Jieading the effort to complete the budget tepresenting Wilmette's share toward Scouting worlÎ in the area is Henry Fowler, presidentý of the coun- cil; H. C. Toeppen, Wilmfette district charmn;Dr. D. W. Rapp, Wilmette district vice-chairman ; and Joseph Hoffman, associate finance chaàirman. Cônfident oa Succesa These men and their co--workers. are determined to keep Scouting go- ing witb increasing force in the vil- lage ýdespite the obstacles presented by the general economnic crisis. "Minmette bas always done its part in this-worthwbile movement in be- hafof the boys of tue-community and this year will be no exception,1 ,Mr- Fowler declared -in conmenting on the projecèted * campaign.. "Wil- mette needs Scouting today as much or. more- than ever.- There stili re- 1 .mains a littie over $2,00 to -raise as Wilmette's share of the council bud- get for the calendar. vear 1933 and the citizens committee on Scouiting urges the people of Wilmette tô carry on with thèm to raise the quota If everyone wlio can will do his part ibhe. task, will flot be heavy." SNATCHES PURSE Miss Sophia Bauier, 127 Rohsart road, Ketilworth, was ualking on Tenth street, near Ashland avenue last Thurs- day. eveniing. September 21, when shie Was accosted hy a young mnan whol ts.natclied lier puirse, contaiingi, about~ $8.. l'le thief ran east on 'Ashlanci ave- F rancis W. Hayes of Garrett Biblical institute, Evanston, has been added to -the staff of the First Con gregational church of Wil- mette. Mr. Hayes . cornies jrorn Galesburg, fil., and- reccived his A. B. degru fz<mrn Ktwx .coUlee.- H1e has had .tudent pastorates in a number of churches, ineluding ait interimn pastorate in the Firsi B«aptist church of Ga!esburg. Mr.' Hayes uill be minister of religious education, and as -such wiIll give special attention to the Church school and the young people's work of the church. Men's u- - 1- rit:ug. tiqfl a ti ,n.n.n. jt yea àRo. becaüse of increased business, shg moved into larger' quarters.. Uer busi- ness bas ,rown to such ani-xtent -in the Past vear that sbe found it necessary ton move again.. this tlime to a shop thre, times as large as the present one. ENTERTAIN AT FARM Membè -rs of thefaculty of the Wil- * mnette public, scbools, will be. enter-, tained :this week-end at Supt. J. R-;. -Harper's farm near, Hartford, ,Micb. Between forty and fifty teachers are expected to -be present for the festivi-- ties. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hughson,,fronti St. Louis will arrive on Saturday to .%isit Mr. Hughson's sister and famn- ily. the j 'esse D. Trumnps, of 415 Cumn- nor road, Kenilworth. 0o Mrs. Irving Woodward front Maine, fnrmerly of 1(enilwortb, is visiting- friends in Evanston. BERENICE VIOLE Teacher and Pianist Studio: 114 Third St. Phone Wilmette 1705 .25. VICE ORANGES 3 dom...... SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY ILbx29C APPLIES For oobking, HONEY DEW MELONS sw..t, largesi» 29e RED RASPBERR lES jri box It ls a Fruit or Vegetabi., we bavWe Mt Miss tauer ran into. Paul C. Lanig, 933 ý who called the police, the cuiprit ivas found.. HERE FOR COIN Allen McDaniel o- D. 'C., %vaslun.W ilniett( to attend a meetingE Spiritual Assembly of United States and meeting is usually belÈ Mr. McDaniel is chair the residcnce of . a "stag" at the homne of Raymond Ashland ai-e!luet Fjellman, 1920 Greenwood avenue, but' no trace of Wednesday evening, Octoher 4. Gaines and refreshments will feature this meeting, to wbicb members and NFERENCE, aIl other nmen of the .neighborhood f :Washington, -ire being invited. ef atéweek-endl The. Nortbwest Men's club reports EB'sof the ainaj large attendance for the September C anaa'Tof te meeting held at the residence of A. C nada.-York.H. Menning, 2022 Beechwood avenue. da ofi heoas- At the close of tbe session, refresh- rmat of Nte s-ni -elltswr served by Mr. and Mrs. 15 Different Va rietiet SPECIAL Saturday and SuDday 6 scpg. 25c' 17. Serve Cvsuniaghams 1ce Creams MOTODRS S ERVICIE Everythin# for A iato mobile, Central- Avenues DRU STR Phon.s,- Wilmette 28-29 "c 1j5c CenfraP Avenues