Wçoc. very lur and i laar ae-u I pected te, be present and to Join ln thei proceedings. The afternoon sessions TI will, as usual, ho given over to the dis- cussion off matters of church work aniong the young people. The evenlng will be a qeIalge~t tÔ)geher. The Lord'>S iupper .will- be celebr ated at St. Jo'hn's on Sunelay mprning, Novernber. 5, ln, the Ilo'clock service, the confessional 9Yr peparatory service beginning at 10:30. Ail who ,wl,.> to IM ceive the Sacranment on that day are re- quested to inàke this known tu the pas- tor, on the Frida.y precedlng iàt the par.sonage. English Lutheran Greenfleaf avenue at Seventh strett wilmette AHouse of Worship' The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUND)AY SERVICES Sunday school .......... 9.45 arn Morning worship ...... .. ilam Choir r ehearsal, . riday even ing at 7 :30 o'clock.> Junior' Luther league will nieet Siný-- day evening at 5 :30 o'clock. The topiç, 'ILutherans Around the World," will ho presented by David W,ýhipple. Catechetical classes will.meet as fol- loWs: One year class will meet on Mon- day at 4 o'clock .and the Two year class willl meet on '-Tegday at 4 b'clock. The Womnans socletyý wilI meet Thursday, -November 2, at thèt church at 2 ô'çlock.: Senior 1-uther league will meet Thurs-, day eveing, November 2-t 8 o'£lock. Suinday, October 2,9, la Reformation Sunday. A special Reformation service will be held at il o'c&ock. The sermon topic will be -A Tale of- Loast Leade r- Our ehu rch is cooprating with the Wilmette Sunday Ev.ening club, whicn will begin Its 1933-34 series:Sunday eve- nIng at tire Congregational church. First Congre gational John G. Hinidley., rmînister *'The Three Gret eroismes" will be the mninister's sermon theme for theIl o'clock service flext Sunday morning. The music for the Sunday morning. service will he: Alleli -:3p.m.- Girls' choir rt- Fife eiaraa. Saturday-9 :30 choir rehearsal. rilor choir rehearsal. M.-Wekeacafila C a m p !, b Pack Nô.* 61. 10>:30 am~~urs choir rehear&gl* 1l a.m.-BoYs' choir rehearsal. L ogan-Hoéward, Pi.'T. A. 'News Miss Alice Stade's class in reducing and body-building for women wilL meet at the Logan school Monday a ft ernoons'at 1 :30 o'clock.. Special corrective exercises will be given to meet thd1 individual ýneeds. of the inembers of the class, as well as re- ducing and. building-up diets. This, class is open to any woman ini Wil- mette or Kenil wortb, it is' announced. The Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association feels it a privilege to offer this opportunity to the wornen of thie commnunity at moderate cost. A. new class ini ballet danicing for 'girls from.7 to,12 years is commenc- ing Friday, October 27, at 3 :45 o'clock. It will be limited to 10 pupils. If your daughter is interested in dancing, now is the time to have bier register for the class. Mrs. Benjamin Jacobson, Wilmette 4239, who is chairman of the classes, will bé glad to talk to anyone who is interested or you may cail Miss Stade at Wilmette 2838. Pupils ini the ballroom dancing class are looking forward to their' first party, which is to be , a Hal- lowe'en masquerade, to be given on the evening of Friday, November 3. *Mf. andANMrs. Harlow Heneman of Aimn Arbor, .Mich., will be week-end guests of the, latter's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Burt J. Deninan, 21 Linden avenue. Mr. H-eneman is a member of the political science department of the University of Michigan. The Hene-. 1/ ecesnmiq. .rience ýone Wai. 4453. LRDS, As We: Have Saidý Many Times Be fore When YouBuy. ORIEN4TAL R U CSI Values cannot be written on price tags. Rea uty o! design,,lovely and lasting col- ors, materials and workma>#sblp that guarantee lifetimes. of gracions service -these are the true values of Oriental Rugs.- H W may a- woman or mao.n know the vital, ossontial quality of Orientai Rugs? High price is not a sufficient ..Tertluis Ai fler Mrs. F. H. (uy wlll be the sitn A Rumnmage ýsale will be conducted by the North, End cîrce. Thurmday and 725 Main St. WiI..tt. 200 Ford Parts, and Service 338 Lndep Ave., Orientai Rugs-LORD'S-Third Ploor LORIYS-FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON