Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1933, p. 30

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Tuesday afternoon, October 10, the North Shore Catholic Woman's league wull open its club year with. selected. numibers by the Mundelein College Glee club, and dramatic readings. some.in costumes, by Valborg Sink- leir. On this occasion, niembers are privileged to take guests, it, is an- rIounced. The :prograin will be given în the larg e hall'of the Wmnnetka Wom an's club. Xalborg Sinkler-is a charming Nor-" wegian songbird and a vibrant dra!n- atic reader of exquisite ability. Fier programs are well balanced, it is *sa id. and. ber dramatîc readings "a thing of beauty. anda1 jo y1 foreve r." Espe- cially remarkable are her. interpreta- tdons of famous women of literature, and history. "Té hear, ber- sing, or rea d, or both, is itmmediately to 'love ber," according to ber critjcs, "and to ýtake away with you a feeling of delight, and happiness. and' an ever- lasting: memory of bier charni and finished artistry» The Glee club will openi the 'pro gram with a number of se1ection1, chosen by its director, Prof. Otto A. Singenbeirger, instructor in.Gregorian chant at St. Mary-of-the-Lake sern- mnary, Mundelein, The. club nunibers thirty-sic girls, ail in1 attendance at Mundelein coilege, Chicago. whichl institution is conducted by the Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M. The Glee club bas appeared on several pro- grams and broadcast over radio sta- tion \VIBO. Mrs. Harrison kfeater of Winnetka bas arranged, the program for the opening meeting. The hostesses for. the social liour are Mrs. John A. Ver- hoeven of Winnetka, Mrs. Frederick 'E. Clarke of Glencoe, and' Mrs. Wil- liam F. Brown and Mrs., Francis Bon- nier of Hubbard Woods. Philanthiropy Sewing and Pro gram Open to Villa gers Mrs. Chjarles Spencer Williamson, prominent in society 'circles in Chii- *AnitfliioUlt iolltutilbe found 1ni f/se nusic Prograi whiclî ope#nsthe W'oPnczuî's. Cluîb o! 1'V'inzefte lVed- ,wsda3' alternioonj,.. Octo ber il, for. fle, firsi f une sisîce fthe clutb, has lîad, fwo Wgpid. piakios il, ifs po- sessionthie meinibers zwill lîcar lemP/a i'ed foqether. Miss Kath- rvii lndeýrsouî and-l-vena R.' kzelî. îvell knote-î,i n sdîuo-piano ?conscerf~ ivork. and ./'roducfs1 of Chicago mussical colleges. tz.ili 'off 1rosir lart f the r rogras. Syl via biLbi. h-rie 'soprano, wil be For vears it bas heen the custom pf ?he WIoman1s Club of W\ilmette to enter Ùpon a new year of activity with a reception to the oficers and tea f ol- lowingz a prograni alivaYs selected for its charni. Thbis year wilI he no ex- ception. Catholic Club Juniors to Hear Mis. George Lamb The Juniors of the Woman's Cath- olic Club of Wilmette will have their first regular business meeting of the year Tuesday evening, Octoher 3, at 8 o'clock, in the Woman's club. The guest artist for the .evening's pro- grami will beý Mrs. George Lamb of Wilmette. Mrs. Lamb is a represent- ative of the Evanston Dramra club ofs Which she is first vice-presidenit. This drama organization, whicb started with only a nucleus of inter- ested- women, is twenty-five Years a Photo 1> *v <h -4 Pi1Ceu ,ai, cOlJi»wices for flhe .Neig/SbQ,ç o! Keuiiwv,àrth nezrf rTs;esday afternoopi, zhen, at 2:30 o'Clock, a recepf ion fo ftse President, .Wrs. C. Iloward Benf, and a mnusi- caleb1' John Pasu'-Gasserl, dramaf je ltgor, zvif h iss Camile Jaru.sî Ilis acconîpalsist, wIhi consttifufe the program. The occasil, s au open mneeting. John Pane-Gass er, a dramatic tenor of outstanding brilliance, bas appeared as guest. artist of. the Vienna-Berlin State operas and bas sung througbo ut Itàly at the request of the Italian gov- erniment. He made bis Amnerican debut in Detroitini 1931, and officiallv re- opened the ofri Auditorium theater to opera in Decemher, of 1932. siniging tbe r('de of Manrico ini -Il Trovatore." He: bas Sung for grOups at A Century spof rgs m mainy occasions, con-: aogwbich was Italian day, wbetn lie appeared *Ini theý titie ten ,or role ini "Aida." Hostesses for the iontît(if Octoheri are Mrs. David R. DeCamp, Mrs. HialI Wesley Alger, and Mrs. Albert1 The fi rst meeting of the Wilmette jGarden club for the year 1933-1934 will be held Friday afternoon, October. 6ý , au2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Henry' Drucker, 1125 Mohawk road, Wilmette. Thé assistant hiostes«ses are Mrs. Walter U. Clark and Mrs. A. E. Gebert. The newk oflicers are Mrs. C. P. Berg, president-; Mrs. Walter U. Clark, first. vice-president; Mrs. John. F. Weedon, .. second vice-president (pro- gram chairman).; Mrs. Edward, L. Scheindenhelm, recording. secretary; Mrs. Charles Vani Deursen, correspond- ing secretary, and Mrs. . G. Smith, treasurer. The speaker of the afternoon will be .Sigurd Samuelson, owner of -the dahlia farm in west Wilmette. who will talk on "Dahlias."' A twventy'minute discussion on "What. k>Do in the Garden in October" will be led by Mrs. \Weedon. Ani October flower exhibit of -entries t> he judged for artistic arrangement has been planned for the afternoon b>' "Mrs. Charles E.. Wells, chairman of monthly exhibits, and- her. coimittee, Mrs. Frank Scheidenhelm, Mrs. A. E. Gebert, and Mrs. D on *-Vilev'. Mem- bers are asked to have their entries, atMrs. D ucker's by 2 o'clock. * 'rere will be four classes: 1. Flower arrangement. 2.. Flower and fruit arrangement. 3. Arrangement of fruit. vegetable, or comhination. 4. Arrangemnent of shrub, berrnes. or vines. Junior Auxiliarg Boad Makes New Appointments The. officiai board of the Junior auxiliary >Of the Woman's Club of imteh eid a special meeting on September 18, for the purpose of dis- cussing plans and projects for 'the. coming club year and taking care of' nem* busiiness that ha, corne up during the sunmelr mnicr*I.ç O. F.. Kampuxen is chairman work on' September 29, and )avid J. Davis is luncheon play at the son. They dence of 1, Cumnor ro reea. '-. zungsley. else. ,ve. long. ;to their lethifig t I $ ilose articles served th.eir ýsor, but may b-Ysoen I., 'B

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