road, on , te evening of uctober 19, 1931, have been felt ini Wilrnette po-, lice circles durîng the past two * weeks. The cause of the explosion and ori- gin of the fire had neyer been de- *termined, although investigations. by the, local andi state fine departmnents and agents di the Board of Fine Un- ewritershad fully justi.fied the sus-, picion of aron. About 2. o'clock of 'Monday aften- nôon, -September 4, there appeared at the Wilmette. police departmrent an 1Italian. of flot too prepossessing per- sonal appearance, iho- s.Urrendered to Seërgeanit. J_ IF. Steffens and was placed under, arret. :He, said that bis, name was James-ýCfimo, 43 years old, that lie lived in Highland Park, and that -he w-as onie of the men who liad set' lire to the Russo house. In hij *statement he implicated, Anthony DiMonite,. 1100 Townsencl street, Chi- cago, and Vincent Accardo, 826 Mil- ton avenue, Chicago, as bis accorn- plices. Supenintendent of Police Henry Brautigam immediately called Fire ýChief Walter H. - Zibble and Officer John Popple, and took Crimo's con- fession,, Miss. Vera Holding acting as, stenogra-pher. Subsequently two other statements were taken, aIl three of then be ing practically identical. One %vas by the State's Attorney's office, to whomi the prisoner was. sirrend-, ered bv the Wilmiette police. On teimplicates Two Otestrength of Crinio's confes- sosDeMonte and Accardo were apprehended and put under bond to appear in Wilmette for a preliminary hearing. This heaning took place be' fore ,Police Magistrate John J. Pe- ters on1 Friday, September 22, with the three pnisoners in court. Assis-tant .State's .Attorney F. 'A. Christenson, assi1sted hy Lieut. Frank A. Johnson. of the same office, nepresented the state. Attorneys C harles A. Schreiber and Ross P. Ceffalio of Chicago ap- peared for De Monte and Accardo. Crimio did flot bave counsel. Chief Zibble of the Wilmette lire 1 ing the Kusso house. He identified DeMonte and Accardo ini court as, his accomplices, and also identified Chief Brautigam and Officer John Voss as being amàng those he talked with af- ter surrendering. He stated that he gave himself; up 'because' his ýcon- sence hurt him, and that one who .does wroông must pay the penalty, and he is.ready to pay. He soughtto absolve De Monte and Accardo - by assuming al the bia me, this because,, as he said; they have children. HId t. Grand Jury At the conclusion, of the hearing Magistratc, Peters held ail thréeeof the men to the grand jury.,ini bonds 01f $10,00' each. ,DeMonte and Ac- (Conti nued on Page 38) -~ s -in-1tCie <-over-ment on January .16 of this year. The requirnients.q the governiment calied for 37,000 square feet, and these combined parceis total -36,000 square feet, front- ing 240 feet -on Centrai" avenue and 150 feet on Park avenue., The Ifor-: mer owners were: Heirs of the ýCurley estate, Martha Waters, George' J.. Curley -and Ele- anor Skelton, ail of Wilmette, and Emnily Mullen. of Glencot, 100. feet on Park avenue and 200 feet on.Central1. avenue. Marguerite Kirchner,, 634 Park ave- nue, 50- feet by 240 feet.' Charle H.. Brethold, 40" feet front- ing on Central by 100 feet depth; on Telegaph OfiéeThe 'transactions * were al negoti-, Thevs resedated bvR. M. Johnston and company. Friday emening of Iast week Har- nue. Lnlnae flan J. Erickon, 23 years old, 7341 ht is said that approxirn;tely thjrity- Rogrs vene, hicgoandHônerfiv pacel, wreoffened to the Middilton, 26 years old, .7638 Bos- government by owners and brokers, worth avenue, Chicago, made further and that these pieces, comnbined, came advntuesintp the devious ways o nearest to meeting the specifications'. crime when they held up the Western The site abuts.on twoô paved streets Union Telegraph company office at and a pavecl alley. Highland, Park, taking $51 f rom the cash dnawer. It proved to be an un- Information as to wvhen 'building, fortunate undertaking, iiowever, for operations will begin is not available the Highland Park police swung into at thîs tume. It is reported but not action and promptly nabbed the pair. verified that plans _drawýn by Ben- . Chief Henry Brautigam of the Jamin H. Marshall have been ac- Wilmette police department went to'cepted. Highland Park Saturday morning and secured confessions froni the young More Wilmette Firms men that they had robbed the West- ern Union office and the Standard Sign NRA Agreement Qîl company filling station in Wiil The following Wilmette concenns mette and the Sheil filling station iin have been reported f nom Washington No MaiVs Land., However, the the past week as openating under the p risonens reniained in charge of the ternis of the NRA: Highland Park police, .E ushr admrNisn Young- Enickson for.merly 'ived in BaunF,.BosOuCor, WMlile N iller. Wilnette. BanBo i o,ýMle ilr Edinger & Sons, Patrick N. Balmes, COMMISSION FACULTY Dr. G. A. Stonei, Dr. H. G., Walton- At the morning "service of worshiBil. Sunday, October 1, the First Congre -________________ gational church will commission the faculty of it.s Church school.OfRicers festival to De staged by the 'V' Te- minai Business association., The affair iis to be held on the grounds at Lmnden favenue and Fiftb. street on thé eve- nings of Wednesday, Thursday, Fni- day and Satunday, Octoben 4, 5,>6 and 7., It 'is said that of, the tweënty-one merchandise: booths pnovided eighteen already have, been cofltracted for, . Mi the othens piractically allotted.. The;se, »will bie placed on the- pbrkway. along Fiftb street, facing the grounds. Amusemients,_.rides and- entertaininent bave béen provided with a lavish.hand, and it is stressed that aIl are under the direction of local business con- Icerns. There *ill be. four rides, Fenris wheel, 'airplane, etc. There will be shows and f re acts, to entertain -the Populace. There will, street datecing, each eve- ning on Fifth street, south of. Lindeni avenue. 'On Saturdà y afternoon the associa- tion will be host to the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. These groups will be given free rides, and in addition will be recipients of otber favors, it is stated. To become eligible to tbese gratuities the members. are required to appear in uniform. They will register at the office of Hill & Stone, 404 Linden ave- nue, any time ai ter Il o'clock in the morning. Parade on Tuesdl.> On Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock there wili be a parade which will start from the '"L" Terminal district and traverse the principal streets of the village and then proceed to other sub- urban towns soutb, west and nortb. Invite Young Women to Take Up Scouting -Work High schooi or coIlegeý graduates in-* terested in' Girl Scout angd Brownie leadership work have been invited te communicate with the Wilmette Girl neitner plead, restity non ma fessinn. This prompted. leq cuss ion, the defending atto sisting upon an insanity hea-i ing that they had pnesent a (said to have been a. re Crimo) who Would testify oof e JetV, i us iiUow about iL,- ie teurges. WILBMETTE 4300. ASIC FOR AD TAKER waterworks, scheduled for Tuesclay afternoon, 'was, Postponed until.a lat- .er date, not Yet. determined,