Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1933, p. 50

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Modern Style. Fine tofle. VerY reasonable Winnetkai 1865. 129L29-ltp DINING ROOM SET CONSISTINOG OF table, 7 chairs, pads, and tea caft. $25 PhneKenilworth 3512. 12OLTN29-ltc ESTATE L IQUIDATION One of Evanston's truly fine and centrally iocated homes offered for sale or exchange for smaiier proprty-resldential or Iincome. A stately English typýè home on aimost an acre of beau- tifully landscaped ground. Tht floor - liviing rm., music r. iibrary, dining and breéakfast. rm. 2nd fioor-56 master bed- rmis., 4, baths. 3rd fioor-bach- eior's suite, and Servants' quar- ters. Garage for 3 cars. Property Io clear. Complete de- * tallas Upplied on request. Mr. Landaker, BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 522 Da vis St., Evanston GJreenleaf 1855 HolYcoiirt 1855 128LTN29-ltc 130 WTD. TO DUY---HSEH@Lb. IGOOOB WANTED TO BUY. OLD BUREAU, ODD CHAIR, SMALL table, reasonabie. Phone Wllmette' 1174. 130LTN29-2tc 131 FOR SALE-MISCELLANKouS KINDERGARTEN TABLE AND 4 chairs. Buddy L toys. Smail veloci- pede. Child's crib, mattrees, and dress- inEr table. Ail In good conditon. Wi nnetlca 1948. 131t29-îtp FOR BALE-1!ILECTRIC TRA INS AND accessorleft-Jngood condition, Worth, $100. Excellent Xnias gift. Very reas. Phone Kenilworth '2767. 131LTN29-lte 134 MWISCELLANEOIJS Hudson's Bay Blankets AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT, W1AT couid be more suitable for the home or for the, outdoor man than a genuine Hudson's Bay IPint'e' BIhrnket. jPro- curable through us at' lowest prices. For prices and literature write Lyons & Lomneth, Box 244, Sault Ste. Marie,- Mch. 134LTN29-4tp ALADDIN OIR BURNER 25.00 .25.00 50:00 100.00 25.00 100m,0 100.00 100.00 2a1.00 100.00 50.00 FO.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 .50.00, 25.00 25«00 50.00 5.00 56.00 5.00 5.00 5.*00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 .00 5.00 5.00 5'.00i sà43 9944 9948 9949 9950 9951 9962 9953 9904 9965 9956 9e57. 9958 9959 is960 9961 9962 9m3 9964 9966 9967 9968 9969 P970. e971 9972 9974 q975 b .00 50.00 100.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 1 5.00 1, 5.001 5.00 10.00I 10 i.00 '5 10.00 6 10.00 7 100.00 - &500 105.00 13 10.00 3 1.00 6 25.00 3 10.00 7 50.00 8 500 9 5.:00 1, 10.00 2 10.00, * 1.00 4 1.00 105.00 1.00 1.00 i 10.00 10.00 10.00 5 1.00 1 5.00 2 5.00' 2 '5,00. 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 25.00 2500 1.00 1.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 2.00 25.00 25.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10294 10295 10 297 10299 10300 10301 10302 10303 10304 10305 10306 10307 10308 10309 10311 10312 10315 10317 10318 10319 '10320 10321 10322 10323 10330 10331 10332 10335 10336 10337 10338 10339 10340 10341 10343 10344 10345 10347 10348 10349 5.00> WATER MAlIN 10.00 10ec 10.00 NOTICE 'TO CONTRACTORS 10).ù0 Sealed proposais endorsed *'Pr0posals; 10.00 for Construction of Water Main" wili, 10.00 be received by the Village Clerk for 10.00 the President and. Board of Trustéee. 10ô.00 of thie Village of Wilmnette, Illinois, ln 10.00 the Village Hall. until 8 o'ciock P. M. 10.00 on thie StA day 0f .Decembêe, A. D. 1933, 10.00 and wiii then be pubiiciy opened -an.d 5.00 read. 10.00 Thie work for which proposais wiii be 10.00 received w.111, be paid for soiely An 'cash. ZSIi0 only as and when received trom a. ban. 25.00 and grant ýfrom' tAe Federal Emergency. 5.00 Administration of Public Wo6rks. 10.00 Thie work consiste of furnishing and 10.00 constructing a 24-inch wator main alongr 10.00) Lake Avenue, from the municipal 10.00 waterworks at Lake Avenue. and Michi- 25).00 gan.Avenue to the Intersection. 0f Ridge 10.00 Avenue and- Lake. Avenue, alin. thé> 10.00o Village of Wilmette, and Includes, ex- 10.00 eavating, backfilling, gate -valves, spe-_ 10.00 cial f -ittings, connections to existing, 50.00 mains, and ail appurtenances, as speci- 50.00 ied and as shown on plans. 10.00 Each. proposai, shahl contain the ful lîo.oo namne of every person or companiy In- 50.(00 terested In same and shall be accomf- 10.00 pan led by cash or. check made payable '25.00 o t te Village of Wilmette and certifed .00 Oby a responsible ban* 4oing business in 10.00 thie State of Illinois,' An an amount not 25.00 less than ten (10) per cent of thie total .5.0bld. SucAi sum s a guarantee that If so0.oo a proposaila accepted a contract wili. 100.00) be entered into and its performance 25.00 secured. 25.00 Ail proposais shahl be made on :blank 50.00 formas furnished by thie Village of Wil- 50.00 mette and An accordance with thie "In- .o(o structions to Bidders" attached thereto. 1 .()o The Board of Trustees of thie Village 10.ý00 of Wjlmette reserves thie right to reject 10.00o any or ail bida, to waive or flot to ~2.0waive any. informalities An the bida me- 25.00 ceived, and to accept the bld which il. 50.00 deems most favorable to the Village or 25.00 The Board of Trustees of the 'Village .25:0() of Wilmette further reserves the riglit 10 b: o omit -certain itemns or portions of 10.00 items a t a deem necessary and 10.00 to increase the 'total aniount 'of wor-k 1o.OC on any or ail- items. 25.009. Decision on the acceptance or rejec-_ 10.00 tion of thie various. proposais aubmitted -10.04 wiIl be made as soon as practicable- io.0o after bids are received, but the right 1000. is reserved by the Board of Trustees to 10:00 defer action on awarding a contract foi- .50:00 thirty (30) days. 10.00 . Wage rates to be paid -on -this con- .10.00 tract shall be, as prescribed by the Spe- 10.00 clal Board for Public Works 'of the, 25.'00 Federal Emnergency Administration, and 25.00 the successful bidder wii'l be required '.0to comply wlth all the provisions and 10.00 requirements of thie Federal Emergency p.qAmnsrto of Publie Works" and I WLMrITE32 UNVU8TY 7317 Rot i&oô. sO.00 5.00 5,00 10404 10r405 10406 5.00 . 2-t 50.00 . loo Mrs. A. R. Peterseiréf 227lRaleigh 50.00 road, Kenilworth', entertained nine- 10.00 5.oo shower Friday in honor of. Mrs. 0.00 August Daro's twins, Kari Meyer and, 10.00 Sylvia Lee Daro., Mrs. Daro was 5.0 Clara Megowen. 1 !ý!f!

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