Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1933, p. 1

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Soon to .a.-se Arden Shore, Red Cross and Infant Welfare tolBe Bene- ficiaries Thie Ya "Faith 1 Hope 1 Charity! And the greatest. of these is ýcharity." Thee Wilmette Community 'Chest as- sociation, the: organization that bas çlothed charity. in the bright raiment of humnan service and changed it f romi mere giving into at ministering unto 'fhe needs of the ufortnti o preparïng its annual fail camnpaign for f unds to meçet the requirements of a winter season which many look for- ward to with misgivings, fearful, that it will present the greatest demands uponi the resources of charitable organ- izations of the enitireý period of de- pression. Thr. Boueficiaries Both the Budget commnittee and the Commaanity Chest board met Monday evening in the Wilmette State batik building to determine the minimum ainount necessary to meet demnands and to set a date for.the: inauguration of the canipaign. The f unds this year will be divided among the American Red Cross, the Infant Welf are society, and Arden Shore. The Wilmette Welfare -board, having been taken over by the Illinois Unemploymnent Relief, will have no share ini thç appropriations. The .Budget committee, consisting of Lincol Torrey, chairin 'an; G. T. HeI1- inuth, Donald M. Maxwell, IElme- D. Becker, F. Dewey Anderson and Wil- liam. D. Leary, met first. In the ab-: sence of Mr. Torrey Mr. Anderson presided. Hear of Nedsl Before this committee appeared repre- sentatives of' the'organizations which will participate in the, funds. Mrs. ýFrederick Til t, 342. Gregory avenue, presented the dlaimis of Arden Shore, giving a graphic account of the work of the past year and the heed for in- creased funds to meet enlarginoe de- Support Welfare Statioi o Mrs. Conrad T. Frykman, 1045 Ash- IT land avenue, appeared for the Infant asu Welfare, evpiaining the hospitalization1 la5 work and other charitable programs for infants, and mothers. Shé stated that the funds derived f romn the Wil- mette Community, Chest ýwere used for the support of the Alice H. Wood station of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago,* located at 1964 N. Halsted street., She also asserted that the arnount asked for is a. substantial re- duction from previous requests. The Budget committee approved the minimum. amouints specified by the three organizations and adjourned.. A meeting of the Community Chest board was immediatélyý called. by the president, Mrs. Leslie. Gates,' 723 Eighth street. The board consists ýof Mrs. Gates , president; Mrs. A. E. Beirnes,' secretary; William D. Leary, treasurer; Mrs. Arthur, L. Fuller, Mrs. C. P. Dubous, Charles A. Burrows, F. tDeweyAniderson, Lymain Drake, R. M. Johnston, Charles McCoy, Çeorge H. Redding, Judson 'Stone, Lincoln 'Tor- rey, Mrs. 0. E. Thaleg, Frank Seng. The publicity commnittee consists of George H. Redding, D. E. Allen, Jr. and Albert A. McKeighan. $15,Uo la sGoal Mrs. Gates at once took up the mnat- ter of the' report of the Budget com- mittee, which wvas accepted. 'I' he ap- propriations- were then fixed on a per- centage basis, the Infant Welfare to receive 10-23ds, Arden Shore 1-23ds and the Red Cross 3-23ds.' The total amount required is,$15,000. It was decided to put on the, drive during the week begirlning Moaiday, October 23. Mrs. Gates informed the board that the work of organization, is already well uinder way and wiIl be compieted in ample time. The, board feels,, it ýwas said, that the three beneficiaries namned appeal with especial force to the humaniitarian impulses of our people, and its pie.jý i ç that they he supported to the fu- est ability of ail citizens. years unusu 10W price, Kenneth L. "Tug" Wilson, dirctor of athletics at Northwestern univer- sity, will, be the speaker at the October meeting of, the, Wiimette Chamber* of. Commerce Monday noon, October 2, izn 'Weeks' Dining. room. The -meeting. is called' for 12 o'clock. Mr. Wilson will' offer some first band Information for the Chamber members and their guests in discuss- ing1 the timfely sub-' .ject:i "The Foot- ba Il: Outlook >for N o r t h W e s t - ern This Year,"' The talk, _s a y s7 A. S. Van Deusen, president of the Chamber, promises Y.K. L Wilson plenty of "kick" an d a big thriil in every sentence. In view of the anticipated large at- tendance, mnembers of the Chamber have been advised by C. E. Clifton, Jr., to make reservattons at once by communicating with him at the Cbamn- ,ber offices. Mr. Wihson, or "Tug," as he is affec-. tionately known in athietic circles, waé ain <utt anding star at the University of Illinois severa1 years ago. Since coin- inig Co the forth shore lie has been ac- tive in civic and club circles as weil as in his chosen field. *He is president of the Evanston Rotary club, president of the Kildeer Country club and has volun- teered his services gratis in assisting to retain athletic activities In the Chicago schools. Library Offers New Service to Patrons The Wilmette Public library, ýbegin- ning October 2, will be open f rom,10 a. mi to 9 p. m. every day, except Sun- day. This is a trial measureanid May be discontintied if the library finds that it cannot afford it. The library board of trustees' bas long feit that the increased volume of aS yet been made pt bowever,, cover the i nients in the tax situati, be is entirely familiar. publieworics le for New, investment. Merchandise C ou pocn Book Method to Be Applied to Aid New Trier !Faculty New Trierigh, school teacher8 will be paid at least 50 percent of their salaries, and possibly more, in .tax anti- cipatiîon warrants this, year because. cf the fact that the New Trier board of education has insufficient f unés-in pros- pect tomeet thiepayroll .in cash." This same plan was f ollowed last year, but the teachers were able to ob- tain more cash by exchanging the tax, warrants for merchandise, coupon books, which,' in turn, were sold to residents of the township. in disposing * of-the coupon books the teachers ad fthe ac- tive 'asitance of Elmer D. Becker, 519 Linden avenue, Wilmette. Leliet VUMag.es'Suppoft This year it is planned to enlarge the program of seiling the merchanclise books, which can be used ini purchasing groceries, meats, drugs and gasolineW7 and to enlist the aid of a much larger number of residents of the com- munities served by New Trier High scbool. For the present. there will be no concerted drive to seil the coupon books to residents of the townuship. Mr. Becker and other citizens who have volunteered their services wil attempt to dispose of a considerable ntumber of the books for the bcnefit of the teachers. Later, if it beco»ies neceSsary to pay the teachers a larger percentage of their salary in tax warrants, a coupon book selling campaign may be conducted through- out the township. The high school students will lend their assistance if such a camrpaign is begun. Faculty. Naines Comimtta. The cominittee of New Trier teach- ers which takes charge of exchanging- the tax warrants for inerchandise cou- poný books and which handies other de-

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