Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1933, p. 34

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A speaker whose re-appearance in its midst heralds one of its most ont- standing progranis of the year, is Ellery. Walter. He cornes to the * Woman's Club of' Wilrnette ntext) Wednesday afternoon to give a. re View ýof ý,he political and social situa- tion in the Orient of 1933-34, as basec on, four months' travel and conversa- tion with the leaders of japan and China anda considération of the con. flicting "White" and "'Red" influences of Russia today. He tities his ad- dress, ",Maàtnchur i a: Chinese, J apanese, or Russian?" Suggestive of Tbanksgiving will be the morning programn off ering Mrs. Williamf F. Conlon in hier program, "Priscilla at -Her Spinning Wbeel" and Mrs. Charles N. Evans,ý soprano, a club member who, in costume, will sing a group of selections. Ellery Walter ias achiéved' plienornenal s'uccess aýs a lecturer. When Mussolini gave him bhis photo- graph and signed it "To the Suprerne * Adventurer, Eilery Walter," he bit *upon a phrase which most appropri- ately. describes this dynarnicyon mnail. He is not an adveniurer ini the ordinary seinse of the word. W hile his travels have yielded soine of the most exciting experiences that corne only to the rnost daring explorers, he is essentially interested in humanity and hurnan affairs. His wish is "to be sornething more than a political observer, it is to interpret present conditions ini ternis of present day humaility; therefore 1 rnust know what is going on at the top and hôw the sweeping political- and econornic changes of today, are, affecting the. people thetiselves." Appare.ntly he wa niot content witb having packeéd into bisfirst,21 years sufficienit thrilling adventures to fil thé, lives of a dozen ordiniary men. Personal interviews with such, world1 figures as von Hindenburg, the Pope, Mussolini, and the King of Spain, and a thrilling trip around the worldi J. ' Chen ss 'aned to China ,n AKV- Ils in ,t the- f pur- L~eonara W ison, an autnority on her- aldry and geneology, Friday after- noon, December 8, at 2 o'clock at the Woman's Uniiversity club, southeast corner of Lake street and Wabash, Chicago. The lecture will be. held under, the ausplices of 'the national defense comniittee of -the D. A. R. .and a nominal admission fee will be: charged. In the morning, preceding the lec- ture, there will be a meeting of the n ational defense committee at 10:30 o'clock with luncheon following. The, Skokie Valley chapter callis attention te the change of hour of theý D. A. R.: broadcasts, which %vill be heard at 4:30 o'clock instead. of> at 4 on Friday> afternoons over 'WBBM.. Round Table Discussion Is Plan for Junior Auxiliatg iiThe Junior auxiliary of the, Wom- an's Club of Wilmette," its, publicity chairman announces, "promises a rnost uniqueand most interesting pr'o- grami for the next meeting to be, hield on November 23. "The ent ertainment will. take t he fort» of a, round table discussion of Hýitlerism in Germany. Miss. Betty Mulford, -prograni chairman, bas been very fortunate ini obtaining Miss Laura Ullrich, bistory teacher at New Trier Higb school, well-known and well-beloved by ail the members of the auxiliary, who are New Trier alurnnae, toiead the discussion. It is a timely topic,;and, wîth our well- informed. leader sbould deveiop into an iintensely interesting evening." SDinner is at 6:45, and is ini charge of Miss Jane Owen of 725 Greenwood avenue. A rtCommittee Hostess Mrs., Kari Platih, 2847 Gid dings streéet, Chicago, art chairman for thae Federation of. Clubs of the Tenth Congregational district, will entertaiîr hcr committee at tea Novemnber 2-2, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Plath's busband is. a noted painter of birds, and thei meeting will be held at his studio andi avairy. COlor fler prograni furtber, sl)e will appear in costume. Lunclieon at 1 will divide the morn- ing and, afternoon.,prograrns. JEllery W4alter, o;lie of the inosi popular speakers on the lecture Pfat formn today, whose narne is svilr0tionms with adve&nture*', oan zchose lif e has been Packcd uwith narrozw escapes front dcath, zwitlz thriliig adventitre, w"th travels far and u4.de, and bût recelntl3' re- turined fron the Orienit, cones once more to the Wornai's Club, of Wil- mette upith the fruits of lis jour- Iaeiing. Hlis next appearance is oit PVed;nesdal, oVzi)ber 22, at 2 i,1 the afiern;oon;i-l' is lecture zw ill 1w mit "Ilanchu(ria: -Chillese,Jpaeç, or- R,îssia;i?" KeniIworth Welf are Holds Two Meetings The Kenilworth center of, the In- fant Welfare society held.a sewing- meeting Tuesday afternoonl of this week, at t1he Kenilworth. Union cburch.* Luncheon hostesses werel M rs. ,Edrnund Burke, Mrs. Richard ýClinton, Jr., "and Mrs. Christian Sha-' ýfer., The. following day :a, business meeting was* called ait Mrs.' Cedric Smith's home in Kenilworth, cturing' which officers %were elected for the ensuing year. The barn dance the center gave last Saturclav eveninoe * RE~ADING CIRCLE HOSTESS Mrs. Lymnan Drake, 933 Lake ave- nue, will bave the meeting of ber Reading circle next Monday after- noon at 1:15 o'cl.ock...1 and The next meeting of the card club under the auspices of the Nýortbridge Wonian's club will be held at 1 :45 o'clock- Tuesday afternioon, Noveni- ber .2t, at the borne of, Mys. Frank Crawford- 2034 Thornwood avenue. "Will every member rnake special note of the announcernent, and if un- able to attend, pleaseprovide. a sub-. -stitute andnotify the hostess?" the club reques-ts. The third meeting of the year of the Northridge Woman's club Wvas held Monday evening' November 13, at the home of Mrs.. Kenneth Long, 1933 Greenwood avenue, .with Mrs. John- Petoya, and, Mrs. Williamn Ed- mouýds as' assistant hostesses. eol- lowing the 'committee reports the meeting% was turned over to Mrs. John ' D. Kinnear, prograrn chairmani. Mrs. Kinnear introduced Mlrs. Esthér Dunshee BoWer as speaker of, the evenin.. Mrs. *Bower instr.ucted thé club in the bistory of the state con- stitution and the need of a conivenl- tion for changing the constitution. She outlined some, of the particular items of the presen t document which nedparticular. attention. Every, inember en joyed ber talk:anid flt the fimportance, of ber mes sage and of tlhe necessity of further careful.con- sideration. of the, matter. For theDecember meeting of thie club, the prograni chairmanl announc- ed a children's play. Children wishing to take part will ineet with Mrs. Kinnear at ber home, 2241 Chcstnut avenue, on Saturday morning, Nov- enîber 18, at 10 o'clock. The philanthropy department of the club annou'nces that the regular Thanksgiving. basket Will be ýgiven. by thle 'c"lutb and invited. ail members to share- in making up ýthis. basket, with contributions of food or money. 'Mrs. Axel -Ahlstrand, 2109 Kenilworth ave- nue,. is philantbropy chairman, and wil l have charge of the basket. The child and home departuient re- ports that on Saturday, November 4, the chairmnan, Mrs. Frank Crawford, assisted by Mrs. Stanley Johnson, SPOKE HOSTESS Spoke Nine of tbe Wilrnette. Pres- byterian church will meet Tuesday, November 21, at the home of Mrs. William Remny, 333 Sunset road,. Win- netka.

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