Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1933, p. 12

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-In 1di it reude". ..... ...... Bach "~Hosanna" ................... Dubois Introit: "0 Ta.ste and See How Ora- clous the Lord Is ..I......... ... Gs Anthem: . The Heavens Are Declaring" Beethoven Organ Postlude: 4Preludef andi Fugue In Te Minor".................Bach The High School league will1 neet at 6:30 P. nm..for devotional service which will Lieaddressed by Dr. Richard Hol- tington. of Garrett Biblical Institute. The social hour, in charge of Jean An Moulding and Jane Horsting,.will follow. The contest for the Win-My-Chumn cani- palgn will, continue and cllitax. ln the Win-MY-Chum banquet to be helti at the church on, Novemnber 24 at 6:156 p. m. 'The speaker for the banquet will be the Rev. C..A. McPheeters, D). D., pastor ofI Trinity Methodist church nt Ekat Ind. Frientis are. inviteti to, attendý thi4 banquet. The Young. People',s group wilit-met for devotional Service. at 5 :30, p. mi. on Sunday with ýDr.. Richard Gi. Hollington as the speaker. Foliowing the dev'o- tional meeting a* social hôtir, ill Lie helti, In charge of Virginia Burgess anti Royal Martin. The group iilhlolti itS first partY of thie season at the home o f bila Iolihnson, 1221 Clevelandi avenue, on t11w'vni o f Noveinber- 24. A play is beig directeti by 'Cijarlesz Rose anti wili, Lib i'e e Q4 ona.ft<'î'tie flî-,'tt of the 'ih-Celebrateti wiIey Coilege quai'îet -ings lui the asseînbly hall of this citur-cl F'i'ay -*'Ileinu -of 1this week(N enbi 17) at x o'ciock. Wihuy college is Jo- va4tetinl Maishial, Te'xas. and i s the olti. tst culiegt- for, Negroes xwet of the Mis,- sissippi. I t as maiitainieti a Sîlui'nid fitsic dvpatinent foi',nîany yeais. The îrog'ainî %vhh'h i hi5 maies uartet pre- "ents en in oStly, thtlgugb- netitire- lv, of Negrosprta. A fr-e-wiill iofft-ring will Lie tah-eii foi' whielh the vhuirv'h reoeielVs ,WTomld Servie e redit. AH mem)bërsanýtji frientis oft tt>churich tré a-sked tt. invite tli' tié',dsand Tlit'i'e is liedj Cross se-wing cbTuies.- day morning at (4:30u) >'clock a t the. huh.Ail] oîe 'heinviteeti14)heli) tlui'reli'aî'sal, is lheld caitTlmui-.day. niglit lai S'clock untic- i'te direction t'f Miss Marie Bni. , Ntw members will Lie w oungelieti.lel l -a)' iioinlngs a l'$ of> Ihigli sho Churen telepnone 5341 SERVICES 9:15 à n.Pirst service andi sermon. 9 :30 a. ni. Sunday school and Bible ia. Mi. Second service anti sermon. MEETINGS Mfonday, 7 :45 p. m. Choir rehearsal. The classes for the- Christian educa- tion, of children have again been re- sumed; may we ask ail parents 0f chil- dren six years and over to enroîl then. Our puipit will be occupied by the Rev. J. Hi. Gockel, Whom we ait love to hear. Let us have a record attenidane to show ;mr. Gockel, that, we really abppreciate his comning andtiùhs fine ser- mîons- 0f course this. invitation Is flot only. Intendeti foi' eveî'y fanîily 0f the church but foi' everyone- Please join us. The Ladies Aid andi Missionary. soci- etY wll have'Its annual sale anti dinner on Deeember 14.. Kindly reserv'e this date. The Nol*th Shore zone of the WaIthur' Iqeag'ue le sponsoring a lectture couI'rse Q "Stewar-dship," to, which aIl our nien- b)ers are cordiaily inviteti, Luth young anti olti, whether Yrou are -ànmenber of the Walther league or not. We assur'e you that you will finti this lectur, 'us both interesting andi instr-uctive. SThe course covers fl'e sessions, wh'h va lecture anti a conference project at each se,àion. The subjecta anti the pla ces wV.here they are to lye given are as fol- lows:, November 19, at Highland Park "Stewardship andti Dty," liev. C. L. A~bel ; "Recreation id Soeial Lfe"Mr. A. L. 'Miller. *Novt'mber 26. aut Morton 4rav "$teaa'dhipandTi Tue," 11ev..%%W. A. 'Ster*Preparing at Hîe"Rex'. (arn * l>(renàber X, ai Eranistoiî "Stewatç.ýi)ipandi -osesln."1ev C'. F. 1)ankworth ; "serving yùui' Neigli-1 hoi' andi Chun'lm," Rev. Pauil Rueder.1 1 iécemnber 10. ai. Wauikegan (Immanueb « . "S1tewardship anîd the Go,(spel" 1ev. J.1 Il. (ockei : "Personal Mission WoI'k,'* itev. Hierbert Kohn. Sttwa'dsipandtihie Brother," 11ev. IL. L. Soiiieri ; *Keelpiixg - and iEflisting the Brother.," Mr. A. Sachtleben. A11,sessions wlli e helti on Stlnday ýtfteinoon.s beginintg- at 3 o'clock. We1 hol)e oui' i~pôle will avail theniselves of1 thjî.u oiportunlt,' anti attend these îec- tîr~.Cone t,, everv esin Becomne betteî" acqualnted with 3'our' cluî'ch and 1 >vIu' loti. *Thé Noveniber m1eeting of the Neigh- borhood circlit will be helti next Tuesday *at the home of Mrs. J. Melville Brown. 99 Robsart road, Kenillworth. This will bie a luncheon meeting. Mrs. Brown ,will have as assisting hostes.-es Mrs. J. A. MacLean, -Ms. M. H. McMilIeii, and Mrs. S. M.ý Single ton. A fea ture of the mieetingwillbe packing the ('hris-tniae barrel' for Onwar<1 House. Regular activities of, the church andi achool are scheduleti as follows: SundaY"-3 :0 p. m., Oulîniette Camp Fire Girls. Tuesaày-3 :30 p. m_, Brownies'; 7 :30 p. m., Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts. Wednesday-7 :30 p. m., Trooli .No. 1, Boy Scouts. Thursday--3 :30 p. ni., GirI's choir re- hearsal; 4 p. nm., Boys' choir rehearsal: 7 :15 p. m., Senior choir rehearsal. f'riday--3:-45 p. in., Troop, No. 7, Girl Scouts; 7:30 P. nm.,* Wekeacafilla Campi Fî'e Girls. Saturday-9 :30 a. ni., CuL pack îîîeet- ing; 10 :30 a. mi., Gdirls', choir t'ehieàaral. Il a. ni., Boys' choir riehears.4l English Lutheran Greenfleaf at Seventh street, W-iIiiette "A 1luse of Wor.shil'" The Rev. Davit Il. Kabele, past-r. SUNDAY SEItVit'EN Sun.day school...........9:45 a. i.ý Morniing worship 11 .ila. ,ni. The Wo,"6man'js society will meet at the chutrch 'on Thmrstiay of thi,, Nweek t6o seW' foi, the E-mergtency Relief. Theyý, will sew from 10 o'clock to 4 'ciock. Aiixynne wishinig to give oif their Hie foi this 'worthy cause Is wvlc(,nw'1bic tet. %witli .us. The Senior* Ltili'- league willilleett Tihursday t'veniig ut this weel, ai S o'cioek. Al youing ptepIc aru - eli"'uiié. Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. lTe topic: "Supporting oui' Leaders" -,%ili he pre-senteci by Fred Dî'eibus. -We invite ail the young people of high scîmool age to nieet with us. The Catechetical classes Mill mt-ka followvs: Onie year class-montiay, at 4 o'ciock. Two year clas. -Tuestiay at Our Public Thank Offeî'ing sriew'il be a 4 o'clock Vesper service t, Lie helti on Sunday, Noveniber 26. l'lhe Woman's society, under the diection of Mrs. Paul Johnson, Thatik-Offiitg set'-, BOY Scout Troop No. 5 wil meet at, the church Monday evening at 7:30 .o'clock. Spoke No. 6 of the Womaîî'>t society will meet with Mrs. George Thursby., 1716 Highland avenu.e, Tuesday at 1 o'clock. Spoke No. 1L will meet with .Mrs. H. G. ,Davis. 6321 Wlnthi-op ave-- nue, Chicago, Tuesdayforinalta meeting. Our midweek service wiil be helti on Wednesday eýveninig at 8 ýo'clock. We are studying "Hlow wé Got Our ,Bible,"p and this week wé: will $Ilttdy about- thé translations. The Chorus choir Will inîet FridAy evening at 7 o'clock for 'hasl The earlyý morning Th«unksgiving. serv. ice, at 7 o'ciock a. ni. Thursday, Noveni- ber 30, wiII he condni'tud b.thé vnung people. The Union Thaniksgiv-ing service of the churches of Wilimette wilIl ýfielhdhinl oui' church Th ursda y mnorni ng, N oveni - ber 30, ai 10:30 o'clock. The 110-v. lIlu- bcert Carleton. D. C. L, rectoir of St. Augu stine's Episopal htircl, %iIl ie the preacher. Member-ships li n Vrie 'ha li îxiiiry imay Le obtaineti froi r. KEarl G. Lowv,1706 Forest aven.',# Itrin g thé. nionth of. Novem'bcr. St. A ugusi.tine's Sunday, Noveiniber Pt', wîll Lie tht>' twenty-thjrd Surid,.iy after Tiiy There will b L io l-y Conmninion ýxt 8 a .,Church i chiiils andi Bible cla.se n t 9-.45, and imoriiing în'ayer %vith ser- iii (iat Il a. ni. *Confirmation talk-s wili begin . next Sunday e-t 7 p. ni n the church assern- Lly rooni at the rear of the Parish Rouse. 'Phese are open not only. to al who wish to prepare for, confirmation- chiltiren anti adîults--but also ail others who wish te attend. andiepcalypr ents of chltiren attending. The mnen of the parliuh wiii holti à samoker, in the Prs House Monday night., Novemnber 20. Henry . ewler, senior warden, will p'iside. Friday, -Noveinber, 17, -the Wonien'. Associateti Guiltis will have a Plunkett luncheon in the Parish b1ouse. .î.unch wIl Lie serveti et 12 :45 followeti by curdws In the afternoon, mith a prize for each table. Reservations mnust Lie matie Le- fore Thur-day rnorning. Please phone Mrsý. S. Bigelow Haley. ,Wlmette 3226, antd -telllher how mnany tickets vou are i #itf une meouL t roomin,88wfiUCIaUt c'amp program will Lie' condu( Potslude: "Finale f romn Second Sym- weelr w. will study, "The- Great Reli- phony!'.. ...............Widor 'gious Lessons cf Amos.,, We Invite yopu The Sunday school will meet as usual * -te meet with us. at 9:45 o'clock. AIl chiltiren between Tier. is a place ln our Church school the ages of 3 anti the high schooi are for chiltiren of al ages. Primary, Jun- Our Christian. Endeavor soclety will cordially inviteti. ior, Intermédiate, anti Hig-h School méet at 5:10 o'clock. Arthur Woerner departmnents meet at 9:30 a. ni. The wll leati the devotionals. Mise Eliza- The Keuilworth Youn g People'is Sun- Beginners department cores for young beth Sherwooti will speak on "pot-day Evening club, unideî the leadership ý. 1

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