e' e Menu, 75c O>Ster Cocktail %Iixed Ipruil Cup Consomme, julienne Celery. Oives Ruait Young Turkey, Cranberry S au.r Special Sirois .Steak, Brown Butter ftked 'Virgiià Ham, Crilled Pineappi.- Mashed Rutabaga, Buttered Pea% Mashed,. French Fried or Candled Swett Potatneq Sherbet Hearts of Lettuce, 1000 Island Oresitsg Hot Dinner Rols IHorne Mad e Pumpkin or Hot M ince Pie Sîeamed Suet Pudding, Brandy Sauce Chocoaate Layer Cake Rnquefort Cheese and Taecd Maple Nut Sundae Colo.e, Tes or Milk Salted Nuts and Mint% WILMETTE 1826 LINDEN TEA ROOM lieder New Maisagement SERWICE- Everything for Automobiles on F'riday, December 1. FETE INDIAN MISSIONARY Oison, 1018 Lake avenue, entertained Saturday a week. ago in honor of. Stanley Jones, Indian i nissionary, who addressed 25,000. ,people at the Chicago stadium the followingi day.. At the sanie tme they had as thieir guests,-Dr. Schernerhorn of Garrett IBibical institute . in Evanston and Mrs., Schermerhorn. KEE OPERATED ON Virgînia McClure, daughter of Mr.ý and Mrs. J. R. McClure, 1215 Lake. avenue, was taken to the, Fxanston, 1hospitat ilast Friday for an operation1 1 on. ber knee. Severat we eks- ago she fell c; her knee, but flot until an1 ,X-ray1 was taken just hefore the operation -did the(loctors (iscover a needle. had becoini imbedded in the MOTORING TO FLORIDA avenue, Ieft tast .Tuesday for Perry, Micb., to get ber niother, Mrs. E. C. Belman, and together they are motoring to Orlando, Fia., where they wii spend the winter. This is the first winter that Mrs. Tucker fand ber mother are going. to Florida; they usuaiiy pass the. winter months in Catifornia. Walter Tenney, tenor. of the First Con gregational, church quar- tet, *u4ii havean* important part in, the second popular7 concert to bc presented by that grouk. in1 the church auditorium Monday evcning, N\oîember 27, at 8 o'dlock., Pro- ceeds frorn tkw concert, gitleil un- der the auspices of the Men's club of the churich, a411 be direcied to tihe choir fund of the church. Mr. Tenney has been singing 'in âhurch, concert, oratory anid musical. comedy since bis"tiigh school>days.. Leads ini three University of Illinois operas brought hlm in contact with Herbert Stothart,,writer of "Tickte Me," "Rose Marie," etc., who directed these college shows and invited Mr. Tenney to New York and gave him contract for the tenor leads in "Mary BIOSSOMS' ýMy Maryland," and -"Th e Red Robe." Artists participating in the concert next Monday willt he Beuiah Casier Edwards, soprano; Ethel Heide Wish:- over, contralto, Walter Tenney, tenor; Carman Learn,- hass; Robert Brown, vioiinist, and Emiiy 'Roberts, accotn- panist. The .prograrn lias been announced a., follows: Vision Fugitive ............Mset (Froin Hýýrodiado) The Last- Hour.............. Krainer tinrln tne p5V >1>iaying ses.GJI Preliminary steps were taken dur- ing the year for the installation of a fairway watering system by the con- struction.of a take, which will serve as a reservoir for the, purpose besides making the course much more at- tractive. it now >hlaving two. excellet water botes. Daniel . W. Ashley. 1169 Cherry street, Winnetka, bas been etecteci president to succeed Robrt B. Utn- berger. who retires after'two years' service as president and three years. as treasurer., The other officers wiii be Comifort S. Butler, vice-president; Thomas E. QuÏsenberry, tr'easurer; James' E. Almond, secretary, and the, newly elected directors are DanietlJ Donohue, George . H. Dovenmuehie, 560.Asb street, Winuntka, and Gross T. WViliams, 777 L-ocust stre.et, Hub- bard Woods, àPOKE HOSTESS Mrs. Rex Elton Fair, 510 Fift' street, entertatns Spoke Seven of the Presbyterian Church of Wii-ý mette at a dessert tuncheop.- The Fairs' returned Mondav after spend- ing several days at their hunting lodge, Pair Ptav,. on, the Pecitonica river. Whèr*e E're You Walk ........ llandel Mr. Learn Voice DLi Donna ODangels ..............Ponchieilli (from La fioconda) Onily for Thee ....... ~Tschalkowsky It %Vas the Tirne of Roses .... Hmer Little David Play on * Vour Harp .......... Grant-Sehaefer Thé- Sweet of the Year .....Salter 'Mrs. Wlshover Il Min Tesoro,............... » -Mozart The Old Refrain............ Kreiler HUIs of Home. .............ox 0. Cease Thy Slnglng, Mtaiden Farrr........Raçhmaulnoff (With -Viollu Obigato) Mr. Tenney T4ie Three Cavaliers.......,.Schi.ndler Carmena............... Wilson. By the tend of the, River ... . Edwards. Caro Nomie.. ....... ......... Verdi (f rom Rigoletto) Mrs. Edwards Air for the "G" String .......... Bach Seene de Ballet............ deBeriot * Robert Brown, sotngs~ of Other Days The Quartet I11 26 Coetal A».. SALOI( Love4ses made -Lovelir r Eddy end a.11 .read, borrowed other autlaorzed or purohsed et, -THE -PUBLIC 19 CORDIALLY INVITIRO TO ATTOND TUB, CHUECH SER VICES AND 'fUiTTRSRADING 100K i E i = i.. 721. ST. Iw~ e 9