Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1933, p. 1

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One Percent Limitation Lawi Wilmette Mass Meeting Adopts Resolutions. Asking, Legis- laieAction eCft Stol' scioolin Vilmette Tuiesday wghiunde theauspic es of the Wil- mete 1loiieOwners' association wvent ou ecod .asfavoring the calling of a Secitl essonof the legislature by GveriorHenirv ,Ilorner for the puroseof akii-,sucli action as is non on reaI estate thooife preto tlic full taircash market value -therc-, of. A -resolutio,î to this efc a adoi)tcd at the meeting.:A scn r( .olution favoring the cos0dto olffile variouis t.axiig lbodies in Cook countlv witli a 'i"to eoim n !ile rc(luiction iiof flic tax bitrden utpon thme people of ýtheco.unhylty and askiing the governor ;wd<thelieinihers of ilIe state legisîature ho take the nys sary stecîls to britig ab)out such' cou- Favor Limitation. P assage of the~esoltincamne ait t lie 7lo0se(if the ilmeeitng. after thec auienicice. ininibmerinig about 400,per-, tIur I lttcl)scli of Brooklfield, Repi-e- st'tvc Fraink Foster of Harvcv, IIrvG. Zai4clr. 'J1r., of Keniilw'orth, presidenit oîf lic Chicago Real sac board, amid. Il. H. Haviet, l)UinlCSS. ummnagr f rthe Chicago 1Peal Estate boardl. totiching 11)01 ime 4c(Il1c5tiOIis Ù17 vu ilve( iniithle iresoluitionis., lhe sentiment at the mccting. as expressed 1y héhîmsp)eakers, I)articçu- larlv hîme real estate boardi represenl- tatîves, aî s- athrnîcid lw those ini tlié, -tiicc as strougly ini favor of t ak i.n g theneesr stcps for the enactiient of legisiaton limnit..g 0, rate of taxation on reai estate to onie percent of the. full fair cash market vaiue. It va.s pointed out that _al- Governor of Mlinois and to the Senators and Representatives froni this District duly ecertified by the Secretam-y of th s Favor Consolidation, 'lime resolution ýwith. referenice to conisoli(Iatioli of Cookcounty taxing bodiies reads as follows: -WHEREAS, 1h appears. tha tthere are uunerous taxing bodies in the Coun- ty of Cook, the consoidation of whlch would result. in a large saving1 to tax- payers in Cook County and li the ad- uminstration of government;, 'TFIERIEFORIE,,BE-IT RES()LVED, tliat we request HiÉ Exeellency, the (]overnor, and the members of, the 1111- nois Legîslature and in particular oui, direc.t Représentatives wvho are member't thereof to as soon as may be take the necessary: steps ho consoldate the vari - ons tâxing bodies in Cook County or much thereof as 1h may appear itIs feasi- ble. to so, consolidate wth the view.to economy and, the reduchion of the tax burden upon the people of Cook counhy. RESOLVPD FURTHER, that a. copy of this resoIution, be torwarded to the Governor of Illinois, and to the Sena- trsand Rlepresentatives frorn this Dis- tict dulv certiried by- the secrehary of this iiiêeting." Here Will Beg'n Thanksgiving Day. 'l lié Wîlmette Health center an- non1-nces; that the sale of Christmas seals \\-11 open on Thaniksgiving day and continue until Chrishinas. It enîphasizes the fact that flueinoney, dIerived froi these sales will be usedl te lieul) victins of tubercuilosis in W\ilinette, the nuniber of wvhichi lias grcatly increased during* hue 1ast To hliose wlio-have coiisidered.,thesc scals, as but an added decoration ho Christnias packages and: letters tlhe informatio n is given that. they forin the major ineans used iii colin- batting this dread, disease anion g both children 'and( aduits. Tlierefore, wheni youi buy a Christmas seal. you, contribute that much toward the re- lief and possible cure of patients in your owni village. It is to be hoped. said a H alth cen- Brought to Sunday Club Charles Fabens Kelley, dean of the school of the Art institute of Chicago, will present bis illustrated lecture, "The Hill Towns of Italy" at tht Wil- mette Suniday Eývening club Novem- ber 26.. This lecture is the restilt of numer- ous, trips made by Mr. Kelley to t b i s world-fa- >MOUS, picturesqu'e country between Rome and- Flor- ence. He bas studied, the mood of this land of sunshine aà n d C. F.Kley. gorgeous scen- ery, as well a s the mood of the people whbo inbabit it. Its centuries-old civil- ization and, culture bave meant more to bim as an artist than this saine sec- tion ýwould mean, to, the casual ttaveler. To a f acade or a fortress, an altar or a landscape, Mr. Kelley gives ail tbe beauty of the object itself and the broader interpretationi and sympathy of the authoritative artîst. Hendrik Van Looni, wbo '%as ta- bave addressed tbe Sunday Evening clbNovember 26, bas beeni unable tokeep bis. engagement because of illness. He -will give the club's pro- grai on January 7. Offer Legionnaires Jobs at Post Office Following his usual customn, Post- master joseph E. Shantz is recruiting extra help for the Chiristmnas rush througli Wilrnette Post No. 46 and Peter J. Huerter Post No. 669, Amer- ican .Legioni, and the Wilniette Wel- fare board, No. 1, Electric place. Le- gionnaires, ,wîl secuire application blanks, froin their local post, Whule others will -apply to the Welfare board, in charge Of Mrs. Blaylock. It is announced that ail applications niust be submitted to Mr. Sbantz not later than Decemiber 1. "Russia Today" Theme of Illus- trated Lecture Sponsôred- b4y Legiotnnares Wilmette Post. No. 46 American Legion will present Carveth Wells, ex- plorer, traveler and lecturer, in bis sensational lecture, "Russia Today,",at New Trier Higb scboël auditorium Moiday, November 27, at 8 o'clock. Tbh is, ,lecture,ý wbich is creating :widespread inter- e s t throughout America, will be illustrated, by stili and motion pic- tures made by Mr. Wells last year when lie visited the Union of Soviet Social- i s t 'RePublics, Carvetit Weli otberwise known 1 as kussia, under tbe sponsorsbip of. the. Chicago His- torical society, of Which lie is a mem- ber. Wbule these pictures were cen-7, sored by the soviet, government, tbéy vividly portray actual conditions as Mr. Wells found tbem. Tbe films were rutblessly cut by the censors, it was said, wbo, however, tbougbt tbat wbat remained were favorable to the bol- sbevik regime now exercising control over 158,000,000 Russian people. Lecture Uncensored But what the censors did to Mr, Wells' pictures tbey. could not do to the information lie liad gained, it is stated, and it is this that lie will pre- sent to bis audience absolutely uncen- sored. ".Liquidation" of the bourgeois,, or well-to-do class, tbrough exile. to Siberia, planned starvationi and. actital. murder; the stage settings -for visitors frorn other nations; the "show window" hospitals, tenements and factories; the tricks of "Intourist" in personally con- ducting.tourist parties under the guid- bis EixceeI1ncY, jHenry Borner, G'overior Mvusic .......1......... » of Illinois, to cali a special session of the Legislature for the purpose of hak- New Trier Girls' Club .... 22 iJng Such action as is flecessary to I'm't NdTir News........ 24 the rate of taxation on real estate t0 edTre one percent.o! the full fair cash market Public Forum.....1 ".*RESOI,VED FUJRTHE, ta opy Soc iety- Paires . 32-35-363 o! tuis resolution be forWarded tu 'the __________________ ~:uvp.m. Your> cooperation au re- quested to amit us i maintaining titis scheduIe. TýHANK YOU! vempber 27, the vvnmette rublic Library board lias decided to post- poine the meetinig of its Library club planned for' that saine evening until M1onday evening, Deceniber 4. Its next session after that will be on De- cemnber Il. L-

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