Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1933, p. 42

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4ay Photo Lyon & Héaly's Eiamitoný store bas been remodeled a.nd now includes one of thé finest radio salons in the Chicago area. Here the radio patron ix giùen the 'opportuitity of bearing and comparing the leading makes o! radios, and radio-p hono graph combifnotions amidst surrotaidi;tgs comparable to thèse od is. home. The purpose, of, this extensive remodeling progranm. according to the management,>iis ta enable the. public to make its choice of musical instruments untder the Most favorable condition$,, Art Photographie Exhibit Depicts Manchurian Scenes An art photographic exhibit, en- titled -Romance of Manchuria" wiII open its season of nine days Novem- ber .17 at the library of the Georgian hotel, Evanston, The exhibit. conxprising nearly one close of the Fair before it will be takçen to miany other American cities. The pictures on display are resuits of a prize contest conducted by the South Manchuria railway Iast year on. such subjects depicting various phases of Manchuria, which under- taking .could be considered the first outstan.ding attempt of casting the * artistic lighit on that portion of the Far East which bas been the stîbject of conflict aand- disorder for many St. Francis-Xav ier P.T. A. "DIealiing with the cbild who is just enering high scliool" was the subject of a thought-provoking talk given by Dr. Franklin B. McCarty, at a tea for the eiglith grade mothers of the St. Franxis Xavier P. T. A; last Wed- nesdaty. The tea was given at the nrst year nign scnool cnuudren, Vr. McCarty said'. He pointed out that there is a decided change in metbods of instruction in high school. often confusing chi -en at first and pro- venting.them t rom doing their best work. , Parents should be patient, lie s aid, until the children become, as it were, acclimatized. A goal should be selected earlY, either by the. child, or for bum, ac- cordinoe to Dr. McCartv. "It may, tor of the physical education depart- ment. The tests were completed last week and .were given to test the skill of the pupils in the fal sports. Al tests were preceded by-periods of in- struction.followed by several practice sessions and every pupil i» the grades, to which thetests were given ,had ail opportunity.to perfect himself in that ,spo6rt, Mr. 'Davis announces. SAil phase-, of sports ýand athletics are. cov ered .by the series of testsý given throUghout the year. Kickball is the, fail sport for the girls and. the tests were. given on that sport as were the boys' tests on football, which is the.sport for them 'during the fal season. Basketball tests, will be the. next given and will be started after the first of ýthe year and at, the same testsin apparatus skills will be giveni. Shatters Scho ol Record The new, record establ1ished in the 1933 football tests was made by Ber- nard Regan of Howard school who miade a football punt of 43 yards, one yard further than the 1932 record made by James Versino. SThe , new class records were made by Bonnie Lamb of Stolp school, Jacqueline Willis of Howard s.:hool, Robert Lawrence of Stolp school, Eric Samuelson of Howard school, and junior May of Howard school. The record made by- Bonnie Lamnb Hill of H oward school. Jacqueline Willis' record was in the Class E. Girlsvolley, bail throw and was 64 feet, one foot more than Betty Hoar's record of 63 feet made in 1931. Rob- ert Lawrence made a punt of 28 yards to establish a new record in the Class Fboys' punting event. His record was three yards more than the 1931 record made by Jack Freeman and equaled ini 1932 by Carl Hotze and, Jim Steen. IJOes, 57 jeeL, FrM ace» >AVficKamIp a feet. Class D,,, Shirley atterson, 57 feet, Virginla Schakel, 56 fZet, Pauline Shank, 52 feet, Harlene Ward, 62 feet. Class E: Edith Menduni, 55 feet, Nani- cy Bercaw, 50 feet, Jean Sta.rk, 49 feet. Class F:- Beatrice Ederer, -52 feet, Margaret.Meihope, 51 feet, Marlan Menu- sel, 46 feet. HOWARD GIRLS Volley lBail Klek. Ckuss, A: Jean Relchmani 49 feet, Jan- et Colvin, 47 feet, Jane Burbott, 46 feet. Class B: Betty Hialey, 72 feet, Marlan* Goode, 72. feet, Patricia Fisher, 69 feet. Class C: Adelalde Koenen, 86 feet, Harriet Kirchner. 67 feet, Louise '-Men- nîng, 66 feet.. Class D: Dorothy McMllan, 80 feet, JanIce Van InWagen, 69 feet, Doris Trego, 67 feet. .Class E: Gerda Streicher,. 71 feet, Louise Graham, 67 feet, Jacqueline WiI- lis, 60 feet. Class F: Marjorle Plerson, 67 feet, Marian Hens, 65 feet,,Elizabeth. Loner-, gan. 61 feet. Volley Bail Throw Clam A: Jane Burbott, 45 feet, Jean Reichman, 37 feet. Clase B: Ruth Stanwood, 66 feet,. Marcia Smith, 64 feet, Doris Paterson, 62 feet. CitAs C: Adelaide Koenen, 64 feet, Jane Penberthy, 58 foot, Betty Bleser, 58 feet. Class D: Mary May Crawford, 59 feet, Gladys Phelps, 56 feet, Pearl An- derson, 51, feet, Patricla Hellmuth,; 51 feet, Dorothy MiQMillan, 51 feet. Clàss E: Jacqueline Wlllis,' 64 fet,' L,.ouise Grahami, 57 foot, June, Gon7ales. 53 foot. Class F, Marcla Macomber, 54 feet, Marilyn Myrland, 50 feet, Virginia Todd. 49 feot.. STOLP SCROOL BOYS* Football Vent CIass A: Charles Moon, 31 yardsi, Richard Ogilvle, -30L yards, John Klein, 27 yards. Clasu 1B: Jarvis Lirigel, 31 y.irds, Wil- liam Holmes, 30 yards, Paul Lang, M0 yards. Class C: Dlck Magner, 31 yards, Rich- ard Andrews, 29 yards, Ted Rlley,- 29 yards. Class D: Jack Potter,1 28_ yards, Charles 'von Tesmar, 28 yards, Cushing Smith, 26 yards, James Maylanid, 2 yards.' Class E: Carl Hotze,.27 yar ds, James Wolf,. 26 yards, Hârold Molder, 26 yards. SClass P: Robert Lawrence, 28 yards, George Moore, 21 yards, Carl Mayer, 21 yards, John Miller, 21 yards. Football Pas. Class A: Charles Moon, 30 yards, Richard Ogilvie, 27 yards, John Klèn, 21 yards. glass B: Jarvis Lingel, 35 yards, Bud Drakce, 30 yards, Charles Gregory, 29 Yards. .more mre me o reffl'f mlnrp alt 15 pqtçC. a uUU8AA trip. th Man- to intro- Mr. and Mrs. Harry P., Harrison, >of Par 307 Abbotsfoed road, KeniIworth, it is ex- have returned 'from a vacation of ten 4ays at thçeir--ftm at LeIand,. Mich. paaanea. 1, 71eet, Mary P. Owen, ii70- D: Bonnie Lamb, 88 feet, Har- HIOWARD SCIFOOL Boys Lad, 69 feot, Arlene Clark, 66 Football Pent trlcla Roche. 66 feot.ý Clasa A : Bernlard Ilegan, 43 yards, B: Pat Penilek 82 foot, Nancy ïGordoni Nevins, 38 yards, Tomn Carnoy, 65 foot, Bdlth Miendum,. 62 feet. 38 Y-ardà. F: Marloan Sommera, 70 foot,, Claaa B:- Milan' MAay 3à. yards, Don

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