Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1933, p. 11

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nounceci tor, Uctober 17, has been reeubvie ito5fotlt changed to October 24 to accom- ineeàed ivof 25-o50foot lots, s:1wcn modate the schedule Of Prof. James istted.o 5fo os snwcn Weber Linn who teaches large tttd classes in ' Englisb 'ai the University A plat with the 'signatures. of al of Chicago. -Professor Linn b-as.con-. the property ôwners accompanied the, ducted the creative writing class- for petition for vacation, but the signatures the past 1two years, and under his Of first mortgage holders had. flot leadership, the series, of' ten lessonsà been secured to the petitio*for re- has' beconie increasin gly popular, it subdivision. An ordinance for the re- ki observed. subdivision had been prepare& wliih The creative writing class -i spon--' reserved an easement of sixteen feet sored by the Evanston Draina club. 'at the rear of the lots for Public For the ýpast two yeaàrs Mrs. Karl and municipal utilities. This was ob- H-ale- Dixon, a former president of the jected to by President Dubbs, whic Evanston Drama, club, b as beçn asserted that- he was. opposed to the chairman of the .committee promoting retention ýof such easements. Wheï the class.* This year -Mrs. Samuel- his attentionr was called to, the- fact Sackett is chairman, Working with that he had once presented a. resolu- lier are Mrs. Herbert' U. Nelson of tion requiring that easements'be re- Winnetka, a.member of th e board of tained in cases of, alley vacations, lie directors of the Evanston Drama stated that he had chaigdbsmd club, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Arthur Boett- twsrose to astev- cher, Miss Margaret Walsh and Mrs. l' Paul~~ Henk;fEaso . cating ordinance at once, as the, sale of some of *the properties depended Metigsof the class will be held tipon tbis beintg done, and thien take as forffierly in the French 1'oom fl up the resubdivision ordinance latei< the Georgian hotél on alternate It was finally decided to pass the Tuesday mornings froin 10 to 12i wl'iole matter over to an adjournied 'clock. Five meetings will be held be- eeting to be held next Tuiesday eve- fore Christnîas and fivé after.'The class wilI probably be lirnited tO' sixt li~ persons. -1 ne courseiii incluue iin- struction in the technique of writing. criticisis of current plays and literature and the reading and critic- isn. of mnanuscripts submitted by class mnemibers. There are no .assigi- inéîîts and no writing requiremnefts. Al work ini the class is purely volunl- tary. A certain proportion of aud- itors ivill be admitted as fornietly. The s ocial featuré followving each meeting of the class is the luncheon which memnbers of the class rnay or ni1ay flot attend. The luncheon is held In a, private dining rooni and isat- ten(Ied, by persans who have. attained distinction in the literary world, who coîîxe, as guest speakers. Amiong: tliosé who have béeén guests are Margaret Ayer, Barnies, Juana Faust, Dorothy Aldis,, Charlotte Chorpen- ning, Eloise Washburn and Kenenth *Mr. and Mrs. Warreni Pease, 320 L.eicester road, Kenilworth, enter - tained their dininer bridge club last \Vednesday. Cosmas BSwoa. 1143 Wlbette Av*.. Pjhoue WiImett. 203-264 i Frre Diliverios Daiii SPECIALS a ' Thýum rs.FL Sd tm. LIMA BEANS,. fresh shelled. Spe. cial, 2 boxe& WALTER W. DOERR, Om>ner 1/ wisb ta personally extend a cordial invitationl ta you ta make our store Vour Store. We want 'you ta depend uponui SWe can give you that personal keiriê'id friendly ecooperation 'which.mean s'O much to you. We. will makç every effort to merit your patronage.- J The Prescription Files o! the Kenilw orth Pharmacy, have been puirchased by us, and refis may be secured at an imze. A4 Feuw Outstandinýg Fean res Of PRESCRIPTIONS Competent registered pbarmacists constantly on duty, fil your prescriptions as your physician has ordered tbem. witbout the sligbrest variation or substitution. Oui drugs are always f resh. DELI VERIES Wben ýà'bure in a hurry, and ind. it inconvenient ta corne ta the store yourself. remember that we are as close ta you as yaur telephone. No charge for this superior service, just phone Winïnetka 2626. SODA.FOUNTAIN The- jas.t word in founitain equipmne-nt., * Always ready ta serve. you., Try, aur 'special plate lunch, or d'tap in for breakfast. :Our Special Thursday Nigbt Suppers are grow- ing in popularity. We carry the famous Borden Foursorne -Icc Cream Package, ail flavors, in addition ta a large assoit- ment of brick and bulk ice creani. Yecl~. 454 WINNETKA AVENUE (Indian Hill) Phone WI'NNBTKA 2626 1126 Central Ave.. 0AL.K 1LOVEIkHSB MADE LOVELIER If t ln a Fruit or VoOt abIe ýl

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