tyYears2 Following recently ai lecýion: -mei Master of la Roche, and "TwIien- wing," by O'ulvan. list of new volumes to. the library's col- U tni mal Fiction Aldington-ý-AII Men -are Enemies. BeswNick--Origina "Désign. Bromfeld-The Farm. De la Roche-Master of Jaîna. Horgan-Fàult of the Angels. Leon-Livingstones. O'Sullivan--Twenty Years A-grow- ing. Tomlison-Snows of Helicon. Trefusis-Tandemn. Lighit'Fictiom Aldricli-Miss Bisbop. fleeping-Two Black Sheep.. Beneon-Gallant Adventuress. Buchan-Prince of the Captivity. Hersch-Storm Beach. Hichens-Paradine Case. Kincaid-Durbar. Lincoln-J3ack Numbers. -Mottram--At the Sign of the Lame Dog. Tarkington-Presenting Lily Historical Novels Bowe-Dark Rosaleeni. 'Dodd-Eagle Feather. PÔoberts-Ar.undel. Mars. Nom-fictiois Overstreet-We Move in New Di- rections. Bagehot-Lombard Street.ý Salter-Framework of an Ordered Society. Moats-No Nice Girl Sw ears. Burkitt-Old Stone Age. Barber-What Shall I Eat. Horst-Model Sal' and Power, Boats. Ullman-Diet in Sinus Infections and Colds. Soderstrom - Swedish Smorgas- bord. Art and Recreation 'Welch--Ini a Week-end Garden. Cox-Art and the Life.. BlaIe-Art and -Craft of Drawing. Cave-Craft Work. Hachmack-Chinese Carpets and Rugs. Lewis-Practical book of Rugs. FiftvPrints of 1927 Jecr. i nis w,11 bean outstancltng evnt. Pro fessor and Mrs. Douglas will be guests of the club for dinner. Hostesses ifor the evening are: Mrs. Elbert ýClark, Mrs. H- W. Clausen, Mrs. F. E. Broomeli, and Mrs. R. E. woodlen. GUETSFOR FAIR Recent Century of Progress guests at the C.. J. Nylù nd home, 1634 Forest. avenue, were Mrs. Nylund's brother a nd wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Row- cliffe of i3ishop, Cal., and Miss H4ilda A.' Nylund cf New Y ork City. Miss Nylund, who is -a registered nurse,ý served in France during the World war. CARD AND 11UNCO PARTY Our Lady of Perpetual Chuùrch of Glenview will have a card ând bunco party Friday evening, September* 29,' at the church, at 8 :30. There wiIl be prizes alid refreshments. The party will be h-eld under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society of the cburch. Mliss Agiles M. Watsoni of. 1045 Forestavenlue attendéd the Congre- gationial Suinîmer assernbly at Frank- fort, Mich., and was gonle two months. Miss Alice Watson, a niece, of- Miss Agiles, NhIo teaches in Philadelphia, entertained at tea in August. in honlor of the hirthiday of Mrs. Roy E. Bow- ers, *wife of a former, pastor of the Wilnîette Congregational church. -o- Mrs. Sadie Cathicart and 1Urs. Bernice Wlîeelan of Topeka, Kalis., are' spending several w'eeks. on the north shore visiting relatives, This' week thev will be with Mr. and Mrs. Eli L. Ott, 315 Fourteenth street, an d later they will visit Mrs. Cathcart's lirother, J B. Ott of Evanston. 0o- Mrs. Archibald McNeil,. Jr., Of Bridgeport, Conn., arrived by: plane last Friday afternooni to-be with ber broth- er, Lea j. Orr, and his family at their home, 1002 Greenleaf avenue. After lier stay in Wilmette she goes to Piqua,Ï Ohio', to visit ber parents. ýober, 8- argeon's LJay. VISIT IN KENILWORTII -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Couling and romiiiy, of st. Paul, Minni., are visit- ing'Mr. laude Burnihamü and ber sons, David an'd Phillip, of Keni!- worth. Mrs.. Burnhlam, entertained at tea Suniday.in hionor of Mr. and Mrs. Couling and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hanaiformerly ofÉ Kenilworth. Mrs., Hannah and son, David *.left Tuesday niotoring to their home in Sati .Gabriel, Call OPEN NEW. SEASON Trhe Protestant Women's Service club is holding. its opening meeting. for thsseason Wednesday,. October 4, at Marshall Field's Wedgwoodý room. Lunéheon will be. 'served at 12 :30 o'cl;ock and -there Nvill be musical en- tertainment in tlhe afternoon. Xr. 'and Nfrs. C. . Neal, 507 ,'Vasiigtoni avenue,,drove recently to the Frances Shimfer college at Mt. Carroll, ELI, to.see their dauigh- ter,' Dorothy, who is ini sch îool there. The Neals have as their guests this week e~Walter Geiser of Dun- kirk, ý )hio, who is dividing ber time hetiveen the Neals and lier sister, MNrs. Walter 1. Beami, 411 Sheridan1 road. Mrs. A. \V. H'aw'kes of M1ontclair, N. J., -with 'ber niiece, Barbara Whit- fiell. of WVarrensburg. M.\o., are' the guests of 'lier sister an'd brother-im- law, the" C. C. Carniahans of '700 Cen- tral avenue. Richard Dawsoii of Flushing, Lonig Island arrived Thurs7-t day of last %veek and is also .a guest. of the Carnahans. Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Belmnan, of Flint, 'Midi.,,aiid Mr. and Mrs-J. W. Hougb 'of, Ferry, Midi., have heen' Fair guestst of Mrs. Stella M. Tucker, 1214 Lakes avenue during the past week. Mr. Bel- mani is Mrs.. rucker's brother and Mrs. Hough is ber cousin. t --r Several miembers of Wilmette coun- cil of Girl Scouts pilan to attend this convention. Round table discussions of the problems' and projccts restilting from the increasing ,nembership, and :the growing need ofrecreation- al activities for young people in 'th.e new social order, Witt feature. somne of thée sessions. of the conference, which. Witltlle held at the Hotel, Schroeder, in "Milwaukee. Pre-Cc>nventioiiTrminingf Pre-convention. training for Girl Scout local, directors., and for volun- teer mnl)ers of local councilýs and other. sponsoring, aduit groups, Witt lie given by memb)ers ofAthe national sffat the hotel October 9-10. The- national board of directors Witt hold ils. semi-annual meeting on October MrIs. FeleikEdey, of. New' York,,» prlesident of the national organization, who, ivili repond to the' welcomling Rd- dress to be nmade by Mrs. Geoirge. A. Morison, Girl Scouit corni-issioner in 11ilwatikee, wi»fpmIde at' the opening session of the convention on Wednesday rnorning, October il. Mrs. Nicholas F. Blrady, of New York. chairmnan of. the national board of directors, will address the convention at this session, and'Mrm. Àrthur. Osgood' Choate, of New York.* wilI report on the Juliette Low Menîo- rial Fund. Mr.Present 1934 Budget: 'tr.William M. Chester, of Milwau- kee, fourth vice-president of the nation- al organization, wjll have the chair at the Thursday miornlng sesion, and Mrs. Edgar Rickard, of New York, treasurer, will present the national buidget for' 1934. ~Mrs. -Vance McCormlc)c. of Harris- burg,, Pa., s'econd vice-president, wil pre-side at the Frtday morning sesision, at wvhieh tUnie Ml9ý Josephine Schain,. director of the Girl Scouts, assisted by .the executive secretaries of the national staff, wilI present the annual report. Mrs. Arthur 0. Choate will preside at the final sesion on Frid.ay afternoon, atnd. Dr. Lillian M. Gilbreth. of Mont- 2lair, N. J., wiIl be the principaýl speak- er. Following the announcem.ent..ôf the ime and place of the 1934-convention, the newly elected president wiIl1 be In- Mrs. George Turney anid ber daug h- ter, Elizabeth, of Los Angeles, were recent guests at the John P. Oleson ber Music a course in dramatic art. with a cold, where they have a summer ho>me. 0 ..- ---o-o0 Mr. 'and Mrs. John Panushka, who Mr. and Mrs. Hermann 'G. Seely,' Mrs. Frank Watson and son, Gor- Charles E. Driver, 423 Abbotsford have been visiiting bis parents at 929 700 Kent road, Kenilworth, are mo- don, 1341 Cbestnut avenue, spent the road, 'Kenilwortb, bas returned f rom Thirteenth street for several weeks, toring. to Wyoming to see Mrs. surniner at their cottage at Ephraim, 'the east 'whete he has been on a busi-. left Tuesday by automobile for their Selys rohe. " Wis. * iess trip. home in Los Agls Cal.