i d a ," . w ith S a - tb first tlme in twenttv years, or- gallfsî at 'uena lenraliêf rch eterwith blis vast ikno vedecorn- roa, Von Esse n ,idî . '-4?ca chestra hallVa exterior istobere- - e-to .makfrie ~ai kt ------wilinlu131edretin fa The Swigar Trio, coxnposed of Es- jl Do ty eG43i Geeaf 4raDINneR QcR ~ idcoro b seven&ty é, telle Swigart, cellist, her brother, day night, at the Golden Wedding Lora DoneJackson, contralto, for. He received his musical education George Swigart, violinist, and 'Pau-. eerto fM.adMs .R anelywib heCiicopeaSag'at 1»Gemanyj, Cleveland, and Chu- lhue Manchester, pianist, gave the, Boydston of Oak Park. The recep- the dinner concert of the Drake botel cago, and is a versatile artist, musical prograrn during the confer- 1tiec, shi r henwFrtCn last~ Saturday, itbiViotheMartens t j Con- thet piano d anthoetarpe te at he ad ng piano, violin, and organ, ence of Club Presidents held at Fnl-i gregational, church. Miss Rae has .tepaoadJn apne tte adalso having sevev'ral musical lèrtôn hall Tbursday merning,. Sep- er redc h odtn o Orgalu.compositions to hi: credit. tember 21. nuber of yeas