will meet Id Schut The ve vY Mi 21 I * ~ - Afrs. Frank J. Ocicrich,'o1 1201 Gree'nwltood avenue, civics cihair- >ap of the Woinant'i Catholic Cluib !(4 Wilme t/e, >is im charge of thc club pro.grami Friday afternoon of hiýs ,wxek. which is open to guests. .Çhe lias arranqed to h«z'e. as speak.- er, thte Rev. J. W. R. Mlaquire. c.,r',president of St. J'iato's co e whose taIk ?nh bc oi t1he Mrs. R. DeGolyer Heads 1.Women's College Board Mrs. Robert DeGolyer of Evans- tin, formerly of Winnetka, following the decisi1on reached last week to Continue the activities of the Woin- representing, ciuring A C eftury of Progress, eighteen of the accredited women's colleges throughout the country, will bc a clearing bouse for comparative information and statis- tiics on the group of* educzation al iný stitutions' it serves. its f unctions will,, in* ail probability, be- carried on front headquarters in the loop. Mrs. DeGolyer is a graduate of Goucher college. The other officers are: Mrs. Tom P. Cross of Chicago, a graduate of Randolph-Macon, sec- TA N K SG1V1 NO The Feast of the Year volunteer qcharman; 'Mi jetnks, social chairman;1 Sanders in charge of coni The new officers will the first of january. (Additowd Club A on Pages 36, ý37 itributions. be installed Nqionaelly Kroreaj INC. for Correct Table Arrangemuents 707 Churc Street,. Evnstoni M