Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1933, p. 52

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1120 Notre Dame 3 Nort hZste rin 7 1924 Notre Dame 13 Northwestern 6 1926 Notre Dame 13 Northwestern 10 1926 Notre Dame 6 Northwestern t) 1929 Notre Dame 26 NorthweÉtern 6 1980 Notre Dame 14. Northwestern 0 1981 Notre Dame 0 Northwestern 0, 1982 Notre Dame 21 Northwestern 0, 1Nortbwestern and Notre Dame, two teamsg witb almost identical records to date, wil meet at. Dyche stadium Sat- urday ini their annual battie *which. for years has ,been one of, tbe outstanding gridiron classics of tbe..Middlewest. The fact that both teamns bave met wth more than* their usual number of defeats this year bas flot detracted frtàM the intense rivalry that exists between the scbools.'- Whether the contest be for the n atinlcapion- ship or, for no cbamüpionship . at ail, the desire for victory is just as.keen. ElXpeet 4011WCro-wd This fact. is recognized by the fans and the advance, sale, indicates that a crawd. of ýclose to 40,000 will, see the renewal of a rivalry wbich bas- been .in existence since 1899. Tfrrôughout the jiesnt seasôn botb teams have been apparently on the verge of tearing loose against some opponent, but Iack of scoring punch bas held themn back.1 Neither' team has been,'really outclassed. In fact, in mhost instances, botb bave piled up more yardage and more first clowns, but have failed to accuniulate the points which decide games. For instance, ini six games North- western's goal line bas been crossed but three times, and two of those cneau who aiso boast a fine average for the season4 jobnny Young, soph- omore rigbt balfback, who bas seen considerable. action of late. is also slated to appear1 in tbe Notre Damne backfield Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Howard left last Saturday for her home in Riverside', Cal., after a three weeks' v'isit witb ber sister,' Mrs. George H. C ampbell, wbom sbe bad not. seen. for thirty years. Mes.. Campbell makes ber. home with lber. daughter, Mrs. Samn Dennis, 328 Oak, circle. 0o Mrs., P. N. Cutier, 207 Woodstock avenue,, Kenilwortb, 1returned ,Sat- urday fromf two and one-haif weeks spent in the east. She visited ber 'son Gordon, a sophomnore at Princeton. and stopped in New York, Mont- clair, N.' J., and Pittsburgh, where' she visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Seéley, 705- Roger avenue, entertained their 'su p-' per bridge- eub . Friday. lJanuary- Dr. and Mri. Guy- B. Skinner, 118 Broadway avenue, entertained six- teen gucts at dinner,.Saturday even- ing o" Iast ,week -The guests, were friends fromn Jolet, Il., some of whom attended the Northwestern- Illinois- football gamne in Evangton that afternoon. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Peter. Steffens, Sr., 1515 Wiliette.avenue, were given a surprise party by their cbildren and friends on the occasion of Mrs. Stef- fen's -seventy-seventh. birtbiday and Mr. Steffens' seventy-ninth* birtbday on. October 22.- There were sixty guests present. 0o- .Mr . andMis. Sam Dennis, 328 Oakc * circle, have recently completed a two weeks' tour in Michigan ond Ohio, stopping at Battie Creek, Detroit, Cleveland and Toledo. For Mr. Den- nis the tour was a çombifned -business, and pleasure trip. of wnite aucness satin and a tulle veil which feli from a satin coronet. She carried a bouquet of white kilarnev roses, lilies of tbe valley, and gardenias. Miss Mercedes Speedie, a:sister of the bride, wbo -attended as maid ýof honor, wore rust crepe satin ainda lace bat witb .a- crown of crystals. She carried johanna Hill roses and laven- dur pompoms. Anotber sister, Lillian -Speedie, wbo was flower girl, wore a long skirted gown of bneydew satin and carried, an old fasbioned nosegay.. The bride was.escorted into the churcli by ber cousiini Henry Spee-die of:Sari Francisco, andý was given away in marriage by ber .mother, Who, wore, amethyst blue velvet and a corsage bouquet of talisman- roses, and lavender pomponis. The groom's mother wore baby blue satin and a bouquet similar to thiat of Mrs. Speedie's. .A reception in tbe parish, bouse of the church* followed thef cereniony,. after which the bride anid gro(om de-' parted on a honeymoon by motor tW New York, Washington, D. C., Atlan- tic City, and French Livk Springs.. Thev will make their home, in Evans- ton]. l'le bride,'S brother, Gurdo. S bpçeed je served Mr. Kreutzer as best man, and thie followving young men 'qsheredl: Johni Stevens of Lowell, Mass., Charles Butts of 3oston. Wilbur Raymiond of WVinchester, and Raipli Gardiier of' WVatertown. Mass. Thie groomn is the son1 Of Mr. and Mrs. Hiermnan Kreutzcr of Park Ridge. speaics nigniy for the delenseive qualities of the Wildcats. Fores.. Thflimg Batti. Notre Dame bas bad a mnucb suni- Ian ,experience. The Iris h outplayed Kanisas, Carnegfie. Tech and Navy, ty- iug, with Kansas. and losing, by one toucbdown to C arnegie and the Mid- dies. Even against Pundue,, Cobach Anderson's boys piled up more yard- age and first downs than did thýe Boile rialcers. Consequently, there is The next meeting> of Spoke 2-of the Wilmette Presbyterian chunrcb wiIl be held at the home of Mrs. David Car- ter, P27 Greenwood avenue, on Tue s- day,. Novemben 2&. A dessert lunch- eon will be served,' followed by sew- ing in the afternoon. Helen and Betty- Clements, 381 Sterling road, Kenilworth, wbo are eiu cuxupsietea a total of 83 yar Northwestern tor thie running ney and- Don1 tenor; 1 ýs a lot of respect Lacy Ai ility .of Andy Pil- Runnels, er, Notre ,Dame's. pianist. -roa the winter montlis. -o- -,. -o- Lfle Simpkenson of Mr. and Mrs. Staven Moulding, 934 her a-unt,- Mrs. .Oakwood avenue, left Saturday to - ýwand of 306 Oxford moton ,to Washington and Baltimione for a week-end, on a.ten-day bus5iness trip. '.road,

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