~Ciass B: Erie Samuelson, 37 yards, Douglas Huck, .34 yards, Tom Zaremnba,, 31 yards. Class C: Dtck Hall, 28 yards, Dill Penberthy, 26 yards, Royal Haughsnoss, 25 yards, Jackc Harvey, 25 yards. Class D: Bill Roberts, 27 yards, Franklyfl Kulp, 27 Ya rdsi, Charles Per.- inger, 25. yards. Classý E: Walter Baron, -29 yards, James Steen, 27 yard;, Marvin .Harms, 2,5 yards. Class F. re Witt, 21 yards, CliIIord Johnson, 19 yards, Carter Hadley, lb yards, Franklin Johnson, 18 yards.. Football DProp Kirk Class A: Gordon Nevins, 35 -yards, Bernard ]Regf!n, 31 yards, William Hayt, 30, yards, Tom Carney,. 30 yards., Class B: Tom Zare mba, 37 yards, Milan May, 35 yards, Erie Samnuelson, 31 yards, Don; Specht, 31 yards. Class C: Dick Haaq, 29 yards, George Clarke, 24 îyardJs, Bert Simons, .24,yards. Class D: Bob Matthews, 29 yards, Bill Roberts, 28 yards, Franklyn KuIp, 28 yards. Steen, 26 yards. Bill- Watts, 25 yards. Class F: Franklin Johnson, 19 yards, C'arter Hadley, 18 yards, Fred Monde, 18*yards, Bt!! Simons, 18 yards. Mrs. L. G, Raggio, 160 Abbotsford road,, Kenilworth, who bas been in the St. Francis hospital .for an opera- tion, is. again at home, conyalescing. J. H. Lawson, .Jr., .330. Sterling road, Kenilworth, is in, New York on býusiness. 'He will be laway' twô or three weeks. The D. S. Stillman family, 707 * Kent road, Kexnilworth, motored to Joliet last S.turday' to spend the I week-end with Mr. Stillman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William 556 Greenwood avenue, entertained at a dinnerp nesday evening of last we * Robert J. Caseyi distingW.shed member of tihe Staff of the Chi- cagqo Daily News w TiIl address the »wembers <of St Francis Xavier. Pare,,t-Teacher. association and tiseir gitests on tihe fi rst Fathers' Nitiht of tihe ycar in the school hall at 8 o'clock Friday nighi. *A capacity crowd is expected to hear Mr. Casey 's talk, "Behind the News," in which he will tetl of the thritting work which is a part of news gather- ing and of the stories that neyer find their way into the news cotpmns. Mr. Casey has only recently returned from y Wed- 1jenton is equaled only WOMEN'S CONTRIBUTION- TO THE MOTOR CAR Cbjcago'srInost loved hurnorists of these or any other days. Children of the upper grades have, prepared compositions, "'What IWri to Be When, I Grow Upe," which wil be reaci aloud by Mrs. Charles Broad- the best theme to receive a prize of one dollar awarded by the P.. T.'A. Mrs. P. J. Rothing and Mrs. Frank Kaye will sing a group -of numbers. Mrs. j. J. T.racey w1t1 accompany them. HAS SPLASH 'PARTY C harlotte, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Law Witds, 244 Ox- ford road, Kenilworth, entertained ten friends MondaY at a splash party and tuncheon at Shawnmee club in honor of* her, tenth 'biithday. Miss Marion Knight assisted with the water games. Mr. and Mrs. Bently McCloud, 338 Kenilworth avenue, teft today for Princeton, where they. wit1 visit their son, Bently, Jr., and sec the game, after which they wil1 go on to New. York with their son to spend Thanks- giviflg. MOTORS SIERWICE Everything for,"Automobiles Letlus 'chanige YoUr transission and differ- ential lubricafits nov for eeaier handliang. Lo scheck your Wiu-, tion and your battery. Coid.: eather lIo here! Lot us- proteet your reditor-and youAr tom-, per - with Anti-Freeie. LIN DEN GARAGE 332 LiameuA.. 8BATTERI 1ES. gmater1ia 1imud1mg - mr =Umm ing - am - dib. *t mew ktgh standIards of depm.dabMlty end Ilong 1Hf. 3 0%"OToS4% j STROG&R PLATES Authorized4 714 ELM STREET i ,WIN1ÇETKÂ chestaut St., south of Ok St. Phono Winu. $029 WINNBTKCA 158 ViL 477