Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1933, p. 42

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cago, North Shore and Milwaukee CThrough R.Bl aialnag railroad at a public hearing held in Thog J .Bachl, aae i the Village hall last Friday evig for the receiver of the railroada by which the village is. to give th' description of the gates. and their railroad permission to install auto- opération was presented. They are' matie gates at its -crossings at Wil- designed, it was stated, opoier mette and Central avenues, displacing laiiy aeyadmnmm r the ianallyconrolld gtes inù straint upon crossing..traffic. They opeiratioln. According to the under- are, itwsaddtevr lts e standing reached,. installation of thevlom tinheesfydece., p." automatic gates at.,the Lake avenue -hIaemml ossto orl)ds u crossing is to beý deferred until suchtaswih wnggarshtwilfl lieas-thqse at the two octher cross- ,cover -the entire *width of the -street., M1111 FRENDE, -A.N.D -HEilk ings have demonstrated their super- with: auxiliary arms to reachi acros G NIý~- iority over the, older. models. Thle the Isidewalks. -These arms* over the railroad had asked permission to in-,oawys1llb1dliael ivtd staî th gaes t te treecrosinso 0that, should ail automobile hit'the stal te aie a th treecessigsgate armf it will swing freely put of 1I4ELD r4 at te sae tiie.the -waywithout breaking,, and returu .P.L.3Id-1 KTf / SnmiI roup At..d.slowly to the originaàl posiion after 'QP Onl1Y a. kw citizens attended the the automnobileclears, Thé gaies will hearing. A small group of residents be-nrle ythe. opération of 4-~ of Lake avenue, in close proximity to tra'ins over track circuits, ini the saine - the tracks,. was present and aggress-manradwtsiireqpetI ively voiced opposition to the. installa- to that ini general use by steai rail- tio n at that croQssing. Among these roads in, signal practice. were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stidger, 1236 Empliasis was. placed upon that Lake avenue; Mr. and .Mrs. 'Williamn provisin of thte gates which shows A. Rithardsoi%, 1233, Lake avenue, and a red danger signal to the approach- i 4.OPIU Mrs., George E. Walk, 1240 Lakeinmoota utlhegesref- avenue. A. C. Thompson, 1115 For- 13- down, when the red changesý to a est avenue, also took part in- the dis- green or "go" light. Under his'strict cussion, although flot definitely op- instructions the motorman nmust àp- posing the change.'poc uhn e ina ne - The' carîooni1si S i'nPressions of the. charit 'Pet Sýhow held last Èriday Most of the opinions expressed tr' 0lemy tpbfr echin g a he Womau1e's cu uer auspicesof thee Juior a.uxlayo h lb wereto he efec tht th chngethe signal, The effect will be, it was woud dstub te uieudeof hestated, to reduce the turne necessarv Mrs. Homer T. VoweiI vicinity becatse of the warning gong to close the crossing to 1 vehicular, elh et to be used, and that this would tend traffic. Takes Linden Tea Room H atzC ne to depreciate property values. It was Explaim Op>eatiOn Mrs. I-omer T, Vowell, ChicagolANews contended that the present gates have The operation of closing, it was ex- restauranteur for 15 years, has taken been entirely satîsfact.ory fronm the plained, wiil begi with the flash of the Linden Tea r-ooni at 413 Linden standpoint of protection, it being. Signal lig1ts on' the gate, arms, and avenue and is nlow operatirig that lh'lïifant Welfare clùdic will meet pointed out that there bias neyer been the ringing of a bell three or four sec- l)opular eating establishment. Mrs. on WVednesday, December 13, ironi 2 a serious accident at Ihat crossing. ends before the arus begins to lo- Vowell lias secuired the services of a 0, clock uintil 4., Mr, Richardson explained that on' er. The arms on1 the tra ffic side, cook wvho was formerly associated The chest clinic, which is support- fog ilis hn o iiblt earest. the track upon which a train withi the St. Clair hiotel ini Chicago.. ed .1) the Chicago Tuberculosis 'n. prevaîled, the gateman made a prac-- i pproaching, wilI lower first, fol-AMl foods and pastries will be home .31tadisi hreofD.Jlu tie fsonin hegogan he owed in five to.seveni seconds by the. cooked, Mrs. \.owell anniounces.N\ovak-:of- the Chicago T'uberceuloýis going to the center of the street to arms. on teopst sd.We warn aproachinig traffic., He related teopstsi. VeIsittilbecduted on Mon- thtle a euimn ccdnsgates. are fully down the. bell will 'Mrs. Jud.son Large, 1942 Thorn-. day, I)eceniher 18.. Thjs ciici averted in this manner. caernig u h lahn ilt odaeue sgvn rde oielv,:suppt)rted, by the sale of the Will contine. As the gates lower' luncheon today. pennly Christnias seal, which will be. J. E. Worthen, 314 Greenleaf ave- into position the red lights set against- distributed throughout Wilmette, bc- nlue, asked as to the heiglit froni the the approaching train will turn to uie ntonally known traffic and ginning onl rhanksgiving Day. ground of the arns extending acroso gre en, indicating that the gates are safet nineradcara fWl h oadsho etlci the sidewalk, having iniind, hie said, fully closed. After the crossing has mette Safety and Traffic counicil, gave mneets ever'y Thursday. mlorning' fromi the danger of children on roller been cleared by the train the gates ni intretigtalk o the rblen 9 O'ciOck. until12. skates coasting beneath theni. When rise rapidly. o afeesuprovason,'asero emst TeHelhCetrdetlcln infornied that these arms are less Tmere is one exception to this gen- o afe ,the prvitsio:aetgt at Th ietFolTea entr ntal crin&m9 than two and one-haif feet froin the eral operation, it was said, and that is a greaoonte aetofMoue- 7s2. Tesa orig fo ground, Mr. hote-exrse is rlates to northbounld trains at the raitinnthep tfmo 7. he 55wVoicl aagre ohorlngteduite ge, sisting chairman of the 'uctintalaioneein han e rniln nteefesateopr h oud geet 'oli pthe1,aa he proceeds will benefit the othr istalatonanyher, i th aionwil flt h ncesary AI te Lake avenue installation. The mro- new St. Joseph's parish school. Village would withdraw opposition to working mechanismn of the gates, it tion was. carried. Withdrawal of the its application for permission EIQw was stated, are enclosed and securely objections before the, Illinois Com- Mn. and Mrs. Herbert LundaÉl, 224 pendîng before the Illinois Commerce protected from the weather, elimin- merce commission will, it is indicated, Raleigli road, Keniwthrtnd commission, andsoon to be> decided. ating danger froni snow and sleet. fllow the oilicial action of the Vil- lat w*eekfrom a week's visit to Ex.- But if the railroad, were forced to E.. McIlr;aith, .1127, Cbestnut ave-, lAge board in granting the. permit. 'esir prng,1o

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