Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1933, p. 32

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grel, pets unique, and pets beautiful. *Hundreds came,. some exhibiting, oth-. ers to sce the Pets housed in cages and pens ail over the clubhouse f rom stag to basemnent. It. was aoly igé famlynigta *popular night, one of, unquestioned success; one .wbich is, stili the subjcct of village-wide c0in-: ment. But on to the blue ri.bbon winners, for which won what is of paramjount in- ', terest, and by scanining 'the winners of blue ribbons on e c the variety of entries which approximnated 125. It was necessary *to turn late entries away. The officiai iist, the only one avail- able, shows just the blue ribbons given, but more than onea-hunidred prizes were t: presented to Pets winning flot only blue, but. red and yellow ribbons as weil. Capt. Wii Judy, 'a kindly judge, mnade Nlue ribbon awards. as foilows, remaek- ing at the end of lhis tailc,,.<After ail, folks, the dog receiving the bitte nb- bon may be only second in your opin- ion, because of course, you already own the bq dog."' Ail owners oif prize winners. u s otherwisc indicated, are ribbo winnrs intheir cas ui 1. Boston bull terrier, owned by Janet Hollister of 914 Elmwood ave- nue. &2 Wire-haired fox terrier, by W. J. 4.' Yorkshire terrier, by Miss Lor- raine Meister. 15. Irish Setter, 'by Dr. Donald M. Gallie, Jr. 6. Dobermann Pinscher, by George .R.-Bent of Evanston. Blue ribbon dogs in their classes: ,Airedale, owned by. Nancy Hillis; American. bull terrier, by Mrs. -E. M. Hadley, Jr.. of Highland Park; beagle, by George Rodger; black and tan, by B. Rossbcnger; Boston terrier, Janet Hollister Chnur MVRrs rd fly,,,an --Photo-by Raybuff-Richter Mrs. P. W. liurPee,' 129 Dupee place, ss >rejrident: o the WomI an's Aid socdet y of thse Wilmette Parî&h- Methodisçt &bsscoPal churcis which s Sp onsoringgthe <nnflai ouse )?eautifisl Decemnber 6, 7 andl 8. The House Beautif ul under the chairmanshiP of Mrs. Wiliard Thayer, will open Wednesday,, December . 6, and, continute for tbree days. This is one of the outstanding projects of the year and promises to be a gala occa- sion. The comuiunity house where the- A tea& rooni, to be managcd by the First division, wili be open everyr afternoon. Each evening at 6:30, din- ner will. be served by the various divi- sions with Mirs. . Robb Harper as chairman. Varions features to interest pensons of ail ages wiii be,.found. There will be a grab bag and games for the children, as well as continuns moving pictures. Another attraction added, to the pro- As chairman of.tise uways and ineans committee of thse Wolnmn's C" o f Wilmette Mrs. CiiI Io> L. Darling Of 1-538 Highlamnd avenue, lia been actively interested in f un le ring Plans for the annuol evening bridge Party lier committee. is sponsoring Saturday evenisig o! thi., week, at the clubisouse. A trip to the coast, however, necessi. tates Mrs. Darling's departure a fciw hours before the party begins. Witli Mr. Darling she leaves Saturday morn- ing to spend Thanksgiving with his bridge teesuccess ainticipated because of the number of table reservations that have been ncceived. Menibers of the club are urged to, bring thein busbands and guests to the. affair which comn- mences at 8. Assisting Mrs.' Copeland are Mrs. N. P. CoIlwell, Mrs.1 Harding Van Schaack, Mrs. Jamesý Surpless, Mrs. L. E. Asbley, Miss Medora Bright, Mns.. Charles A. Eldridge, Mns. Williami an sfrorn Iz jst wventhl street, frmNoveniber 20 to December 16, inclusive. A reception will be held' Sunday afternoon,. November 26, from 4 untîl 7 o'clock. Patrons and patronesses for the exhibition and reception are Mr. and Mrs. Ro>ber iiMiott,- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HaIsted, Mrs. Walter Delano nurr, Mrs . Walter, Seymour, Miss Alice Grabili, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil B. Day, Dr. and, Mrs. Daniei B. Hayden, Honorable Michael Girten, Baroness Olga von Turk Rhon, Miss. Mary Ryan,- Miss Magda Heucrmnann Twenty-five. paintings by Miss, MacGowan, who is associate art -pro- fessor at Northwestern university and vice-president of the Chicago society of Artists, will be on exhibit. The.ytae: Casteilo, Piraeus; Athen s, the White City; ýLycabettos, Athens; Museumi of Athens; Athene's Olive Tree;.On the Road to Tatoi; Mon- astery at Daphne; Along t he.Sacred Way;, Palamidi, Nauplion; Century Plants. Nauption; Peàsants flouses, Nauplion; Constantinople from Scu- tari; Street in Old Stamboul; Maden, Asia Minor; Antirovinthos, ---i Minor; Waier Fr-ont, Seattle- Fog Lifting, Mt. Shuksan;* The Xarows Puizet Sound; Early' Morning, Mt. Raiier; Crystal Lake;, Trees on the Lake Shore; Beverliy Shores.. Bart- iett Addition; Indiana Uirîdscape; sSt. Auqusti.,e's Circles WilI Meet This Finday The four circies of St. Augustines Episcopal church are meeting Friday of this weck for luncheon. TeEs circie wiii be entertained at thehome of Mrs., Robért E., Ricksen, 1006 Michigan. avenue, with- Mrs. C E. Renneckar, Mrs. P. W.- Fuermann, and Mrs'. A. M. Speer the co-host- esses. The meeting starts at,,Ili in the- morning ýaùd luncheon is served at 12,:30' ololck. The Nort heast circie will meet at tehome of Mrs. Hubert Carleton,' 1103 Fores t avenue, forluncheon at 1. Mrs. William E, TenBroeckland Mrs. E. M. Antrini are assisting host- esses. uutn"- as werc bal( Bail- the contests. lubbs ; ice cream i lespie. served dur'i Ro-ceeds from Ro-charity- ot-dogs,» Spoke 10 of the Presbyterian les were church will ineet with Mrs. John C. AlI ' pro- Keanen, 706 Linden avenue, on Tues- to iocal day. afternoon, November 28, at 1 0 dlock. is the first of a series of two Junior subscription dances the. committce is sponsoing as a benefit for the Woîn- an's club. (AddigjuaJ SeciviyNewas on Pàgeg 34, 3?) K 15U, p

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