Friday, November 24, will be Civ da% for the Woman's Catbolic Club Wilmette and will be open -te gues Mrs. Frank J. Oelericb,, chairman the citics. department, bas arrang a fitting program wbich Will be open, with a group of piano' selections1 Peggy Jane Bacbman, a pupil of Sisi Emily ýat Maliinckrodt High schx There will be current events by* mein bers of t1he parliamentary law clas also. reports of tbe standing committi chairmen of thecivics departmient. The speaker of. the" afternoon wi be the Rev. J. W. R. -Maguire, C. S. v president 'of St. Viator's college, BouI bonnais, 1,11. His subject will be "Ca the New Deal Be a Misdeal ?" Path<e Maguire is a noted educator and lectur er, also a teacher of. social' servic affilated with the National Conferenc, of C atholic Charities.'lHe was formerli viepeient of the State Confcrenc en Public Welfare. At the outbreak oe the Wôrld war he offered bis service5 and was sent to France as a cbaplaii W at btbe American Expeditionar3 forces and' remained there until afteî the close of the war. Upon bis return he served on tbe Committee of Unem- ploymeint, baving been appointed by the late President Woodrow Wilson. His splendid work in this capacity gained for bini the recognition of the Ameni- can Federation of Labor. In the interest of labor be bas appeared before legis- lative assemblies. He is a radio lecturer over station WCFL. His work at St. Viator's college is academîc research and, socioiogy Assisting Mrs. Oelericb are tbe fol- lowing members: Mrs. W. A. Clohisy, MfTs. Henry Dalton, Mrs. Charles T. Huber, Mrs. P. J. Kirvvan, Mrs. Rus- sell Flood, and M rs. Louis H. Reicb. A package and canned gootis shower > is pla nned for tbis meeting and members are urge4 by Mes. Artbur -Boylston, philantbropy cbairman, to -bring some- thing for tbe Tlianksgivinig baskets. ýHostesses during tbe sociai hour include Mrs. Warren Clobisy, Mrs. E. A. Cassin andi Mrs. Charles Rogers. are menibers of the ýe the program for the ,tonight (Tbursday) >r auxiliary of the of Wilrnette. Lea D. TaylIor, daughter of Gra- d harn Taylor, lounder ofthe J-Joi&re sof Con,»ons, cones to the Neigh.. S bors of Ke;nilwzvorti Tuesday af 1er-. noIrn, November 28, at 2:30 o'clock, to bring the Chicago Comimons before its imenbers and guests, in a talk zîhich shte caIls, "The, Chi- cago Contmons, Its Pro ble,»: of Unemploppnent and the Newze Lei- sure. She Wîll tell of neighiborhood condi- tions iniber settlement district,. oi life in a ueighborbood mucb of which bas been unemploy'ed silice 1928, a large Portion of whose families have been on relief. Doing more ihtensely wbat it has done for forty years-providing for the many families of the neigbborbood op- portunity for educational and social and recreational development and for the fellowsbip wbiclî. keeps one a, partof community life, in spite of dependency economnically-is the work of the Chi- cago House of Commons. This work is the work wbich Newton D. Baker, bead of the organization for the Mob- ilization of Human Neetis, says is s0 greatiy needed to "help *nake . life ber 23, at th Following a Mrs. Sidney reading. club are asked to reserve this datc The club is giving this party to raisi mohey to complete the funds nleces, sary for its budget this yea r. This is theonfly money-making ai. fair ýgiven by the 'club during th( year- and it is boped that ail memberf will do their 'utmost to make ita success. Mrs. Charles Allen, -192A Greenwood avenue, is in carge of the affair. Tickets, ma-y be secured through AMrs., Allen.. On December 12, the. Children's play wilI be given for the regular club mneeting. The first rehearsal, for the children was beld, Saturday, Novem- ber_18, at the home of. Mrs. J.. D. Kinnear, 2247 Chestnut avenue. The. floing cbildren wjll take part: Edith and Charles Allen, Louise, Borreson, Eugenia a hrh Btyand Patty Crawtord, Edward Devlin' Mary Lou,' John# and William Hughes, Shirley- Anne and Roger Jobnson, Kenneth Kinnear, Lobise Mennnik, Jack andi Dick Q'nevn Frank Stecker, Conrad Scberzer, ,anid Allan Thompson. The next rehearsal is called for. Saturday, November 2.5, :at 10 o'clock. SewngDecember, I to Aid Woman's Sheltea The Chicago Woman's Shelter wilI benefit from the sewing to the done on Fniday, December 1, at tbe Wom- an's Club. of Wîlmette, Ail wonîen of thie village are invited to partici- pate in the sewing, which is held un- der . the auspices of tbe philantbropy department of the club. The speaker for tbe day is to be Mrs. Christine M. Kuppinger. Mrs. Walter- J. Gougb is sewing chairman. Lunch- eon will be serveti at noon, with M &rs. Hubert Holdoway tbe chairman. A free Protestant homÙe .for -stra'nd- ed womnen andi children is the Chicaý- go Womnan's Shelter. It is* located at 1514-18 West Adamis street, andi is open day and night. During the past year 550 fainilies and i RiWle wni- tbb v rs. J- N- Woollett, 99 Indian Hill lm- road, Winnetka' eftentained the Hill )se. Road circle at its regular montbly ting meeting and tea Monday. Sewing for el a the Chicago Visiting Nurse association was .com 1peted, The International Relations, Study group of the Wilmette League of e Womien Voters is meeting with Mrs. * Frank Church ai 2 o'clock on1F * of this week. ,"'Under tbe a1ble 6 ership of Mrs. Lawrence- Colffff ,f Wininetka," it, is announ.ced, :'tbis 1group of some fiftteen wonien is glad to welcome othe rs interested, in a subJect of. sucb great importance just atý this time. "Througb the cooperation of Miss Ann' Whitmack, Mrs. G. T. Helmuth has placed. on the shelves. of the Publi c library, literature that will be enlightening and belpiful along these Unes of 'study as. well as for the otlier league study groups to be 'Con-. ducted itbroughout the winter. "The. Illinois Voter's, handbook ,i.' used in the schools, 'Legal and Prac-ý tical Problems,' 'Regulation of pub- lic Utilities,' 'Our Wants, and How They Are Satisfied,' ' of ýGov- e..rnmenit, 'Introduction to Study of tbe Tarif,' 'Federal Aid,' 'Ecoomic- Causes of War,' and'The League of. Nations,', are' some of t .le things to* he had for the asking. 'Mrs. John Clark Baker urges league members Ï0o interest their friends in this inter- Women Voters Welcome Inter- ested Persons to Class on Inter- D., B. E. Will Se Wa*ter Colot Displqy .Mrs. Robert Skilliter Smith, 324 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, will have. the meeting of the Cambridge cha p- ter of the Daugbters of the British Empire this afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock. There will be an haîf hour business session at whicb a report of the ba-ý zaar held lait week in the Congress hotel, for the' British -Old Peopfle's Home, will be-given. This will be followed by a social hour. Members are invited to bring their friends to see a display of hafldpainted china and water colons which will be on *vew. The regent, Mrs. Thomas H., West, wiJl preside at the meeting. Garden, Club P ro grain ceniber 6. Canned goods of ail inds, vegetables, fruits, staples,,.are 'don ated by members on that day for Christ- mas distribution among.those in need. Memnbers are réquested to keep the date, in mnd and. be ready téo make thelir gifts .upoh1 that occasion.