Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1933, p. 36

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evolution of a niagician's Mysterious cornucopia and. en- * chanted rabbit.. 1*atched. 'matched and dispatcbied -a romance in the lifeý of a pair.of ring doves. The steel detective-a Pinkertonian. * suggestion. The, aerial treasury and, the al- ways-popular inexhaustible hat. Mysterious changes, manipulations, ai d Hindoo, transformations., A guinea pigÈ's troubles in two The wizard's omelet, intrQoducing the-talenteci goose "Jim." The story of a' little bird-chil- dren's delight.. Father Nepýtunes fishery.' Mind. reading extraordinary in whicb a. spectator assumes the title role. Spiritualistic tests~ embracing slates. î spirit pitcher;'and other tests. Chineëse' and japanese magic illus- trated by favorite trirkç of the Ori- entai nmagicians. The Magi's vision-a test of tbé Yogi Hindoo magic. Production and vanishing of ob- jects of aIl sizes and shapes.- The Garden of Flora. Empress Eugenie's favorite bhand-ý kerchief trick. Original feats ad ideas produced9 only by Reno's rapid-fire imagic. 1 The program .is to begin at 2:30 in_. the afternoon. and Mrs. J. D. Wig- glesworth, who bas arranged the1 Children's H-our series, plans to openç two ticket booths, to relieve the con-1 gestion experienced last month, when hundreds of cbildren saw the Hast- ing's Marionettes. Season tickets1 * books, to be used by one child at the varions performances, Or by a -groupc of youngsters at any one program1 may be secured from Mrs. Wiggles-1 .worth or any member of the auxil- iary, and will also be on sale at the cloor, it is anniounced. Dubbs Home to Be Open T'he popular speaker, Mrs. Quin- cy W4right of Chîicago, will givze one. of her sparkin. 'g talks on "Interna- lional vents," ai ait. mfornal eve- ninq ptart y u'hich will be the. caltre ,of the mnonth.Iy meeting 'of the !,orth Shore bronch,- Friends of Chicago Juniior SchoI. to be held f6r th »pqft' o!f te .choo ; Friday eiving, Nozcember 24, at 8:30 oclock, at thte homne of .Mrs. W. C. Wi*iton, 10 Indian Hill road, Winnet ha. Husbands of memnbers are especially invited. George W. Kilburn, superintendent of Chicago junior school, and Mrs. Kilburn, will be guests of the North Shore brailch for the evening. Mrs. Winton wilI have assisting her, Marion Lindon Bearup, hostess chairman, and Mesdames ýGilbert P. Bogert, Alfred P. Brown, joseph Gallagher, Horace M. Capron, Charles Blukley, Paul Kruger, Wi- liam Buttner, Marshall Doty, Ben- jamin Law, Clifford J. Ellis, Jr., Rob- ert Linn, Jr., Holland P. FlaHavan, E. L. Ellis. Agnes Gundlach, James H.'Ferry, P. G. Fox, Alfred Hodge. Mrs. George S. Channer, Glencoe- 356, and Mrs. Frederick .W. Henkel, Winnetka 1486, are in charge of res- ervations for this interesting event. nhet an. Chicago this summer. rea A. MonseII. .1 ey wiuj gave tneir will be served at 4. Members have production Thursday and Friday eve- the guest privilege for the afternoon. nings of this week, at the Howard Miss Mary Barnett Gilsonsek Scbool auditorium at Spencer avenue from a wide economic background of and Seventeenth street, Wilmette, at knowledge of economics. Assistant 8:-15 o'clock. professor of'econornics at the Uni- Coaching and directing thle pl.ay is versity of Chicago,-shis an utbority Mrs.' Charles A. Broad, who sbt on tinemploymient insurance. Herseif talented as an actress and dramnatic a gracluate of Wellesley, she was on> reader. Agraduate of a Chicago col-: the facultv of the. Wellesley Institute lege of drarnatic art, she has taught iàr Social Progress, the institute inany Wilmiette students, and has di- she will describe this afte rhooni the rected several delightful skits and in stitute which met for the flrst time plays., She is program chairman of on the campus from june 1. to 15. the WVomfan's Ça tholic Club of XViI- For the institute, mnen and womnenin mette, and this year is teaching (Ira- ail vocations and from ýail partsý of inatic art and expression as a member tble country came. togeth.ler, to dis- of flac facultY of the Malliaickrodt cuss the presen t economic and'social, Higli school. orders and. the experiments of govern- The juniors in the cast are as fol- ment in different parts of the world. lows: Miss Gilson bas won recognition lte'Lhr, M. D.. Frànct-s .1chwajj for bier book on "Unemployment In- if' tjdf)i-ýtenping,...... France,- sehinitz surnc i Gea Bitin" hib he Sylvia Kiirkland. ... .... Berenice Minler stirncein rea, Bitan, whih s- .rabitha Moore.........Ioretta1 8teiner wrote after she. returnied, from Eng- Ljizzie Glordon .............is cïttncoo Iland where she went to study tinern- .Juyce Iennlnghan..... . Rosanna He-RIN ploynment insurance there. Previous -Niy .JC-Tronie, :tf and 3rd act- to that she was a naember of the re'- \j<y Ma<»1*2ndat ryth rtin* searcb department of the Independent, :1111ettte IaÎ.-.;s_ ý.1 Marie r'r Relations Councillors. Frcom 1925-31 C lae 1,soii. Thurs;daY, the lth- she went to Havana and surveyed the Beýtty Schat-fer labor conditions on the. sugar planta- <IU<e (ibson. i-, ida;y, the I7th - Micrella Bruch hau 5cr tions. Previous to tbat sbhe did per- i u,. MîÙ*jo I Marlon olhwidc-r son nel work in the clotbirnf industry Act& beforc Shote in Cleveland Spanish Malden Dane Anna Ml. Steinbrecher, graduated............. Marcella Svhiider froin Wellesley last june. %%ill speak 'Rocks and Soaplsiids on "The International Congress of Proxy...... -- ...... ..Kitty Wagner, ýVo)meni." Wben the congress met iii Defina .. ......... .. T.'ai Chicago last summer, Miss Stein- Esen< brecher discussed the "Youth Move- Eatr tar Notes ment."' By E. G. P. Miss Eniily Goehst, *rst vice-pres- On Tbursday, October 16, at 7 :30. ident of tbe club, will tel! of Welles- the offtwers of Wilmette chapter, Or- ley's participation ini the Women'sý der of, the Eastern Star, WiIl1 be the College B3oard hootb at A Cenîtury <f guestsý of Pentalpha, chapter, located Progress. ..atithe Evanston Masonic temiple,'cor- Hostesses for the afternoon are.nro al vneadLk tet Mrs s JoeAA.CpsMs A et members are asked.to accompan', Mrs.Joseh A.Ca'ps'M sumnlber our officers on this occasion. H. Wetten, who spends bier sme On Monàlday,. November 20, we wIV in Winnetka; Mrs. T. Kenneth, Boyd, hv ttdmeigwt tet all of Chicago, and Mrs. Robert Healdpriiug O Dcebr4rpot of Rver ores. .for the year will be read froni the To pek t asas Cub matron, secretary, treasurer and $ he North Shore Vassar club wiIl will proceed to bave election of fi- ineet. Mornday, November 20, ai 2 cers for tbe coming year. This wilI o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Arthur be followed by obituàry services. for Mrs. B. L.' Payne of Atlantic City. On Saturday they entertained their oit-of-town guests at a supper dane at the Drake hotel. ofeieth te club.. 'e dance wil e given to carry on the t activity of two Chicagoans Who for y - seven years have bren doing. a splend-0 , id piece of work in connection with the Boys'ecourt of Chicago., to. children of the . of divorce; and rights in the, event of, teru marriage., iation

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