lied ripe.2 No. a Solid pack.............. cana25 PJEACHES Cali Yellow Clings. Sliced or halvea. No. 212 cana 2 dU Each 18e..... ......... 3 for 49 SLICIEDPINEAPPLE Hawarnian in heavy syrup. cans, 20e............. fo B ARTL ETT PEARS Perfect halvea for saaad. cana, 25e. .......3fr6 DRESIG OLD MONK, 1000 Island, Mayon- naise'or. French. 2-pint size jars SUGAR C. & H. Pure Cane. 10-1b. cloth4 bar. 'With nuu,.hnm .. ..... 9C. 191CENTRAL STREET Phone.-Grenleaf 43554011-441 FREE DE L INER y on'n am o la $.or more.A suadli ar«eof lueeon orders for les. amount Prompt, Ci lSvice MJORTON'S SALT Plain or lf Iodlsed ........... pkgtî. 190 13LACIC WALN UIT KERNELS, pineat quality 39 Lb.................. EVAPORATED, MILK Carnation, Pet -or Borden's. Can .......... / POTrATOES Ohio , eds. For baking or boiflng. Peck.........3 TOIL ET PAPE I Waldorf.............5oI" Evansto n's Fineat ,and Most Modem, Food: Market! Ctiainlv you enjoy goôd,,foods. -Naturally, you ar-t. a lways ait-rt for the BEST AT THE L'OWEÉT POSSIBLE PRICES. PALACE IFOODS presenit> jus.t thi s sort of a: chance to yoit. The finest foods, meats, first citoice of Goveriimient ln.sî'wctet stocks; grocerY products -ail the leading brands in full weighit mea-suri:. Chevst and Delicatessen of extreme choiceness, while fruits and vegetables will re 'et' e ýuwh attention as to satisfy3 the Most exacting shopper. The opening day prices are oui)' a sa'liple of thle values you.may look for here at North Evanston's most popular NIARKFT. Come-let :us get acquainted on the three opening diays, THURS., FR1. anid S'AT.. Nov. 23, 24 a nd 25. OILAMD FRUITS WPOOD BALDWIN APPLES I AKED BEANS Fineat grown for pies. 1 Bos)c* ton2 IQ sauce or baklng .. 19 JOINATH AN, A DP!L!U re reu tU1 LEG 0F VEAL Spring Mîîk ted, atv'g LAMB CHOPS 5 to 6 Ibs. l.29c. Lb-.IL2h ISIRLOIN STEAKS, Tender mudi -ýPOTERHUSE.STEAKt, flavory Sy8 j L£uU eutA. juicy. Lb. ... .à. 19c rand tender, IL. 25e ILOMN s R M «" LCimOP8 Eatmodre bra lsound Cape, 3ayballe 19 ........ %5for19 iFOR JUICE flavor. - ds9 and. Solid,2b.9 C. -. . . 2 I...9 FOR Mushroorm. iade wtth fieut vege- tables and ffrut qualty of 9 mneat. Rice free. Quar.. CREAM CHEESE. Phildelhiaor, Borld 6 l BORDEN'S LOAF CHEESE .2hd~e. MEuz -à