Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1933, p. 50

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IN BEAUTIFUL, DEERE PARK 8 RM.. ARTISTIC ENGLISH BRICK- studio liv. ,rm., 5 bedrms., 4 batlis,* oh hat 2-car gar. Lake County txs Beach rights4. Must sei.at once. Mr. Newhal- BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 34& PARK -AVENUE, GLENCOE Glencoe 1654 Briargate 1855 11I1LTN28-Itc SPECIAL VALUESý Attr. Italiantype, N. E. Giencoe, 4 bdrmns, 2 baths ;...........25000 5 bdrmns., 3 baths, excel. neighbd, $24,000 Eng. brick,> 7 rmas., 2 batha .. $.18:000 8 rm. Eng. Cottagej 2 baths., close to trgnop.......... $12,000 6 rm., 1 bath, excel. loc ..... $,000 GRACE E.,GRNT 0LENGABLES GLENCOE .844. >111iLT28- tp REPOSSESSED VALUE A 1BEAUTIFULLY BUILTr BRICK house,, modern ln every etail arge living. rrn, and sun rmn., 5 bdm. 3 baths, 2 porches oU heat, 2-car brick garage. Nowý avallabie for $18,000. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Elm St. Whnnetka 3722 111LTN28-lte 113 WANTED TO OUT-HOUSES * We Have Client Seeking MODER~N HOME WITH 4 BEDRMS., 2 baths. Must be good location close to schools. Will trade smaiier clear home at $7,500 and add ail cash for balance. McGUIRE & QRR 530 Davis St., Evanston 1 Gre. 1080 113LT28-Itc CLIENT WILL PAY CASH FOR HIGI{ grade bouse, 6 or 7 bedrooms. 4 baths. Large grounds. Must be a ver>" ad- vantageous price. J. L. FLOYD CO. U4 Conter St. WInnetka 360>3 WANT T BUY IN- WILMETTE- 6 room house under $10,000. Waiiing distance to eiev. or elec. transp. Write B-103, Box 40,_ Wlmette, III. miens use CI Iwomein's fur c order too ma:a A. Martin or too large. Uni. .0347 132LTN28g-ltp WANTED-ENC.YCLOPEDIA 1BRITAN- nicai 14th Edition. Phono Wlnnoetka 3315.132L28-tp A benefit card party was given by the Five Hundred 'club, Wednesday, November 1, at the home ,o f Mrs. Thomas H. Refoy, 524 Ridge avenue*. Thte proceeds ýwere donated to, the children's milk fund. Mrs. Charles, F. Kremer, 723 Laurel avenue, and ber daugbter,, Eleanor, and -Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hanseiman-of, Chicago mnotored toý Piqua, Ohio for the week-end to visit Mr. Hansel.rans parents. Mrs. A. R. Hulbert, 316 Richmiond road, Kenilworth, entertained five friends Thursday of Iast week at luncheon and bridge, and again the samne numnber on Tuesday of ti week. Mrs. J. D. Howe, who bas been in Texas, is visiting ber sister-in-law, Mrs. G. W. Vaught of 511 Brier street, Kenilwortb. Mrs. Vaught will motor to New York witb ber to visit relatives. 0o- M~rs, George Jones, 318 Oxforj road, Kénilwortb, cntertained at din- ner Tuesday in honor of ber nephew. Charles Pbîlow of Hermosa Beaci., Cal. -o- Theo. B. Robertson, Sr., 2 15 Fourth street, spent :the.w eek-end recently, -with bis son at Knox college and at- tended Dad's. Day festivities., A. T. waterworks at'Lake Avenue and bMichi- gan Avenue to the Intersection of'Ridge Avenue: and Lake Avenue, ail ln the Village of Wllmette,, and Incindes, cx- cavating, baeklilllng, gate valves,.Bile- étal fittings, connections to exlsting mains, and ail appurtenances, as speci- lied and au shbown on plans.' Bach proposai sha.1'tiontain the full nameo f. evory person, or company ln- terested ln Ëame -and shahl be accom-. panled by cash or check m ade payable to the Village of Wlmette- and certified by a. responsible bank dolng business ln the State of. Illinois, in an amount not' less than ten (10) per cent of -the total bld. Snch sum le a guarantee: that If a ,proposai les accepted a contract will be entered Into and its performnance secured. Ail proposais shall be made'on.blank forma furnished by the Village of Wii- mette and in accordance with the "In- structions to Bidders" attached thereto. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Wlmette reserves the right to reject any or ail blds, to walve or not to waive any informalities ia the bids 'ré- cefl>ed, and to~ accept 'the bld which it deemas most favorable to the Village of Wilmette. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Wiimette further reserves the righit to omit certain Items or portions of items as it may deem necessary and to increase the total amount of work on afly or ahi tems. Decision on the acceptance or reeco- thon of the varions proposais submitted wili be made as soon as practicable after bids are received, but the right is reserved by the Board of Trustees to defer action on awardlag- a contract foi- thirty (30) days. o -Wage rates to be paid o this con- tract shall be as prescrlbed by the Spo- chai Board for Public Works of tht Federai .Emergency Administration, and the successful bidder wil ho requlred to cohriply with ail the provisions and requirements of the Federai Emergency Administration of Public Works and the National Recovery Act. Requirements for bidding, instruc- thons to bidders, proposaI forms, apeci- fications, contract and bond forms and plans may be obtainod from the Vil- lage Manager, Whimette, Illinois, upon deposit of Ton Dollars ($10.00), which, sum wil ho refunded If said plans, pro- posalsé seeciiçatiôna, etc., are returned vrior tth le, date for recèt.viniz'hlde ar 0o Kates, 206 Kenilworth aveý November f ormed at 10 o'clock by the Rev. James, E. Shevlin. The bride's gown' was fashioned of ivory satin witb a long train. She wore a coronet of pearis from which feul a long tulle veil *with a panel of héirloom rosepoint lace., Instead of a' bouquet the bride carried'a white prayer book f romf which exÉtended wbite satin ribbons tied with liles of. the valey. Miss> Mary Mannebach,, the bride's .sister, attendinig, as maid of honor, wore niOs s green velvet and gloves and turban to match. She car- ried a muif of bronze cbrysanthemums. Another sister, Miss Majella ýManne- bach, and Miss Helenrose Hillenbrand of Batesville, nd.. attended as brides- rnaids. Thry, wore rust colored, trans- parent velvet gowns'and gloves and turbans to.match.. . They held muifs of yellow chrysantbemums. Dr. Henry 'S. Rob.s of Cincinnati served the "groom as best man, while. the bride's. brother, ,Michael ýManne- bach,' jr. and Gilbert Birsem of Park Ridge were tighers. The bride was given away in marriage by ber father.. Her seven-year-old brother, John Roh- ert Mannebach, who served as ,ring, bearer, wore a white satin English ,Eton suit and carried aý white satin pillow trinimed in rosepoint lace and seed pearis. Mrs. Mannebach wore a brown vel- vet gown with a short train, and hat. and gloves ,to match. She carried ae sable f ur corsage of gardenias. The groom's mother was in , black vetvet and she wore blac gloves and a hlack bat. Her corsage wvas of gardenias. The church was decorated 'with white chrysanthemums, ferns, and palmq. French baskets filled witb yeilow chysanthemums lined the aisie along the pews instead of the white satin. ribbons. A wedding breakfast for thie imnediate families and for close friends followed the ceremony, at the Orring- ton hotel. A reception was beld after- wards- at the bride's home. 'Mr. andi Mns. Wehmer are now on a motor trip through the East, and on their return will inake their home in Cin- cinnati. Thé bridaI dinner .was given by Mr. and Mrs. Mannehach last Mondav at WnIauMEM32 UNsvmsn RoGm sPAaX 4675 where ber brother, Do,- atedn brother and family the Albert N. coîîege. Dn satni~ Pages of 91 Ashland avenue.- Mr. and Mns. Wesley Johnson of On Thursday, November 16, Mrs.' r 17317 Cleveland were the week-end guests Tom Dix, 236 Oxford roads Kenil-; of Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Royce, 321- worth, wil be hostess to lier'.sewîing Raleigh road. Kenilworth. club.:

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