For the afternoon's entertajumient a prograiii by Ratherine Lord,,Evans- ton arti st, was arranged. She dis- cussed the subject, "Modern Ways Io of Viewing Art,", laying sp ecial em- phasis. on, the art of A Century of Progress. Appointment of the committee. chairmen who will take .charge of various phases Of the club activities ;this year was comfpleted..recently by t he precsidenit. Mrs. ,Horace 1G. Mar-, chant of Evanstont will serve as pro- grain. chairman; Miss Charlotte Sykes of Evanston will be hospitality chairman; Mrs. Seymour H. .Olm- sted. of Winnetkai scholarship: M rs Norman> Waite of Evanston benefit: and Mr's. Frank ýParker Davis, fi- nance. The north. shore, alumnae. along with .the Chicago .Smith club gave. a, dinner Tues'day evening of last week 0 ini honor of Pres. William A. Neilson of Smiith, who. bas been in. Chicago * for. the Fair. Husbands of the tiltn- nae as well as undergraduates and girls who are enrolled at Smith this fali wvere arnong 'the guests. Members of the boards of the twO. clubs and their husbands were at the speakers' table. the. representatives of the Eva nston -North Shore club being1 Mr. andl M rs. Arthur Wood, Mm., and I rs. George W. Pearson, Mr. andý MIrs. Horace G. Marchant and '.\r. and Mrs. William D. Kimkpatrick. Semving as hostesses. at the differ- ent tables *were a: number of other north shore alumnae, including Mrs., Malcolm' R. ?Byron, Mrs. Fjugh W. McCulloch, Mrs. ,Norman Waite, 'Mrs. Sumner T. McCall MrsRaw- Mrs. George W. Blossom. Gaoucher, Alumnae Serve as Hostesses at Fair Thursday. September 21. *as 'Cou- cher's .Hostess, day at. the Wonen 's. College, Board booth ini the Time- * Fortune building at -A Centurv of Progress. M.\rs. .Robert Seelev De - Golver of 1{ubbard \VoocN.. ii«esidelît (4 the Chicago and Xorth Shore chapn- I t)ctober 9, will bei e-ions, the third, ( Illinois Host Hlou, and fifth. October Hall of Religions. is te be as F, i Pilon. ........... ..schumaii- Marie %joliPettibone Verqul Truta Mor .........Durante Joy9 of Love ...ý...... Martini Madeleine Vaughan, Evelyn: LaSalle at the piano rradie Song .... .Scllubert-Elman Gavotte .Motart-;Rie Carôline Harnsberger, Margaret Dee Il~amnmond, accomnpanist Rhapsoy1in'GMinor Bam Arabesque...Dbsy Rtevoiuti onary Etude .D........ ssyfi Frances Anderson Coi Wonen of Rotary- Will Open Year Wit h Lu'cheo n The North, Shore group, Women of the Chicago- Rotary. will hold its first monthly, mee ting -of:the yeam on -Mon- iday, Octoher 2, at. Indian ..Hil! Coun-, et- club:. Luncheon wîl esevda 1 1o'clock and will be folloWed by bridge. Co-hostesses for the afternoon will ýbe Mrs. Frank D. Fulton and Mrs. Henry WV. Bevers of Winnetka and Mrs. Leo D. M.%cShane of Kenilwôrth. Mrs. Ful- fon is vice-president of the Chicago chlb and this vear's officers, of the north shore gmnup are Mrs. McShane, chaimman. and Mrs. Julius L I. Frazier EfFvançton. secretam-treasurer. C. D. A. Meeting The Junior Catholic Daughters, of America, Wilmnette Court No. 848, wvill have its first 'meeting for this year Frida.v evening. Septembem 29, at 7:30) o'clock, i St. Joseph's school hall, Ridge road and Lake avenue. Wilniette. AIl members are request- ed to be present, it is announceld eTHE. BRIDGE NOOK o0w EVANSTION. oier n opportunity to improve.- your game. North Shore patrons invited to enJoy Social Bridge with instructinal help for learners. Fvery Wednesday at z P. . Very nomhinal fee. BERTrHA R. WHALKY, Secretary, 7X7 Lincoln Sr. Uni. 7179. ie program at 4 econd concert on in the Hall o.f Reli- Octoher 18,.iii the se. and the fourth 20 and 26, in the nrsay , JYLs. 4tonnardI WllI be 0on duty tesecond. Other alumnae of Milwauikee-Dow- ner 'who have been hostesses during, the summer are Miss Marie AdamF and Miss Madelon Cooper of Mil. waukee; and Mrs. Leonhardt, D'ean Aleida j. Pieters of thecollege, Miss Elizabeth O'Connor' of Highland Park, Mrs. Harry Rogers and Miss Elizabeth Brown, and Mis s Esther Browýn, of, Chicago; Mrs. Leslie J Youngren of Evanston, and Mrs. Mil- ton Youngren of Gletlcoe. Garden Club' s Birthday The Kenîlworth Homne and. Garden club is celebrating its tenth anniversary with a* luncheon for its members at: the Indian IHill Countrv club on Mon- day, October 2. JUNIOR GARDENRS MEET 1,1The Kenilworth Junior: Gardent club ne t on Wedesday at the. resdeneef Mrs. Herbert L. Luiras, 173 Fuller lane, Winnetka. A paper entitled, "The Garden W7aIk, 'was read. INSTALLATION MONDAY The Young Mother's club of Wil- mette is having its annual banquet and installation of officers Monday night, October 2, at the Georgian hotel in Evanston. HELEN M. KtJRNIKER W~ILI, NWSUME CLASOgO IN DANCING AlrflUE COMMUrNITv HOUOe est) LINCOLN AV£,. WINF49TKA WEONESDAY. OCT. 4TrH Pupils are. invited To enroli, Wednesday, 4ptember z7th, fron 2 to 5 P. iM., 2t te Comiwunity Nous.. cia,:., in To. Ballot, Tapi, Môd.',, isU.,,Chai.act", anid alivom Danig. 1922 STEVENS BUILDING S .17 N. $TATE ST. I Ij. III 2 Gif s, Tr.raures fer the years t, ceré..