Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1933, p. 16

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The miusie for niext Sunday inorning wilI be as follows: Organ prelude: "Largo" (from the New World Symplhony) ..... Dvorak Introit: "0 Taste and See" ---o Anthein: "Ye Shall GoOut With Joy ..........Barnby Oirertory solo Organ Postlude: "The Hungry Shahl Eat" ................. B3ach The Hligh:Sch'ool] league wil meet at 16:30 p. m. for devotional services, With flr. Williami D. *Schermerhorn as the speaker. The soécial hour wili. follow. Al members are asked to'bringa< "chuni" to imite with the league. Ail boys ýand, girls ýof blgh achool age are1 cordially invited to attend. The league is begin- ning work on three one-act plays, to be presented in -a Christmas progran on! Thursday, December 21, ln theassembly hall of the cburch. The Young People's chapter o! the Epworth league will hold a devotional meeting at 5:30 p. m.,. wlth Dr. W. D Sechermerborn as the speaker of the -eve- nIng. The social hour in charge of, Vir- ginia Burgess andi Willard Wi. Osburn wlll follow. the devotional perioti. Al Young people of college'age are cordially invitedt t attend. This group will hold the firet social evnt of the mea.on at the home of Lila Johnson, 1221 Cleve- land avenue, Prday evening of this week, at 8 p. m. Everyon, lo to meet at the church at 7:45 to leave Ina.a group. The Thanksgivlng service will be heli in thla churcb Wednesday evening, Ne- vember 29, at 8 o'elock in the sanctuary, The choir will sing. andi the minîster will bring the Thanksgiving message. AIl meimhers andi frientis of the church are urgeti to attend. A Unitedi Thanksgiving Ma.ss meeting for (ethodiuta wiIl ho helti Thanksgiv- Iiiw morning at 8 o'cloçk at the Chicago temple. The music wlll ho provideti b> the combined i hofr f the Metropolitan Conimunity and St. Mark's MethodIst Episcopal churches. The sermon will be given b>' Bishop 1Ernest Lnnu Waldorf. The November meetinir of the Prienti- ly circle wiII ho held Tuesday evenig at 8 o'clockIn the Womnan's rooin. Host- esses. Mesdames McKbban. Bollng, Panushkm., Purdy anti Tibbs. Members are remindeti to bring their usual gifts for the Thanksgtving foodi ahower. A splendid progran! bas hoca planneti. The Christmas fair wll be belti Wed- neada>', Thursday anti Frida>', Deceni- ber 6, 7 andi 8. Et, geventh The iR Lutheran Greenleaf, Willnitte. of Wqrsbip", R. Kabele, paitor. MIJNDAY SERViCES Suniday school .......... .9:45 A. ni. Morning worship . .... . il a. m. Thank Off-ering ser-vice. *. 4 p. lu. Choir rehearsal Frlay eveffnig at 7 :30 o'clock. The JuiorLuither league. will nicet, on Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. Mr. Cbester Jaehne will pres eft the topic "Lutheran, Work among the American Indianis." We Invite -al the young peo- pIe of Higb Séhool1 age to ýmeet with ýus. A speclal ýCongregational meeting will be helti Sunday, November 26,. mmmcdi- ately. followng the mnoring worship eervice. We Wil iolti Our annu ai public Thank-Ofiering service Sunday after- noon, Nôvember, 26. at 4 o'cloek. Trhe Woman's society, under the ýdireCètion cýf Mrs. Paul Johason, bas arranged a pro- grain- -Tbanks Livlng . . A round the WVorld." An Invitation Is extended to ail to) attend. The Catechetical classes '111 meet as foliows: One-Year elass-Monday at .4 o'lv.Two-Year class-Tuesday at 4 O'clock. Our congregation 15 co-operatIng witb the other cburches la the village lnaa union Thanksglving service to be beld li the First Presbyterian cburcb wlth Dr. Hubert Carton of St. Augustines Episcopallan church preaehing. St. John's Lutheran Wilmlette andi Park avenues, Wilniette Church telephone 5379 SERVICES O :15-Pirst service andi sermion. 9 :3"-.pdq..5hool and Bible. class4es. Il a. m.-Second service and siermnon. MEETINGS Monday :45 p.îm.-ýChoir, rehearsal. Wed edy, '4 p. m.-Classes for c)iii- dren. Saturday, p a. m.-Classes for chiidren. The Rev. J. H. Gockel lias kindly con- sented te serve us temipQrarily" lanal our pastoral neetis until a new pastor bas been called. Let. us assiet lm In ever>' way possible and inake bis sta>' here a pleasant one kv a weili ttended. Gildero U7t.L The Girl Scouits meet every Thursday afternoon . at 4 o'clock under the cap- abledirection of Mrs. E. 0. A4nderson~ andj ber a;ssociates. The lncs 'of the. Willetté Baptlsý -Woman's3 society bold, their luncheons on Thursday anti Friday of this week. Refer to youî* llnk qchairinnfor places of meeting. The pastor i' wlses to ,acknowledge the Many tokents of syn-pathy recelved dur- ing, bis present iles He Is countinig on ýal the niembers to maintain ail. of the church activities, during bis enforceti absence. ffenilworth Union KCvnfiworthi avenue andi Warwick roati Dr., Herbert L. Wlllett, rainister Sunday, November 2.6, Dr.ý Willett's subject will be: "Peter; andi Jewisb Cbristiaity.,the third laI a serles on '-The -Beginnînge cf,,Christianiity."1 The Wetineoday evenlng meeting for. 1Bitde.tudy andconference wili ho held Wednesday evenlng, November 29, at 8 o'clock at Dr. Willett's residence. Al are Invlted. The subject will be "Paul la Ephisus.". . 1 The Women's guild wiIl meet Monda>' morning, November 27. The hours of. mieeting'arefrom 10 to 4 o'clock. The members are asked to come in for as mnuch time as they are able to tievote te this gooti work. Tlhe Sunday achool wlil meet as usual at 9 :45 o'clock. Ai lolîdren between the ages of 3 anti the high school are vortiialyinvited. The Kenilworth' Young People's Suni- day Evening club, under the 'leadership of .John 0. Ragans. will meet ln the guilti rooni at 6 p. ni. Al tud,>nts of hlgh achool age are Inviteti. A Pupper will be serveti anti after supper there will ho a prograni cf interest to young p>eople. First Presbyoterian Ninth 9tee at Greenleaf avenue. *James T. Veneklasen, minister Our' worshlp. service Ilu beltiat Il o'clock.. The minister W111 nreacb on thej in1 th thirii to Our early mnrning Thanksgivlng i rayer-servieandi breakfast wil be held Thursday mornIng at 7 o'ciock, ii) charge of the yqung people. Ail are invited to join us. The Union Thanksglvlng service of the churches of Wilmetteý wili be held ln the. Presbyterian cburch,* Ninith. street at Greenleat avenue, >at .10:3(g Thursday nîorning. Dr.-Hubert Carie. ton of. St. -Augus3tine's 'church will preacb the sermon, and the other ministers wil participate. The public is cordially ln- > vlted to share ln this ,Ber vice. with us. The chorus choir Will rehearse Fildat) ave ing 7 o'clock. ('ominunlon and reception of lnew memnbers wil) be held on Sunday il'rn*1. ing, December 3,, at il o'clock. Frirst Con gregational John G. Hindiey, mninister. The Northwest circle will meet FrI- day o! this week at 12:30 at the hOnbe of Mrs. George Redding, 1516 Iglmwoodl avenue, for luncheon andi a- business andi scwing meeting following. -MNrs. John P. Ballman, Mrs. Edward C. 111I. dreth, and Mrs. F. G. La.onte, will b, tlic assisting hos--tesses. "S'ha)l We Revognize Godi?" wil lx-e the subject of Mr%. Hindley' s- seron ait the Il o'clock sel-vice next, Sunday. Boith Junior and Senior choirs will sing at thiS Thanksgiving service. Themuil brograîn. follows: Prelude: "Vision" .....Rhelnberger Anthern: "Round the Lord la Glorv .qeated"- Junior Choir Anthemn: "Slng Unto the Lord" ..Arthur Dunha jr. Senior Choir I'ostlujde: "Song of Thanksgtving- . .............Rosetter Cole Th ere wti ho spzpcli features appro priate to 'Thanksgivlig lna al depart- ments of the Church school next Sun- day andi foodti wll be brought b>' ali the boys anti girls as the annfuaiý Tbanksgivinggift cf the schooi te licali cbarities. "The F1111 Towns of Itaiy,- a. beauti- fullyIllihustrated lecture by Dean Charlis Falbens KelIey o! the .Art Insti tute,,wlil be prelsented,,at the Wilmette Sundayý Évening Club wbich meets lan hi chureh at 1:30 next"Sunday. The East End circie will meet Mon.- day, November 27. at the home cf Mils. RaI ph Potter, 925 Chestnut avenue. Mrs. Myron West anti Mrs. Bertha CG Lutz wiil be the assisting hostesses. day, becàuse of Thaiiksagiving. Ail meni-. On Sunday niorning Rev. A. M. Mac- "q i l îeanistaelecueo omat'Tbanksglving Service ber ae ugei t h prset. 'iai fDonldwil hob the preacher ln the ah- . The Mll Towns of Italy"1 wili be helti at 10 a:.nm. on Tbanksgiv-: group 19 sBeiIng Chrstmas holly wreatbss enice of . the minister. Dr. MacDonald i ng Day la the First Presbyterian anti anyoue w1shing to place orders, IS s the 'executive secretar>' cf the Chii- Boy Scout Troop No. 5 will meet at churcli wbicb is meeting la its .new asked to me the memnbers of the tribe. J age Baptist area. andi Dr. Allison 1rrges 4be. church Monday evenlng at 7:30 building at Nlntb tand Greenleaf. The, -'-dance of this congregation o'clock. sermon will be preacheti by the Rev. The Wonan's Home Missionary.' So- to araSe iL. - 'Hubert Carleton of St. Augusthie's. and cety len planning to senti a Chistrma. Spoke No. 6 of the Wornaln's sociaY other Ministers of the, village wilI c.'-m box tosa nifliter and i amiy in Tein- The regular sessions of the church ivili meetTuestiavL at 1 o'clock witb Mms. operate ln the service.,

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