The music for the w ,.'Pbhip service on Siznday morning le s i;ollows: Organ Prelude- 'Biessed Are. Ye, Ye Faitbful Spiritte» Brahmis 'Chapel of San-Miguel" Seoer The lntrot-"ýGrapit Me True Courage, Lord" .... Bach The Anthem--"I Amn Alpha'and Omega". Stainer The Offertory Solo-'Bleslsed Are the Pure ln Heart ... ... Ward-Stephens Rkobert Kesuler Organ Psld-CrilnSrl"Mulet High Sehool league at 5,30'p. mi. with social hour preceding he devotional hour at 60:30. Dr. A. W. _Nagler of Gar- rett wIlllý be the speaker ai, the devo- tional. meeting. A contest le being, started tonight, with Lois Wolffe and Jack, Mellet as captains, leading up to Win-My-rChum, week, which Ile.cele- brated nationally,* the week of Novern- ber. 19. The league will conclude, the contest with a'banquet ou November 24, the losing Aide the. winnlng m ide. The Young People's gregup will hold a devotional meeting at: 5:30 p. m. lue *Devadanum of H yderabad, India. will lead the round table discssioin. Thé group will have a social hour at 6 :30 p. m. lu charge of Virginia Burgess and Royal' Martin., John Moore ta the newly elected president of this group. There will be a meeting of theý officers of this group with Mr. Harvieyý, ln the chu-choffceat 4:30 p. m. Sunday. The Friendly Indian Cubs meet at 4 p. m. on Thursdays, with Mr. Harvey. lu the Scout room of the church. Fifty4. two boys are menîbers. Others are ln- vited to attend. D1ck Hickman lq the cýhief of the tribe. The.Womian's Aid 500laty will meet Thursday, November 2, at 10 o'clock, to sew for Lake Bluff orphanage. The executive committee will meet at 10,30. Luncheon will be served at noon by the second ditision. The business meeting will be held at 1:30. Miss Irene Kawln, deputy chief probation officet- of the Juvenile Court . f Cook Couinty, will speak on "Current Preblema of the Juvenill (Court." Ail womau are urged to brlng the canned goods for the food qhower for Lincoln Strièet Instittiinal vhurch. Tomorrow, nigbt. Priday, Otober 27,* is the annual Harvest Home dinuer and reception to'the minister and his fam- ili. . ih&.XWX ensn. libethe iiev. Forest avenues Allison, pastor This afternoon, Thursday, the follow . Ing Llnk meetings of the Woman's socd- ety are betng held: F-Mrs. McDow, leader, at Mrs. Wil- liamis'. 1137 Lake avenue., R-Mrs.' Haas, leader, at Mrs. Blay- lock's. 830 Lake.avenlueb N-Mrs. Lynch-, leader.. at Mrs. D)avid' N4elson'a, 821. Elmwood avenue; Mrs. Boweu assistlng. F'riday, October 27, the follouwing Links will be. held: D-Mrs.. Schmidt, leader, at Mrs. Clark's., 2513 Park place; Mrs. Conîe aeqisting. S-Mrs. Millard, leader. at 1721 For- êst; Mrs. (Gathere.oal ,assitlng. H-Mrs., Dingle, leader, at M rsý. Claarl. 1301 .CheOtnut avenue. .I-Evening, at Miss Rennavker'q, 1046 Linden avenue. Illinois, Baptiet State convention* be-. gins.its arnual meeting today (IThurs- day), and because the sesQions are lu Chicago at the Woodlawn church, many B3aptists are planning to attend. Tonighit <Thursday). Mrs. George(Ca- leb Nfoore le the principal speaker. Friday, at $8:15,~ address by Mrs. L.- ard Wayue Smith. president, Woinan's American Baptist Forelgn Mi-elon' sou- ety. Saturday afternoon at 2, -Eastern Women of Today and Tomorrow. pte- eented by Miss Auna E. Long. At 3, ad- dress, "Men and the Presidlent's Pro-~ gram." by Dr. Austen K._ de BloiS. Saturday eveing, at 8.15,'. addresâs, 'Baptists' Rethinking MissiÔns,"' by Dr. P. H. J. Lerrigo. The climax of the convention will oc- cur Sunday atternoon at 3, in the Uni- versity of Chicago chapel' Celebratlng one hundred years of organlzed' Baptist *ork lu this citY. Dr. Edgar. J. Good- speed and, others will partîcipate. Services on, $uliday at 9:30 wtth ail departinents of the churcb . chool. lu the momntug worship at 11, Dr. Allîson preaches by request, "The Conquest of Pear." Beginnlng Wednesday, Novemi- ber 1, 'a sertes of supper meetings will be held as planned - by the Missionary Educational committee. Mme. C. Hi. Joues. chairman. These meetings are always dellghtful occasions for Chrîs- tHan Felluw-ship with Insplting mes- sages on "Christian Wo6rk' at Homne and Abroad." The first meeting our guest sneaker will be Rev. ýP., C., Metzger of Wheaton, who will relate bis "Expe(-ri- ences ln Congo." of China and by the blshop o, Chicago. Each pýarish wlt entertain at lite u.wn table one o! the bishops.: Thé bishôýp of Eau Claire, a former rector of St., Augustine!ij. probably *111 be our guest. Reservations for our table should be made wlth Henry Fowler, one of theý directors o!- the Church club, or~ with the etor. Circle meetings for Friday, October 27, -are as folloWà: The. North circle meets with MMe. Phillip Huguenin, 506 Lake avenue. Aeistlng hostesses, Mre. West and Mr-si Stoddard. Meeting callied for 11, o't<-ok, with luncheon served at 12:30. .The South circle meets at the home of Mrs. H. B. Wilson, 611 'Laurel avenue. Asslsting hostesses, Mrs., Branson and Mrs. Read. Luncheon will be served at 1 ro'clock., The East eircle meets with Mfrs. L. B. .1-uguerior, 11319 Ashland. avenue. Thje West circle meets wltb Mrs. Har- t-y Johneston, 1511 Greenwood avenue. Asssting hostess, Mrs. jorjoi-lan, Luch will be served at 1 o'clock followed 1wy a busqiness meeting, the first of the year. Kenilworth Union Kenilworth avenue and Warwick . 'ad Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minfr-ter Next Sunday, October 29, we observe an Inter-Church Visitation Sunday lu lCenlworth. The Church of the Holy Comforter will worship with us at Il o'clock and Dr. Danforth will preacli the sermon. At 10 o'clock our Suuday- school will visit the Holy Comforttur Sunday school and Mr». Stnall wlll give the address. The Autumn Church dinner will bv held at the Keuilworth club on We&- nesday, November 8. The Women's guild will mneet MIonda y 'morniug, October 23. The hours of mneet-' ing are froin 10 to 4 o'clock. The mein- bers are asked to eomx, ln for. as much time as they are able todévote tn thim good work. The Wednesday evening meeting. for Bible.,study and conferene will be held Wednesday eveunng, November 1, at Dr. Willett's residence at 8 o'clock. The subject will be "Paul lu Jerpsalemn." The Sunday school w Iil ruet as usual at 9:45 o'cloclc. Ail children between 5. we cordially Inite yo'u to jÔin u. T'he C hristian Endeavor society will meet at 5 :30 o1clock. The study wIll be on "Today's Youth and Tomorrow's World,.' the chapter on "Spýeed."' The leader of the devotionals will be Dudley Veneklasen. The host with' refresh- mients will be Arthur Woerner. All the young people are 'invited to he ,prts-eut. The Suuday Evenlng club. will begin its meetings Snuday * evening at 7 :30) o'clock at the Congregational c.hut-ch. The' speaker_ will* be George L. l)icëk. with motion and Round picturc onu Paleetine and- Syria. Boy Scout Troop ýNo. 5 *111 meett i n the chut-ch> Mouday evening at 7:3« *Ouir midweek service will * e held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. By request. the pastor will' begin a sert-e of etudies on "How We Got Our-Bb& You are cordially: invited to nio-Ft % wjth u. On Sunday, November 5. we will jg oli ln the great Mass Meetingfor Foreign Missions at the Chicago. stadiuni at 3 :3fi, at whIch Dr. E. Stanley 'Joues, no<ted missionary té India., will speak. Tic- kets, to this meeting inay be obtained. fr-ee from the. pastor. Elsewhere in thb- papet- le a fuller annotincemeént of ali the meetings of thîs, great Fi'nrtign MkSsions Confterence., which, wlll ceon- tinue through Monday and. Tuesday. Oui- local participation iu the great United: Foreign Missionary conference will be a nie eting under the Woman's society of this9 chut-ch Tuesday eveniug, November 7, ln the Ass,.emnbly hall of the chut-ch. The speaker will be Mtsà- Yi-Fang Wu, Ph. D.. president of Ginl. Ing college, vice-presîdeut of the Na- tional Christian Council of China, spe- cial delegatie last July to the Interna- 'tional Congi-ese of Wornen ln Chicago, and, ut present a member of the special tearn of 'missionary leaders speaklng Ir, tweinty-five cities of America, of whichi Chicago Is to be une. MiFi4 Wu hold!s both degrees of Doctor of Philoqphy and Doctor of Science, and ls an Inter- national figure.' The meeting ut tht- Presbytertan Chut-ch on Tuesday eve- niug. November 7. wilî be open to the public, the churches of the counmunity having been' Invited. A silvet- nfft-ring m-111 be recelved. St. John's Lutheran'. Wilmlette and Park avenues, Wilmett4e . Hernian W. Meyer, M. A.. pastor 406 Pr-airile avenue. Telephont. 1i39C Chu'reh telephone 5379 The largest Protestant mass meeting cirer held ln Chicako je planned for 3:30 o'elock Sundaj afternoon, NoVember 5, whenDr. . StnleyJones, woi-ld -Christian 'leader and. author of "The Christ of the. Indilan 1Road"ý and other booka*, ispeake tinderthe auspices o! Oie- Tuesday at 7 p. m. OC 1 gs,-iI>uck; UUStot-y solo, fou" hufldted years ago lias been. th,)'- '.'The Volce Iu The Wildernees,11 Scott, oughlY treated by historians and the,- Mms. Har-old McCormick; postlude, logiaus and llluminated fromi eve1-Y an- Younger moembers o! the' girls' choir "Mat-ch" (Hercules), Haudel. Mi" PEtma gle. That the time at whlch it (-aine practice at' 4:15..ou Tuesdays and the Rounds 15 dîrector. was 'one o! mauy ecouomic change: no older girls at 7:15 on Wednesdaye.oewl nyYtthqusisi- Our Sunday echgoo meets lu 'aIl de- voh-ed were not so umuch of an OConom11ic The Wilmette SËunday Evening club partmnents and Classes, at 9 :30 o'cloek. ax of a religlous' nature. Teme qe~ atm