Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1933, p. 28

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arane a ny Uteways and means comn- aittee of.the Woman's Club of Wil- -mette as beuefits. Florence Mac- Arthur will have charge of staging the style show and promises to display, some striking and interestiug combina-, tions of.colors.auid fabricsfor Milady's. ýail Costume-t res joli et tres chic, madame. The event is..open to non- memberscf.the club as well as to mfet-' The naine of Mrs. 'Elmer Young was inadvertently omitted. from the list pb lished last week of the committee of arrangements. for the dinner. anîd ene- tertalument. The programi to be preseÙted. by Ada TiIley> (teacher of voice at New Trier High aschool)- and George Allen, radio program producer and' recitalist, and Mrs. Rex Eltoni Fair, of Wilmette, reader, Will be as follows: Duet", "Pariez Moi de ma merýe* troim Carmnen :...Bizet <Ada Tilley an dGeo',rgjeAllen)' Carnival ........ .......... Fourdrain The Old Refrain .............risler Lla Aira fromf f L'enfa.nt-Prdique"Dbus <Ada TilIey) Pine Trees and the Sky Rup)ert Brook'e For Goodriess' Sake . .----- T. A. Dalv- Vespers .. .... .. . A. A. MiIne (Mrs. Rex Elton Fair) Tie Living God........... ...O'Hara Macushia ........... ...Maclurrough On the Road to Mandalay.Spéaklis (George Allen) Duet, "Deep ln My Heart" from The Student Prince ., Rofnberg > (Ada Tl" and George Allen) Mrs. H. Otto Von. der Hoff 'has tI charge of tickets and table reservationsN nay be madle with Mrs. George D. Conlee of Winnetka. , Mrs. Carl J. . Nyhmnd is chairman of the dinner hi * which will 'be served at 6:30 o'dlock. E CI ar B hi 'th P Harvest-Home Festivity A Harvest homne party, which the committee declares -êwiil be the finest we have 'had for years,' takes pôlace at the Minmette Golf club.,Saturday eëvening, of this, week with a twelve- piece dance. orchestra, faV'ors,. and a' "delicious dinner." Skokie Country club celebrates the Tolof Photo With Iast week came. the, an-. isouncemsent o! the enjgaàgement of Miss -Alvena Reichmann .of WiIý- mette, to 'John Alexander Sweeney, sons of Mrs. Frank J. Stmeney3 of Chicago. The betrothal auas made known by Miss Reichmann'; par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reich- mnann, whose "home is ai <600 Ceà. (rai, avenue. Janice Fisher Bcomes- Bride of Johrn Butterweck,. With relatives the only guests at he ceremony and reception fol lowing, NIiss. Janice E~. Fisher of, Winnetk-à- was married to John H. Butterweck at' 4o'cloclc Wednesday afteruoon lu the' home of ier parents, Mr. anid Mrs. Edwvin G. Fisher at 638 Ash street. )r. Oscar Thomas Oison of the Wil- nette Parish Methodist Episcopal chürch read the service. The bride and bridegroom' were uuatteuded. Mr. Butterweck, who is from Galesburg,' 'ut who has been stayiug in Evauston, while in business in Chicago, bas taken hi$ bride ou a motor trip and when. tey -return they will live iu Rogers Park. The bride wore a white satin gown trimmed with Alencon lace, and a three-quarter length white tulle veil at- tached to a small tulle 'cap. She car- ried white roses, orchids, and liles of the valley. Miss Elsie Wade, thé bride's- only attendant, wore a gown of heliotrope blue with a rhinestone 'beit. She carieéd a large 'bouquùet of pink roses.- Robert McLean of' Wil- mette' served Mr. Morris as best man. The crmn was performedi at 8:30 o 'clock: byý the Rev. William, McCor- mack of Aurora. formerlv associate pastor of the.Congregationaàl churcl' of Wi.Jnette. The Wedding march. was played *'by Robert'- Brown of Kenil- 'rh,..violinist, and Miss'Emily Roh- 'erts of Wilme.tte, pianist. Miss Rob- erts is :the organist at the Congrega-. tionai clurch in Wilmette. The 'cere- mony was 'attended by thirty.,f riends of the bride and bridegroom, and at the reception following there: were about two hunidred guests. Af'ter a honeymoon spent at Delavan Lakce, Wis,, Mr. an~d Mrs. Morris wil be at home ini Rogers Park. Quit Tea and A ntique Exhibit Opens Fridag« Quilts and antiques in the possession of mnany 'residents of the north shore wiil be ou exhibition Friday afternoon of this week from 2 until 5, at the home of M rs. O. C. Cortis,' 1121 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette. Irhe exhibition is given under auspices' of Chapter A, P. E. 0.- to benefit the work it carnies on. Tea will be served at, the event which is open to' the public at a smal admission f ee. Mrs. L. W. Benson of Wilmette, Mrs. J. H. I3iggs of Highland Park, Mrs. R, B.ý Hosic, Mrs. Burt T. Wheeler, and Mrs. J, S. Gilrain of Ev- anston, and Mrs. C. M. H'arrington and Mrs. W. 'R..- Shipman. of Chicago are hostesses for the exhibit and tea. Tea for Caroline Hughes Mrs.' John Campbell was hostess at a tea Tuesday afternoon of this 'week once worf b.y the bride's great grand- mother. Her long-trained' satin gown was of the saine antique ivory shade, with its upper part, and the upper part of the Isleeves made of lace in that 'shade.' She. wore a t'ulle il, falling from the lace cap, and, carried. a bouquet of liles of the 'valley, white sweet peas, and laven- der-tipped white orchids. ~Miss Barbara Holden of Kenil- worth, . the.Inaid of honor, wore feu- way green. taffeta wîth touches of ý a darker shade of the saine color, and the two bridesmnaids, Miss !Elizabeth Freudenreich 'of Kenilworth and Miss Ruth King of Wilmétte, reversed the color schemne, weariUg buccaneer green..taffeta with touches of a Iight- er green sh-ade.. The gowns.'of ail thrce attendants were made aIike, the hodices neck-high' in f ront a nd. cut to the-1waist in back, the skirts. straight and long, wi.tha short train. .M11 wôre wark brown organza pict'ure, ,bats, brown suede, gloves and slip-~ pers, and carried large armn bouquets of chrysanthemuins in copper tones. Mrs. Ira Jay' Wilson of 325 Ridge avenue, mother of the bride, w%%as in. antique ivory lace, with a kolinsky, band around.the corsage., The bride-. groomn's mother, Mrs. F. L. Scott of -Norfolk, Neb., wore white' crepe. Both had corsages of orchids. Dr. Charles Webster ' Croweof Wilmette was best man, and the ush- ers were James' White of Chicago,' William Buditiger-of W'ilmette, and Williams Searles and David Coolidge of ]Evauston. Palms, oak leaves, and tail candela- ra decorated the chancel and choir oft of the Winnetka Congregationaî church, and on either side of the chancel was a ' taîl vase of large :hrysanthemùums in .yellow and copper fones. It was here that Dr. -Samuel F{arkness read the' service at. 8:30 Friday evening. The,,cer.eno.ny was followed by a large réception Mr. and 4Irs. Wilson gave at Sunset Ridge Country club.. Mr * Scott and4 his bride tnotored 10 southern Indiana and are now at iorn1e this %%eek at 824 Fore.ýt a iie. vtstn of Evanston. ty 5 Ashland Eight of chuirch at for chari-. ,wed. Guild Tea Oct. '13 The Women's Associated guilds of St. Augustine's Episcopal church will have .a formal openiug, tea and re- ception f rom 2 until 4 o'ciock în the Parish house, on Friday, October,.13. Mrs. Robert M Essex road, Kenilw luncheon th~e incor o)fficers of 'the W the Church of the .Tuesday. Normhan..- 614 ed- at

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