The Valencia, "Eva.tstoli's perfect turing "Tugboat Annie," Varsity 'thea- Sound theater," Presents a week «full ter attraction Friday, Saturday, Sun- of varied and wortb-while attractions. day and Monday,. October 27 to 30. *Thursday and Friday of« this week Marie Dressler, as Tugboat Annie brinig Richard Dix and Flizabeth Allan plying the Seattle waterfront witb a in "No Marriage Ties," with Dix as, decrepit "barge," gives a great por- a brîthiant sut who niakes good inad- -trayal as -dues. Wallace Beery who vertising. Richard Dix fans will n6t bas: the role.of ber tippling busbantl. be dis appoinited hy biis fine performance.* Beerv'.sguzzling, enrages their son, Bob "The Secret of the ýBlue .Rôom" willl I Votng,, cgptainof a smart steamer. The keep Valencia patrons i suspense Sat-j event, that.,reunites th.é familv' is a Urd,1ay, October 29, with a well-sus- thrill supreme. taiiied mlodrama, about a- sealed and Tuesday, Wrednesday 'and Thursday, dedyrooml Pu uks lriaSu-Otober 31, November 1 and 2. bring art, W'illiam janney and Onslow, "Torch Singeri" with Claudette Colbert Stevens are excellent. adBb eo a o know, a Qne of th e fineýt Claudette Colbert charmingyoungter)., Claudette con- pitrs "he-oree oo, iltributes some fine acting, in the'role, show at the Valencia Sunday and Mon- of. "Aunt Jenniie". on a bedtime radio, day, Ociober 29 and 30. The films a heur. She can really sing, -too.! Ricardt)o laugli f rom the fi rst momnent. to the Cortez and David Manners are seen Ini eud,' in, the'port r ayai of, an imprac- the picture, but it belongs 10 Claudette tical, happv,. family., Mary Boland is -andý Baby LeRoy. Film patrons won't the. impractical marna; Claudette Col- go ivrong (in this one.> bert, the daugbîer, in love with would- Persons longing for atiother look at bc, nuthor Hardie Alhright. But Doc- WVilI Rogers should he glad te) hear tor Dick Arien n-.oves in an pesta ewlsarith smttol thinlgs. 4id «Psotin tlat*i msar iii the Bul,"a1ktd- . RlphBelani ofWilmette stars in uleci for the Varsity three days bêgihi- H1eadline Shooter," the Valencia at- ning Friday. November 3. tractiun Tuesday, October 31. This thriller. w'u' a ne vis shows- RETURN 0F THREE PIGS arn(ng the thngs-ow illam ar~ Yielding tu popular request, a north gaîl. nieNsreel man, tries toý rescue re- prtrFrances Dee.i shore theater is offering a return show- pCrtvr adfs-hts-leB ing of 'Three Little Iligs." The Big (levr ad fsî-hat~ "fli Bi Bad Wolf wiJi do bis part, too. Brain" ai the Valencia Wýedniesdlay, Noveniher 1. George E. Stone leaves the barber shIop te become a phony stock niagnate. Phillips Holmes, Fav WVray .and Reginald Owven are happilyIIVRSITVI C. H. Theater Revives Glories of "RobinHood" C,ynnlutit H m'tie offers thieat(er- geers à rare opportunitv for, enjoy- tuent luis Fridav and(. Saturdav when it presepts "Robini Hood"- the pcir that never .grqjws stale. Teflpro- duced several years agu mwith Douglas Fairbanks. in the title role., is sitnply apart of on&ies moti ni picture heritae; vii nsn UOperator'8 Opera." Come<ly Revue with Donald Novis iRE TURN SHOWING . 1 a u jýhjWhicn jean H-arlow and! ClarkG able are co-stîrred by Metro- Go dwyn-aer. In-. the film, Erwiln bas the sYmpatbetic part of ýthe mani who is i Ioie witb the underworld. girl and wants to marry ber, regard- less of the bitter truth revealed te him. Prev'iously, Erwiri's roles .a« ill been of a hilarious nature. £ THETAVR with Franki morne and ani Ail-Star North Shore Cat F'RIDAYI NOV. 3S AUDITRU 15" Slaermuoim-Phoe sUaL 3m4 EVANSTONWS.PEItFEC SOUND THEATRE BARGAIN MATINEE DMILY Openitli. Vont. 25c EVENINGS and after 2:30 on Suadays Thur. & Fri., Oct. 26-27 Richard Dix-EizahetI, Allan "NO MARRIAGE TIES» Sat, Oct. 2S--ue Dey OuIy Lest Times To liglit (-Thuws) Clive Drol-George Raft in FrL. Set..QOct.. 27-2ll--lai Showing Se. the . f tbotween aà sIawi an .d và an octopus on Ais., 8obby Jones-Final chapter Mickey MoI&S. Cartoon Com.dy ... Sport Roui . News Sun.. Mon.. Oct. 29-JO Stars Of 'Goid" *IENIVIIVI TOBIN WAllOiN WIt.IA-M Ais. Clark & McÇullough Com.Jy Cartoon. . . Travelo9.. R.K. O. News Tue$., W.d., Oct. Il -Nov. I Clark Gabls--4,àn Harlow "N Yo odousman". And W. C. Fieldis Com.dy Mit Thurs. t. Sa+.. Nov. 2fte4 Return of EDIECANTOlI tu"NOPB FeY wiay-Pui Georg*e F "THE BIG "Captured" .....-- -Lesit. Howard "Blind Adventurs". . Roland Young "".... Geoorge: ArDos Adulte 1~