loans, if wM Ib. to you r advantage in refinancng your present Joan fo write or cail this office, BAID &WARNER 52Davis Sf. GRE. 1855 uDor( t bL Ib unurcn sireet. The meeting, sponsored by the Ev- YOUR LINOLEUM [s it duli and dirty looking? Wre can restore its original beauty. Our process guarantees satiufa'- tion. Estimates furnished on îre- quest 'J. P KSLN R0om 1212, Tel. State 32 6Oq0 N.3flebiglau Ave. Chicfigu C C S'HYDER> Ince -Establishied à Tears 1743 Sherman Avenue Evaso GREnef74 w Iieofnhve a customer. say, lWe are sorry we did no kowofIbs lae. We coiuld have saved moneyo our drapes." Iy o For your. inferest, have our decorafor corne to your home-tfhe Same service for one window or a complete home. This,,mony Save yo-u frômr the possible error of iiavng the wrong colors or drapes in your home. There is no charge for Mhis, service. Ruffled Curtains Silk-Tailored Curfains Upholterng The' Right Draperies tomatch your surroundigs PerfectSlip Covers Jtisti»one as. Our decorator wiii càlit wish large sam pies. *tell of the corporation's plans to main- tain a nmarket for these -bonds, Iin ma naprcliminary ulieo hisý talk on the operation of the Home Owners Loan 'corporation, Mr. Donne said: "We -are being. carefül in niaking boans ; the corporation is organized t,1l funct ion for 18,,years. The first thre, yearis wiii be devoted to issuing hoin.- o.ans, the. remaining 1 er oclet ing. -Natu rally, therefore, we are hein- judfclous and intelligent ini ourt, rk If we make the right type: of soud bnans, we shall encouniter hitedià!iultN In o lecting pay nent s ôon t hese ban. "But that does not mean that we will ot help the man- who cannot hellp himself just14 now. We share with thel federal goverfnhentý the confidence i" the future. And we are furnishing aid to unemirpioyed property owners, eVe'i though they may have n0 immiediate1 prospect of mwork, and they nay flot earn anything for several years. W' feel that eventually they will go bat-kj to. iorkc and take care of their loan, payments. We are confident that the federal administration wilI be Succes- Mr.. Donne explained also that so littie was knowvn of the requirements of the loan act that thousands of peo- pie flot quaiified to receive aid were filing applications. These applications, are conling in at a treniendous rate-ý more thani 500,000 are already on hand. Whiie the Home .Owners Loan cor-- poration is making about ten boans, a day, it is hoped to step this up to about eighty loans daily. within the next few weeks. j~NO MVans Land and at f Ashland a v e - C nue and Locust road ini Indiart Hill Fstates. William 'MC- Laughiin, Rob- ert Yo ung and Mrs. R o s e t.evinson .Wili serve clients of jBis, Realty. through .t lh e 'neirja m¾ Bills Glencoe office which, will be in generai carge. of CE Dar ie-rsdn. Drayert, Bienpeiet According t . Bejamin F. Bis. chairman of TheBis Reaity, Inc., this graduai expansion through local of - fices is a reflection -of--returning public con fidence in the owvnership of real' estate"People'are agin conforming to:. tý ýe oid. axiom *'real .estate is the 4 bst' investment," said Mr. Bills. 1 "XVhile there is 110 wayý to forecast how far inflation wili go, -the safest place for dollars is ini real estate, peo- pie in increasing numbers are almost dlailY conciuding. 0f ail real, es tate, north. shore, residential is, of -course, premier. Our associates in- the Glincoe office. are thoroughly trained.* in *north shot-e values from long service and -are prepared to render expert service 'in assisting clients ;to btiy, sell ànd rent LIVE U-N THE COUNTRY BUyIad.. acres of land . where there ae his. .and-ci d .perhaps asfream ... dredge ouf a lakeaIl you w . e fhe thrill of'remodelng an old farm house info a counfry home wifh ail modern comforfs .. ride a. spirifed horse over fhe his ... give fhe childrenfhe joy of taising animas ... 1571 Sherman Ave.., Evanston zaq Uni. 2600 'I I. e. 1 l a ' là_ 1